Accounting Research Papers/Topics


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .......... ... ................................................................................... .................................. iAPPROVAL. .................................................................. ...... ....... ..... ................................................. iiDEDICATION ....... ............................................................................................ ............................. .... iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....... ............

Importance of Cost Volume Profit Analysis in Manufacturing Company (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company, Ilorin)

PROPOSALIntroduction Cost volume profit analysis is a systematic method of examining the relationship between changes in volume [ i.e xutput] and  changes in total sales revenue expense and net profit as a model of these relationships cost volume profit analysis simplifies  the real word condition that a firm will face like model which are abstraction from reality. Cost volume profit analysis is subjected to a number of underlying assumption and limitation.Profit is the important measure o...


TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1l.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY ......................................................... 21.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ................................................ .41.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ..................................................... 51.4 RESEARCH QUESTION ............................................................. 51.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY .........................

Internal Control Systems and Performance in Public Institutions: A Case Study of Maseno University, A Public Institution in Kenya

ABSTRACT Public institutions in many parts of the world have poor performance compared to private institutions. The poor performance can be attributed to financial management practices. Sound financial management practices require the institution of strong internal control systems in an organization. However, there are limited empirical research findings in developing countries regarding the relationship between internal control systems and organizational performance. The main objectives of ...

Impact of Internet Banking On Profitability of Commercial Banks in Nigeria: A Study Of Zenith Bank Plc (2005-2017)

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at ascertaining the impact of internet banking services expenditure on the profitability of commercial banks in Nigeria; with the focus on Zenith Bank Plc. Internet technology holds the potential to fundamentally change banks and the banking industry. Its objective is to examine the relationship between mobile banking service expenditure and the profitability of Zenith bank plc.It helps to know whether or not there is a significant relationship between mobile bank...

Appraisal of Accounting System in The Public Sector (A Study of Board of Internal Revenue of Enugu State)

ABSTRACT This research aims at providing an insight of the accounting system in the public sector, a study of Board of Internal Revenue of Enugu state. The purpose of this research is to examine the Board whether it is efficient and effective. The method employed for data collection in this study is survey method which include: questionnaires direct interview and the methodology used to determining the sample size is sample percentage. The statistics were employed to analyze method employed f...

Adoption and Implementation of Balanced Scorecard in Ghana: The Case of Selected Banks in Ghana

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine adoption and implementation of balanced (BSC) scorecard at corporate level within Ghana‘s banking sector. The study specifically examined the motivations for implementing BSC, the extent to which the BSC are balanced in the selected entities in terms of the four perspectives and the dimensions of the BSC usage to selected entities. The study employed the constructivism philosophical framework to knowledge creation. Following from above, the study emplo...

Impact of International Financial Reporting Standard on the Quality of Financial Statements (A Case Study of First Bank Plc)

ABSTRACT IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard) was used by few banking sector and as at 2012, it gained full ground in the banking sector of Nigeria. However, before its acceptance, Nigeria General Accepted Accounting Practice (N GAAP) was in the country. Its internationally acceptance advantage caused several banking firms to change. This study investigated the impact of IFRS adoption on earnings management of non-financial quoted companies in Nigeria. I used a sample of 50 non...

Cost Accounting Models as Tools for Managerial Decision Making (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Ilorin)

INTRODUCTION1.1   BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The accounting system is the major quantitative information acquired in almost every organisation and it, therefore, provide information for three broad purposes namely: internal reporting to managers for use, in planning and controlling routine operation and non-routine operations. Formulation of major plans and policies and finally external reporting to the stockholder, government, debenture holder and other outsides parties.          The man...

Critical Evaluation Of Accounting in a System in Non Profit Making Organization (A Case Study of Kwara State Water Cooperation Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Pages Certification Dedication Acknowgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1      Background of the study 1.2      Statement of the problem 1.3      Objectives of the study 1.4      Significance of the study 1.5      Scope and limited of the study 1.6      Defination of terms   CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1      Accounting information report 2.2      Objective of an enterprises 2.3      Conflicting objec...

Cost Control and Reduction Techniques in a Public Sector (A Case Study of Kwara State Property Development Cooperation)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page                                                                                              i Certification                                                                                           ii Dedication                                    �...

The Impact of Cost Control on Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria (A Case Study of Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents 1.0     CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1      Introduction 1.2      Statement of the problem 1.3      Objective of the study 1.4      Significance of the study 1.5      Research Question 1.6      Scope of the study 1.7      Limitation of the study 1.8      Plan of the study 1.9      Definition of terms 2.0     CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ...

Liquidity and Profitability Management in Commercial Banks (A Case Study of Union Bank Plc, Ilorin, Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents 1.0   CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.0    Introduction 1.2    Statement of the problem 1.3    Objective of the study 1.4    Scope of the study and limitation 1.5    Significance of the study 1.6    Plan of the study 1.7    Definition of terms 1.8    Research Methodology 2.0   CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1    Historical overview of commercial bank 2.2   ...

The Importance of Cost Accounting

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pages Certification Dedication Acknowledgements Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0      Introduction 1.1.    Background of the Study 1.2.    Problem of the study 1.3.    Aims and Objectives of the study 1.4.    Plan of the Study 1.5.    Organization of the study 1.6.    Significance of the study CHAPTER TWO 2.0      Literature Review 2.1    Cost Accounting Definition 2.2    Development of Costing Accounting 2.3    The S...

The Impact of Insurance Companies to Economic Development in Nigeria (A Case Study of Standard Alliance Insurance Company Plc)

ABSTRACT This study is aim at critically examine the impact of Insurance Companies to economic development in Nigeria. It was discovered that insurance companies provided meaningful contributions to economic development. We can say that insurance company indemnity their client when a problem in ascertained. Also, the insurance company provides assistance to the entrepreneur when the problem is happen. Finally, an insurance company contributes greatly to the development of the nation by p...

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