Banking and Finance Research Papers/Topics

The Administrative Procedure Problems Associated with the Management of Credit

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY         The banking industry has been known for its intermediary role in proving financial assistance (credit) needed in the economy. This role of financial intermediation is carried out in so many ways. First to be mentioned is the granting of loans and advances to customers which constitute the major part of bank lending apart from loans and advances them are other form of bank credit like bond issued by banks for or on behalf of the customers.        ...

Strategy for Improving Workers Morale and Productivity in An Organization (A Case Study Of Isoko North Local Government Area)

ABSTRACT This research work examined the strategies for improving workers morale and productivity in Zion Bread Bakery Industry in Ozoro, Isoko North Local Government Delta State.  I ensure critical study of this research related literatures were reviewed and data collected through the use of questionnaires.  The questionnaire were personally administered and answered by the respondents to ensure effective data collection.  The items of questionnaire were based on the research question an...

Sources of Funds for Small Scale Business. (A Case Study of Nigeria Agricultural Co-Operative and Rural Development Bank)

ABSTRACT The study aims at identifying the operational problems of NACRDB in financially small and medium scale enterprise in Nigeria. In carrying out the study term participating banks in the scheme.         The decision to study the operational problems of NACFDB was prompted by the important role played by the small and medium scale enterprises in the economy such as ours. The questionnaire and interview methods were used to extract information from bank, NACRDB official and Associa...

Saving and Saving Behavior Among Banks Customers

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to examine the saving behaviour of bank customers, their responses to saving. In carrying out the study, review were made on some related works in different libraries here in Delta State as basis of the study with United bank for Africa as our case study. The study circle all about customers behaviour towards saving in chapter one, a brief review on what saving is about and how it came about was also analysed in this word and it was also state that sav...

Procedures and Problems of Setting Up A Small-Scale Business in Nigeria (A Case Study of The Rural Areas)

ABSTRACT This research work looks at the Procedure and Problems of Setting up a Small Scale Business in Nigeria.  This study reveals the numerous contribution of small scale business to our economic growth and political stability. In the first chapter, the topic is introduced with the general background of small scale business in Nigeria also included is the significance of the study, scope, limitation and operational definition of terms. The second chapter goes to discuss the literature rev...

Procedure and problems of Company Income Tax Implementation and Administration in Nigeria using the Federal board of Inland

BACKGROUND OF  THE STUDY The primary function of the government or any modern societies includes offering protection to its citizens. To provide social amenities and create condition for economy well being of the society surely the discharge of this responsibility requires funding, and one of the way by which government generates fund is through taxation. A tax can be defined as all compulsory sum levied by a government and or its accredited either as individual or organization or on goods a...

Problem And Solution Of Bank Lending In Commercial Banks (A Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc Ughelli)

ABSTRACT It is well known phenomenon that some business men that have sound business acumen and entrepreneurial ability do not have the financial resources to carry on their business activities and one avenue open to them for such financial assistance is commercial banks. It is for such persons this work is meant to serve their interest and to brighten their preparedness and responsibility to a request of loan. In an attempt to appraise the difficulties that are faced by the businessmen and ...

Post Consolidation Bank Services and Banker Customer Relationship

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY        In any developing and developed economy, the role of a well structured financial system cannot be over-emphasized. And for a financial system to mobilize and allocate saving of the country successfully and productively and to facilitate day to day transactions there must be a class of financial institutions that the public views as safe and convenient outlets for its savings. In virtually all countries, the single dominate class of institutions that have ...

On the Evaluation of the Impact of Liquidity Management on Deposit Banks Performance in Nigeria

BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY         Liquidity management in financial context means ways with which assets can easily be convertible cash without loss and hence the bank’s ability to pay its depositors on demand (Anyanwu 1993.87).         Liquidity management also means the degree of convertibility to cash, and company must all times maintain a reasonable level of cash and near-cash assets to enable it pay its maturity and unforeseen obligations.         Also, liquidity ma...

Critical analysis of the viability of Commercial Bank Activities in Nigeria

BACK GROUND TO THE STUDY Bank was first introduced by early goldsmith in the olden days, the goldsmith kept the valuable asset of people. They has fortified places where they kept valuable items received from people. Those who deposited their valuable properties with the goldsmith were made to pay some amount to the goldsmith before they could claim their valuable properties.                                                           �...

The Effect Of Computerization On The Development Of Banking Sector

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In today world we are totally living in a computerized world and we have lost the human element. Many companies have transitioned their information totally to computers and software packages that has moved many people out 0f jobs. We are completely dependent on computers and ability to do task on our own has become very limited. Computerization has been a revolution in the banking sector. The advent of computers has enormously increased the banking capabilities of the...


ABSTRACTThis study focuses on the impact of Electronic banking on the payment system in Nigeria.The main  objective   of this  work  is to  identify how  electronic   banking has  impacted  orimproved the payment system in Nigeria and its impact on customer satisfaction. In other toachieve  this, primary data which exist inform of  questionnaire and oral  interviews andsecondary data inform of journals, articles and books were used. Three hypotheses wereformulated   and   an...

Exploring Customers Dissatisfaction and its Impact on Customers Lifetime Loyalty in the Nigerian Banking Sector

Customer satisfaction has emerged as a major area of concern for researchers, theorists and managers in organisations due to its importance. Every organization thus endeavours to ensure customer satisfaction in order to gain the loyalty of their customers. Therefore, the study examined the impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in the Nigerian banking sector. 120 questionnaires were distributed while 110 questionnaires were analyzed. The data was analyzed using statistical packag...


ABSTRACT Customer satisfaction has emerged as a major area of concern for researchers, theorists and managers in organisations due to its importance. Every organization thus endeavours to ensure customer satisfaction in order to gain the loyalty of their customers. Therefore, the study examined the impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in the Nigerian banking sector. 120 questionnaires were distributed while 110 questionnaires were analyzed. The data was analyzed using statistic...

Impact of corporate governance on the financial performance of deposit money banks

CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 Background to the studyIt has become a worldwide dictum that the quality of corporate governance makes animportant difference to the soundness or unsoundness of banks. Thus, effective corporategovernance   practice   incorporates   transparency,   openness,   accurate   reporting   andcompliance with statutory regulations among others. Historically, antecedents indicatethat financial  crisis is  a direct  consequence  of lack of good  corporate go...

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