Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Sales Promotion as a Tool for Achieving Organizational Goals and Objectives. (A Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Ilorin Kwara State)

ABSTRACT The project topic “sales promotion as a tool for a achieving organizational goals and objectives. The promotion in the design and management by marketing sub system for the purpose of informing and preloading present and potential customers. The study entails a lot of problems, which are lack of market concept and management problems in achieving organizational goals and objectives Marjory in Nigeria. Researcher make use of questionnaire, and interview for its method of collecting...

Revenue Collection at the Local Government Level Problems and Prospects (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Approval Sheet Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.0      Introduction/ background 1.1      Statement of research problem 1.2      Research question 1.3      Objective of the study 1.4      Research hypothesis 1.5      Significance of the study 1.6      Scope and limitation of the study 1.7      Definition of the terms 1.8      Organization/ plan of the study CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE ...

The Roles of Leadership in Management of an Organization (A Case Study Of Michael Imodu Institute Of Labor Studies, Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgements Table of contents CHAPTER ONE:          1.1           Introduction 1.2           Objective of the study 1.3           Significance of the study 1.4           Research question 1.5           Scope of the study 1.6           Limitations of the study 1.7           Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO:  Literature Review 2.1          ...

The Role of Leadership in Achieving Organizational Objective (A Case Study of Afribank Plc Ilorin Branch)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page                                                                                    i Certification                                                                                 ii Dedication                                                            �...

The Roles and Responsibilities of Personnel Department in a Manufacturing Firm. (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Ilorin)

PROPOSAL This study is classified into five chapters. This will include: Chapter one; it will contain the presentation of the general insight into the main issue, that is, introduction, aims and objectives of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, limitation of the study, definition of terms. Chapter two; will contain the review of general texts, review of relevant projects, appraisal of review, hypothesis formulating. Chapter three; will be devoted to research population a...

The Prevention and Detection of Fraud in Small Scale Industries in Nigeria (A Case Study of Adegoke Group of Companies Ibadan)

 PROPOSAL The issue of fraud has become a serious food for thought for many corporate bodies in recent time. Consequently more time is spent on board meeting in an attempt to find situation the persistent fraudulent practice among management and non management staffs. And frauds is a wrongful or criminal deception intends to result in financial or personal gain, while fraud is a deliberate misrepresentation while cause another person be suffer damage. Fraud occurs when someone gains someth...

Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Poverty Reduction in Nigeria (A Case Study of Kwara Central Senatorial District)

ABSTRACT This study entitled “Entrepreneurship as a tool for poverty reduction in Nigeria, Kwara central senatorial district.” was intended to assess the impact, implementation and evaluating the effectiveness of NDE & NEEDS, especially in relation to policy and strategy formulation, implementation, co-ordination, monitoring, and utilization of human and materials resources. Four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Related literature on entrepreneurship and poverty reduction s...

Effect of Social Media Marketing on Online Consumer (A Case Study of Social Media Users in Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                                        i Certification                                                                                                   ii Dedication                  ...

Examined the Impact of Sale Promotion on Manufacturing Industry (A Case Study of Nigeria Bags Manufacturing Company Ikeja Lagos)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title pagei Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgement iv Table of contentsvi CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background to the study1 1.2 Statement of the research problem2 1.3 Objectives of the study3 1.4 Significant of the study3 1.5Scope of the study3 1.6 Limitations to the study4 1.7 Definition of terms4 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW  2.1 Introduction6 2.2 Importance of promotion as a marketing mix7 2.3 The need for promotion7 2.4 Promotion and communication process9 2.5 Communicat...

An Evaluation of Strategic Planning or Organization Performance (A Case Study of Pz Cussons Nigeria Limited)

BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF THE STUDY In as much company have conducted business, some have been experiencing outstanding Successes while other person dismal failure. Some organizations act with purpose and sense of direction, other draft, some companies are adopt at seizing new opportunities, other watch passively or let the ship through cracks. Management is a set of function i.e. planning, controlling, directing etc and the best way to predict a future is by planning ahead. Business organiza...

Assessing to Roles of Zakat Institution on Nigerian Economy Development (A Case Study of Niger State Endorsement Board)

ABSTRACT Almighty Allah the ordained wealthy individual muslim pay their Takat as ludainetital pillar, also as source for welfares services to the poor and needy. The eight of Zakat recipient who are entitle to benefit were enumerated such as the poor, needy and welfare e.t.c. Zakat fitr and Zakatul wealth and property were important aspect of this research work. The zakatable wealth includes the following cash, animal and plant crops. The essence of Zakat is to provide welfare package top ti...

The Development of Small Scale Industries as an Instrument for Controlling Unemployment Problems in Nigeria (A Case Study of Ostrich Bakery Ilorin Kwara State)

ABSTRACT The main thrust of this study was to evaluate the significance of the development of small industries as an instrument for controlling unemployment problems in Nigeria, choosing Ostrich Bakery Limited Ilorin, Kwara state as the case. To achieve this series of text on the development of small scale industries as an instrument for controlling unemployment problems in Nigeria were consulted with the aim of knowing the perspective of various aultours on the theoretical frame work of the ...

An Evaluation of Strategic Planning or Organization Performance (A Case Study of Pz Cussons Nigeria Limited)

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1      BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF THE STUDY In as much company have conducted business, some have been experiencing outstanding Successes while another person dismal failure. Some organizations act with purpose and sense of direction, other draft, some companies are adopt at seizing new opportunities, another watch passively or let the ship through cracks. Management is a set of function i.e. planning, controlling, directing etc and the best way to predict ...

Significance of Bank Credit to the Development of Nigeria Banks (A Case Study of United Bank of Africa Plc)

PROPOSAL 1.0   INTRODUCTION In a developing country like Nigeria, the significance of bank credit to a firm cannot be over emphasized. It is there necessary that everybody known the roles played by banks through their credit in developing Nigeria firms and the economy of large. Although many of use have heard about bank credit and we pass through the bank on daily basis, majority do not known the vital rate played in our fast developing Nigerians various types of banks credit that exist...

The Roles and Responsibilities of Human Resources Department in a Manufacturing Firm (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Ilorin)

PROPOSAL This study is classified into five chapters. This will include: Chapter one; it will contain the presentation of the general insight into the main issue, that is, introduction, aims and objectives of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, limitation of the study, definition of terms. Chapter two; will contain the review of general texts, review of relevant projects, appraisal of review, hypothesis formulating. Chapter three; will be devoted to research population a...

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