Accounting Research Papers/Topics

Analysing the Impact of Funding Gap on Financial Perfomance of Smes: A Case Study of Best Bake Foods (pvt) ltd.

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to analyse the impact of funding gap on financial performance of SMEs in Zimbabwe focusing on Best Bake Foods (Pvt) Ltd as a case study within a period 2013-2015. The study was motivated by the deterioration of service provision, failure to pay outstanding bills and failing to maximise potential capacity which was caused by the funding gap. This has negatively impacted on the financial performance of the entity as shown in its financial statements. Th...

N Investigation Into The Management Of Assets: The Case Of Ministry Of Media, Information And Publicity

ABSTRACT Asset management is an area that is increasingly neglected by most central governments, the research investigates into the management of assets. The research was aimed at investigating the causes of poor asset management and to find ways of improving the management of assets. The quantitative descriptive case study was used as a methodology of research .The Ministry of Media, Information and Publicity was the targeted participant in this study. The collection of primary data was don...

Investigation on the factors leading to abnormal shrinkage percentages at branch especially Bon Marche and company level.

ABSTRACT The research study sought to investigate on the factors leading to abnormal shrinkage percentages at branch and company level. A significant rise in the shrinkage percentages of OK Zimbabwe Limited especially the Bon Marche branches led to the initiation of the study. The main research objectives were to examine the drivers of shrinkage and to come up with strategies that may be employed to manage abnormal shrinkages. Accredited scholars and journals were used to gain explicit under...

Problems Associated With The Use Of Ict As Media In Teaching Of Principles Of Accounts At Ordinary Level In Buhera Central In Mudanda Cluster

ABSTRACT  This study focused on the problems associated with the use of ICT as teaching media in Principles of Accounts at Ordinary Level in Buhera Central Mudanda Cluster. The study was motivated by the need to improve the need to improve use of ICT as media. The problem was that Principles of Accounts teachers’ were not fully integrating technology as media in teaching at Ordinary Level. The study therefore looked at the uses of technology and challenges faced by teachers in using techno...

The effect of national economic policy inconsistencies on the general citizens in Harare Central Business District and the economy of Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT  A number of national economic policy inconsistencies have occurred in Zimbabwe since the year 2010. This study was carried out to assess the effect of national economic policy deficiencies on the standard of living of ordinary citizens in Harare Central Business District and the economy of Zimbabwe. The researcher applied the pragmatism philosophy and mixed methods approach whereby a combination of qualitative and quantitative data was collected using questionnaires and interviews....

An Investigation on The Effects of Financial Management Practices on Firm’s Financial Performance (A Case Study of Zimbabwe Power Company).

ABSTRACT The study focused on the effects of financial management practices on the firm’s financial performance. This study was motivated by the decline in the profitability of the organisation despite the company making effort to implement cost cutting measures. As a result, the study investigated the effect of current practices in the areas of working capital management, noncurrent assets management and investment practices. The study made use of descriptive research design as to allow q...

An Investigation Of The Nature And Extent Of Record Keeping By Micro Financiers In Zimbabwe: A Case Of Kci Management Consultants

Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and extent of record keeping in microfinance institutions and its effects to their sustainability. The research was influenced by underperformance of microfinance industry as 60% of the industry were not operating profitably while 30 institutions were reportedly shut down operations in 2017. The main objective of this study was to identify the nature of record keeping by microfinance institutions. To achieve the objectives of t...

An Investigation on The Impact of Restructuring on Organizational Performance.

ABSTRACT Turbulent working environment, increased costs, poor revenue generation and low shareholder wealth, resulted in many organizations ceasing their operation. It is against this background that management of TelOne (Pvt) Ltd decided to restructure the company. For the period 2015 to 2017, the performance of the company was quite low despite its adjustments to governance structure, organizational configuration and strategic reorientation. Most of these strategies could not work as emplo...

An Investigation on The Relationship Between Tax Amnesty And Tax Compliance. A Case Study Manicaland Sme’s.

ABSTRACT Zimbabwe introduced its first tax amnesty provision in October 2014 with the objective of cultivating a culture of voluntary compliance and widen the tax base. However such a provision has caused a decline in tax compliance levels of NMC clients despite the fact that the main objective was to improve taxpayer compliance. As a result, it was the objective of this study to investigate on the relationship between tax amnesty and tax compliance of SMEs in the Manicaland province. Mixed ...

Analysing The Funding Policy of a Professional Academic Institution. Case of icsaz

ABSTRACT The core aim of the study was to analyse the funding policy of ICSAZ. The research has been carried out against the background of financial constraints, widening funding gap and decrease in revenue which led to decreasing profits and failure to raise required capital for desired capital projects. The research used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. To collect data from respondents the researcher used questionnaires and interviews. This was facilitated principally wi...

Impact of Revenue Generating Systems And Performance in Local Authorities in Zimbabwe. A Case of Chiredzi Town Council.

ABSTRACT Revenue generation is the nucleus and bedrock for sound local authority sustainability. Thus this research examines the impact of income generating systems and performance at Chiredzi Town council. This is because local authorities as the third tier of government and closest to the people need revenue to provide basic social services to the citizens. However it is unfortunate that Chiredzi Town Council is failing to generate the much needed revenue despite the fact that the local au...

An Investigation On Presumptive Tax Non-Compliance Amongst Zimbabwe Smes-A Case Study Of Motor Trade Industry (2011-2014)

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate presumptive tax non-compliance among SMEs operators in the Motor Industry. Since the introduction of the presumptive tax in Zimbabwe in 2005, as a means of bringing the informal sector into the tax net, there has been slow progress in achieving compliance especially in the Motor Industry. The existence of the presumptive taxation framework and the accompanying guidelines have been explored and investigated within the Motor trade sector an...

The Effects of Non Performing Loans on Commercial Banks in Zimbabwe: A Case of Bancabc.

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effects of Non Performing Loans on commercial banks Zimbabwe examining a case of BancABC. A background of a continuously rising trend in the bank’s Non Performing Loans has been has been a major cause for concern an questions have been raised as to whether or not the causes are known. In order to achieve this objective the research reviewed and consulted literature from several authorities to access in-depth knowledge of the researc...

An Investigation of Safety, Health And Environment (she) Programmes Costs to The Performance of unki mine’

ABSTRACT The study is on investigation of SHE programmes costs to the performance of Unki Mine. The problem was that the firm experienced decreases in profits and major finding was that there were no blue prints for cost cutting strategies implementation resulting in continuous increase in costs since the introduction of SHE programmes to the firm in 1995 and decrease of income and profits due to the changes in the market. Literature review was carried out in an attempt to explore on what au...

Investigation Into Impact Of Cost Reduction Techniques As Measure Of Increasing Survival: Case Of Snv Netherlands Development Organisation

ABSTRACT The research sought to investigate the impact of cost reduction techniques as a measure of increasing the chances of survival: A case of SNV Netherlands development organisation. The funding for SNV from the Dutch government was reduced due to the general cuts in the Dutch government. Therefore this bought the need for the organisation to reduce costs in order to survive in the short run .Literature was reviewed being guided by the objectives .Other authors reviews on cost reduction...

301 - 315 Of 1735 Results