Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance of Small Scale Enterprises in Kansanga, Makindye Division, Kampala

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL(Academic Supervisor) IDEDICATION IiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABSTRACT viiiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the Study 11.2 Sta~ethent of the problem 31.3 Pu~pose of the study 41.4 Specific objectives 41.5 Research questions 41.6 Scope of the study 41.6.1 Content Scope 41.6.2 Geographical Scope 41.6.3 Time Scope1.7 Significance of study 51.8 Conceptual Frame Work 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.0 Introduction2.1 Entrepreneurial orientation 72.1 Ef...

Microfinance Institutions and Youth Empowerment in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Mubuga Amajambere Iwacu Saaco Ltd, Kisoro Branch

TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTAPPROVALDEDICATIONDECLARATION .ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLESLISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ixABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background to the study 11.1.1 Historical Perspective 11.1.2 Theoretical Perspective 31.1.3 Conceptual perspective 41.1.4 Contextual perspective 41.2 Statement of the problem 41.3 Puipose of the study 61.4 Specific Objectives of the Study 61.5 Research Questions 61.7 Scope of the study 61.7.1 Geographic...

The Impact of Fluctuating Oil Prices On Air Cargo Industry A Case Study Of Das Air Cargo

ABSTRACT The researcher noticed that while demand for global airfreight was increasing with continual globalization, many air cargo companies were being forced out due to the fluctuating oil prices. Through interviews, questionnaires, personal observation and secondary data, the researcher found out that, the major problem encountered is ever increasing price of jet fuel, which accounts for 20-30% of the operational cost, continue to put pressure on profit margins of cargo airlines. She also ...

Managerial Skill and Book Keeping Practices in Small-Scale Business. A Case Study: Industrial Division Mbale Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTSCover page ...................................................................................................................................... iiTitle page ........................................................................................................................................ iiDeclaration ..................................................................................................................................... iiiApproval ...........................

Micro Financing and Performance of Small Businesses· A Case of Mbarara Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTSCover page ................................................................................................................................ iTitle page ............................................................................................................................... iiDeclaration page ..................................................................................................................... iiiApproval page .................................................

Effect of Entrepreneurship Skills On Financial Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises; A Case of Industrial Division, Mbale Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTDEDICATIONAPPROVALDECLARATION .ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vL1ST OF FIGURES ixLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1GENERAL INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the Study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 31.3 Objectives of the study 31.3.1 General objective 31.3.2 Specific objective 31.4 Research Questions 41.5 Scope ofthe Study 41.5.1 Conceptual scope 41.5.2 Geographical Scope 41.5.3TimeScope 41.6 Significance of the study 51.7 Justification 51.8 Defin...

The Effect of Budgetary Control On Effectiveness of Non-Governmental Organizations: A Case Study of Action Aid Uganda, Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLISTOFACRONYMS vTABLE OF CONTENTS viLIST OF FIGURES xLIST OF TABLES xiABSTRACT xiiCHAPTER ONE1.0 Introduction1.1 Background of the study I1.2 Statement of the problem 31.3 Purpose of the Study 41.4 Specific objectives 41.5 Research Questions 41.6Scope of the Study 51.6.1 Geographical Scope 5I .6.2Content Scope 51.6.3Time Scope 5vi1.7 Significance of the Study .51.8 Conceptual Framework 6CHAPTER TWO 8LITERATURE REVIEW 82,0 ...

Audit Professionalism, Internal Audit Function and Budget Performance Among Selected Parastatals in Uganda; A Case Of Uganda Railway (Urc}

TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVAL ....................................................................................................................................................................... .iiiDEDICATION .................................................................................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................

Globalization and Business Growth in Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises in Kano State, Mgerja

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALACKNOWLEDGEMENTDEDICATIONLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGUREABSTRACTCHAPTER ONESINTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction1.1. Background of the study 21.2 Problem Statement 41.3 Purpose of the study 51.4 Specific Objectives1.5 Research questions 61.6 Scope ofthe study 61.6.lContent scope 61.6.2 Geographic scope 61.6.3 Time scope 71.7 Significance 71.8 Conceptual Framework 81.8 Definition of the key terms 9CHAPTER TWO~ 12LITERATURE REVIEW 122.0 Introduction 122.1 Level of globa...

Financial Statements and Business Decision-making in The Leaf Tobacco Uganda Limited

TABLE CONTENTSAPPROVALDECLARATIONDEDICATION.ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT vLIST OF TABLES xLIST OF FIGURES xiABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS xiiABSTRACT xiiiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 31.3 Objectives of the Study 31.3.1 General objective 31.3,2 Specific objectives 41 .4 Research Questions 41.5 Scope of the study 41.5.1 Content Scope 41.5.2 Geographical scope 41.5.3 Time Scope 41.6 Significance of the study s1.7 Conceptual framework 5v...

The Role of Information Technology (It) In Improving Business Performance. (A Case Study of Diophar /D.R. Congo)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................................... iiACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................................ iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................

The Bank Interest Rates and Performance of Business Enterprises in Uganda. Case Study of Nakumatt Supermarket, Kampala-Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................................................... iAP PROV AL .......................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ..................................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................

The Impact of Remuneration On Employees' Performance in Juba Southern Sudan (The Case Study of Kenya Commercial Bank) (Main Branch)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................... iiTABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................. vABSTRACT: ......................................................

The Potential of Microfinance in Increasing Financial Access to Kenya's Unbanked Population a Case Study of Islamic Microfinance in Nairobi, Kenya.

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background A study conducted in 2008 by CGAP revealed that globally, an estimated 72 percent of people living in Muslim-majority countries did not use formal financial services. Even where financial services were available, some people viewed conventional products as incompatible with the sharia financial principles set forth in Islamic law (CGAP, 2008). Islamic microfinance represents the confluence of two rapidly growing industries: microfinance and Islamic financ...


PROPOSAL Taxation is the legal demand made by the federal government or the state government on its citizens to pay money income, goods and services. In less complex society in which government has duties and responsibilities, financial need of the government income greater consequently taxes – increase and their effect on the economy become more important. Thus among the traditional function of the government is the provision of the public goods i.e goods cannot be divided among the separa...

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