Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Stakeholder Capacity Development On Project Performance In Nongovernmental Water Projects In Kenya A Case Of Ikutha Water Sanitation And Hygiene Project

ABSTRACT Capacity development is a fundamental part of the mandates of many international organizations. Much of their work aims to strengthen national capacities through training, technical advice, exchange of experiences, research, and policy advice. Yet there is considerable dissatisfaction within the international community regarding the impact of many such interventions. The activities have usually strengthened the skills of individuals, but have not always succeeded in improving the ef...

Information Technology Security Practices And Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Small and medium enterprises are major stakeholders in developing countries economies. In Kenya although SMEs take off on a high note their life span is short. SMEs are more exposed to information security risks, short life and thus poor performance. The general objective of this study was to investigate the on the influence of information technology security practices on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Nairobi County. This research study used a descriptive researc...

Mobile Banking Adoption And Financial Credit Accessibility In Wote Sub – County, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Although the financial system is a vital component of the socio-economic development of any nation, most Kenyans lack access to formal financial credit services. This arises due to the cause of putting up bank branches in the rural areas is deemed not economically viable. Most banks have partnered with Mobile Network Operators to help mitigate this problem by introducing the use of Mobile banking (M-banking) technology in accessing vital banking services such as financial credit. Ho...

Strategy Implementation And Performance Of Projects In Kakamega County Government, Kenya

ABSTRACT Most public sector projects fail to meet expecations of the citizenry, funding agencies or even the government itself due to corruption, bureaucracy, poor monitoring and evaluation capacity, limited action on feedback and poor project design framework. Sometimes projects fail because they are badly conceptualized, planned designed, implemented and managed. At the centre of project success or failure is strategic management. If the strategy involved in the project cycle and decision m...

Impact Of Entrepreneurial Training On Performance Of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises In Nakuru County.

ABSTRACT Business enterprises are regarded as engines of economic development in many nations of the world. Many of these enterprises are faced with a myriad of problems especially in their initial stages, key among them, insufficient business and management skills. In this study, enterprises were categorized as micro, small and medium. Entrepreneurial training enables enterprise operators adopt better management practices such as profit retention, good customer relations, timely loan repayme...

Strategic Change Management Practices And Performance Of Kenya Medical Supplies Authority In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya Medical Supplies Authority performance is undergoing strategic change management in its operations. Some of these changes include automating its systems, creation of a self-sustaining supply model, providing market and demand driven medical supplies, and getting autonomy from ministry of health in relations to procurement of medical supplies, and distribution of medical supplies. Despite the advantages of the changes being implemented, Kenya Medical Supplies Authority perf...

Effects Of Promotional Activities On The Market Share Of Broadcast And Pay Television Industry In Kenya: A Case Of Multichoice Africa

ABSTRACT A company's sales quantities are important in the overall profit of the company due to the possibility of increased revenues from the unit profit margins of every product sold. Therefore, there is need for companies to promote their sales and capture a large market share in order to sustain and grow the profits. The main objective of the study was to determine the effects of promotional activities on the market share of broadcast and pay television industry with a focus on Multichoic...

Labour Productivity And Performance Of Building Projects In Nairobi County, Kenya Kuruga Francis Ndegwa.

ABSTRACT Labour productivity is a key measure of efficiency in production process especially those that are labour intensive. An improvement in labour productivity is believed to lead to efficiency thus improving on the overall building performances. The general objective of this Study was to determine the influence of labour productivity underlying factors on the per formance of building projects in Nairobi County. The specific objectives were to find out the influence of cost of labour...

Effect Of Internal Control Systems On Financial Performance Of Public Institutions Of Higher Learning In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Most public institutions in many parts of the world have poor financial performance compared to private institutions. The poor financial performance can be attributed to financial management practice. The sound financial management practices require the institutions of strong internal control systems. However, there are limited empirical research findings regarding the relationship between internal control system and financial performance. In public institutions, there have been...

Multigenerational Employee Expectations And Retention In Safaricom Limited, Kenya

ABSTRACT The modern workforce is made up of age diverse generations of employees with different cultural backgrounds, work styles, work expectations and so on. This often raises conflict and tension. Organizations, therefore, need to be strategic at motivating and retaining these employees, without which they become dissatisfied, unsettled, disengaged and ultimately, may leave. This case investigated the influence of multigenerational employee expectations as the independent variable and rete...

E-Banking Strategy And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The advancement in technology in the banking industry has led to the emergence of electronic banking (e-banking), which has revolutionized the way banks provide their services. The application of different technologies in the banking industry has become a competitive strategy employed by commercial banks in Kenya. Consequently, modern banks have decided to adopt and implement e-banking strategies to remain competitive. However, limited knowledge is available regarding the effect of e...

Project Management Practices And Performance Of Residential Construction Projects In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Project performance is a primary consideration in any project, and different strategies are usually employed to ensure better project performance. Despite the dedicated efforts to improve project performance, gated community residential construction projects still register poor performance. A literature review reveals that many public construction projects, residential construction projects, and road construction projects still register poor performance related to project management...

Determinants Of Sustainability Of Micro And Small Enterprises Owned By Youth In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish the determinants of sustainability of micro and small enterprises owned by youth in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: To assess how competitive environment affects sustainability of youth entrepreneurship in micro and small enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya; To find out how entrepreneurial skills affect sustainability of youth entrepreneurship in micro and small enterprises in Nairobi C...

Mobile Banking Services And Financial Inclusion Among Commercial Banks In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Financial inclusion continues to be a major issue of concern in the developing countries because of high numbers of persons without access to formal and regulated banking services. The government Vision 2030 objective on budgetary administrations was to make a lively and internationally satisfactory monetary area that would advance elevated amounts of funds and financing for the nation's venture needs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mobile transfer of funds...

Total Quality Management Practices And Performance Of Savannah Cement Limited, Kenya

ABSTRACT A firm‟s performance is a function of how well managers use quality management practices to improve the quality of products and services. In today‟s global environment, organizations are constantly looking for ways to expand and improve their businesses in terms of quality to enhance performance. Quality management practices have been used by manufacturing firms in Kenya to improve on performance. However, customers are still complaining that the quality of manufactured products...

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