Accounting Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT Board risk management committee, which is a subset of corporate governance and its effects on financial performance, has been under-researched for a period of time in empirical investigations. In this regard, this study examined the effects of Board risk management committee on financial performance. While Board risk management committee was operationalized using Board size, Board independence and Board meetings, financial performance was depicted by stock returns. Three hypotheses...

The Effects of Financial Innovation on Bank Performance

ABSTRACT This study investigates the effect of financial innovation on bank performance. It furthers examine the impact of NEFT, ATM, POS and WEB on Return on Equity. This study was anchored on innovation diffusion theory and Schumpeter theory of innovation. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design because the data for the study are secondary data which were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, Ex-post facto research method was adopted in this study. The popula...

Treasury Single Account and the Performance of the Selected Ministries Department, and Agencies (Mda’s) in Osun State

ABSTRACT This study examined the treasury single account and the performance of the selected MDAS Osun State. The primary source of data was used and questionnaires administered to selected ministries department and agencies in osun state. The data were analyzed using simple percentage and correlation and regression analysis were used to test the hypothesis and base on the findings the Treasury single account has a positive and significant impact on performance at 5% level of significant we a...

The Literacy Level of Tax Compliance in Osun State

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of the literacy level of tax compliance in osun state. The primary source of data was used and questionnaires administered to taxpayer in Osun State. The data were analyzed using descriptive method of data analysis to test the hypotheses and base on the findings the standard deviation calculated is greater than the mean value (10.95>9} on the 0.05% level of significant we accept the null hypothesis which stated that there is no significant between taxpa...

The Impact of Value for Money Audit on the Expenditure Control of Public Sector.

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study is to examine the impact of value for money audit on the expenditure control of public sector in osun state while the specific objective examine the relationships between value for money audit and expenditure control in public sector Ascertain the extent to which value for money audit affect the effectiveness of capital expenditure in public sector and assess the effect of value for money audit on transparency and accountability of capital expenditur...

The Impact of Stock Market Valuation on the Performance of the Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study is to the impact of stock market valuation  on the performance of the manufacturing sector . To achieve this objective data were obtained from central bank statistical bulletin and coca cola official website from 1980-2020   using  “Multivariate analysis”, assisted by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 in order to test the relationship between them. The data were analyzed using the variables and are summarized and a...

The Impact of Management of Account Receivable and Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firm.

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study is to examine management of account receivable and financial performance of manufacturing firm. To achieve this objective the variables used in this study were summarized and analyzed into various components using. Coefficient of multiple determinations”, assisted by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) in order to test the impact of  account receivable and financial performance of manufacturing firm . Base on the finding we conclude...

The Impact of Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System in Tackling Fund Mismanagement in Nigeria Public Service

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of integrated personnel payroll and information system in tackling fund mis-management in Nigeria public service. Primary source of data was used with questionnaires administered to internal audit department of Corporate affair commission Ogo Oluwa Osogbo and Federal polytechnic Ede Osun State. The data were analyzed using descriptive method of data analysis to test the hypotheses and base on the findings there is no  relationship between the implement...

The Impact of Capital Market on Economic Growth in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study  examine the impact of capital market on economic growth in Nigeria while specific objective examine the impact of foreign capital inflow  on economic growth in Nigeria assess the effect of stock market price on economic growth in Nigeria and Investigate the impact of  price of securities on economic growth in Nigeria. To achieve this objective secondary data were used and were extracted from central bank of statistical bulletin from 2009-2021 and...

The Impact of Auditing in Controlling Fraud and other Financial Irregularities in Commercial Bank in Nigeria (A Case Study of First Bank Plc, Agip Ede Branch Osun State)

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study is to examine the impact of auditing in controlling fraud and other financial irregularities in commercial bank in Nigeria. To   achieve this objective 40 questionnaire were administered to the staff of first bank plc Agip area Ede Osun state 30 were returned while 10 were unreturned .The data were analyzed using simple percentage and standard deviation to test the hypotheses. Base on the finding it was discovered that auditing has helped to contro...

The Effect of Value Added Tax on Economic Growth in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to examine the effect of value added tax on economic development in Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, secondary data were used and. The data generated for this study is adopted from Central Bank statistical bulletin 2018 which covered from 2007-2018. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools and multiple regression equation “multivariate analysis”, assisted by the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version20) in other to ...

The Effect of Treasury Single Account on Performance of Money Deposit Banks (First Bank) in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study is to examine the effect of Treasury Single account on the liquidity of the listed money deposit  To   achieve this The variables used in this study were summarized and analyzed into various components using descriptive statistical tools and multiple regression equation “multivariate analysis”, assisted by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 in order to test the relationship between treasury single account on liquidit...

The Effect of Treasury Single Account and Fraud Prevention in Banking Sector (A Case Study of Wema Bank Plc Ede and Osogbo Osun State)

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study is the effect of treasury single account and fraud prevention in banking sector. To achieve this objective 30 questionnaire were administered to top official staff in Wema Bank Plc Ede and Osogbo Osun State. The data were analyzed using simple percentage and standard deviation to test the hypotheses. Base on the findings, The hypothesis shows that there is no significant relationship between treasury single account and fraud prevention in the banking...

The Effect of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Economy Growth in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study is to the effect of monetary and fiscal policies on the economic growth in Nigeria while the specific objective to examine the effect of interest rate on public debt, assess the relationship between money supply and gross domestic product in Nigeria and to examine the impact of government capital expenditure on gross domestic product in Nigeria. To achieve this objective correlation and Pearson coefficient, assisted by the Statistical Package for Soc...

The Effect of Government Cashless Policy on Corruption in Nigeria

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover i Title                                                           ii Declaration……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………         iv Certification………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………    v Dedication…………………………………………...

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