Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Employee Empowerment and Job Satisfaction in Selected Construction Company in Meru Count’&Kenya

ABSTRACT This thesis is entitled “employee empowerment and job satisfaction in selected construction company, in Meru County, Kenya.” The study was carried out based on four specific objectives; to determine the demographic profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, education and construction industry experience, to establish the levels of employee empowerment in the construction industry, to determine the level of employee job satisfaction and to establish whether there is a signifi...

Product Promotions and Market Share Growth in the Telecommunication Industry Among the Selected Airtel Outlets in Kampala Central Division, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was set out to establish the relationship between Product Promotions and Market Share Growth in the among the Selected Airtel Outlets in Kampala Central Division-Uganda” The study was guided by five objectives:- (i) to determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: gender, age, educational qualification, post/position in the outlet, length of experience in the industry, and nature of services provided.(ii) to determine the level of product promotion in ...

Financial Management and Staff Performance of Amal-Bank in Mogadishu-Somalia

ABSTRACT The study was set out to establish the extent to which financial management affect staff performance of Amal-Bank in Mogadishu-Somalia; especially the study intended to establish the (i) profile of the respondents, (ii) effectiveness of financial management towards the success of Amal Bank, (iii) level of staff performance, (iv) To determine if there is a significance relationship between financial management and staff performance of Amal Bank in Mogadishu-Somalia. The study used a s...

Internal Audit and Organizational Performance in Selected Manufacturing Companies in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  This study was set out to establish the extent to which internal audit affects organizational performance in the selected manufacturing companies in Mogadishu Somalia .The study was to establish how internal audit affect organizational performance in the selected manufacturing companies in Mogadishu Somalia, the study was conducted through descriptive survey and correlation research design, quantitative approach: with a questionnaire and includes target population was 160 and sampl...

Monitoring and Evaluation System as a Tool for Efficient and Effective Performance of Government Projects in Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this research was to assess the impact of Monitoring &Evaluation system towards efficient and effective performance of government projects in Rwanda. The specific objective of the research was to determine the profile of the respondents, the level of M &E system in regards to Efficient and Effective Performance of government Projects in Rwanda, level of Efficient and Effective Performance of government Projects in Rwanda and establish the significant relationship bet...

Results-Based Management and Bilateral Projects Success in Pagor, Southern Province, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study has been to test the theory of Results-based management (CIDA, 1996) usefulness on implementation of bilateral projects. The General objective has been to determine the correlation between the results-based management approaches used in PAGOR as a bilateral project implemented in Rwanda and its success. As specific objectives, the research had to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, marital status, educational qualification, fi...

Procurement Procedures and Employee Performance in the Health Sector in Tororo District,Uganda.

ABSTRACT  Public procurement is a vice that is gradually taking shape in all departments. The procurement processes therefore are looked at by staff as a hindrance to quick accessibility to the health resources from amongst the service providers in terms of the documentation and aggregate time taken. In the study, the researcher endeavored to investigate the extent of the processes and the impact on the health care service delivery to establish the cost effectiveness as well as the efficienc...

Loan Management Strategies on the Efficiency of Selected Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The present study assessed loans management strategies on the efficiency of selected microfinance institution in Rwanda. The research was guide by four objectives; to identify the personnel, demographical profile of respondents; establishing the level of loans management strategies in selected microfinance institution in Rwanda; determining the degree of efficiency of the loans management strategies and finally to identifying if there are relationships between the level of loans ma...

Collateral Effectiveness and Credit Management for Selected Micro Financial Institutions in Mogadishu Somalia.

ABSTRACT  Many banks and financial dealers in Mogadishu have been experiencing low collection that has led to Increase the bad depts. many times credits remains unpaid either because customers are not able to pay them, they are just not willing to pay. The study Investigated the relationship between collateral effectiveness and credit management in selected MR’s in Mogadishu. The objective of the study include determining the collateral effectiveness being practiced by MEl’s in Somalia, ...

Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in National Microfinance Bank Dar-Es-Salaam Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The study sought to establish the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in National Microfinance Bank, Tanzania. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) investigating the extent of service quality in National Microfinance Bank, Tanzania; ii) level of customer satisfaction in National Microfinance Bank , Tanzania and (iii) finding out whether service quality significantly affects the level of customer satisfaction in National Micr...

Donor Funding and Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study is to evaluate the relationship between donor funding and performance of selected NGOs in northern Uganda. The study based on the objectives of assessing the effect of international donor funding on the performance of NGOs in Northern Uganda, examine the influence of national donor funding on performance of Nongovernmental organizations and to establish the effect of local donor funding on performance of NGOs in Northern Uganda. The study problem was poor performance attr...

Teamwork and Organization Performance in Parastatals A Case of National Water and Sewerage Corporation Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of teamwork on organizational performance of National Water and Sewerage Corporation in Kampala Uganda. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; i) to determine the effect of shared values on organizational performance in National Water and Sewerage Corporation in Kampala Uganda, ii) to evaluate the effect of mutual trust on organizational performance in National Water and Sewerage Corporation in Kampala Uganda ...

Human Resource Development and Employee Performance in Airtel Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study examined the effect of human resource development on employee performance in Airtel Uganda. The study spelt out the problem by showing that despite the emphasis Airtel puts on its human resource development, the performance of employees is still wanting as evidenced by employees’ failure to produce quality work, failure to write report, constant absenteeism, late coming and failure to address customer concerns. The study had three specific objectives which included; i) ...

Workplace Conflict and Employee Performance in Selected Branches of Dahabshil Company in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study focused on workplace conflict and employee performance in selected branches of Dahabshii Company in Mogadishu, Somalia. Four objectives guided the study namely; the characteristics of the respondents, factors associated with workplace conflicts ·among employees, the degree of performance of employees, relationship between workplace conflict and employee performance and strategies for enhancement of the performance of employees. The study used the cross-sectional survey r...

Work Environment on Staff Performance in Mandera Town Council, Kenya.

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between work environment and staff performance in Mandera town council, Kenya. The study targeted the employees of Mandera town council and the civic leaders of Mandera town council. The specific objectives of the study were to examine how physical environmental factors are adversely affecting staff and civic leaders performance, determine how the non physical work environment factors affects the performance of the staff and ...

226 - 240 Of 1438 Results