Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Investigating Challenges In Appointment Of Head Teachers In The Hhohho Region, Swaziland

ABSTRACT There are challenges faced by the commission in selecting the rightful candidate for the position of the head of administration in local schools. These challenges are observed in poor performing schools and in maladministration of schools leading to suspension or expulsion of headteachers. The primary objective of the study was to investigate the challenges faced by the Teaching Service Commission in the appointment of head teachers in the Hhohho region of Swaziland. A qualitative r...

An Investigation Into The Differences Of Asset Allocation Strategies Of The Government Institutions Pension Fund And Capricorn Asset Management Company

Abstract The study investigates the differences of asset allocation strategies between the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) and Capricorn Asset Management Company, focusing on the strategies used when allocating investors’ funds among various asset classes. The study also compares the similarities and differences between the two investment firms regarding their allocation of investors’ funds, along with looking at their performance, considering the fact that the GIPF is a publ...

Investigating Obstacles Of Accessing Formal Finanacial Services By Small Medium Enterprises In Khomas Region

ABSTRACT This study investigates the obstacles to accessing formal financial services by small and medium enterprises in the Khomas region. It further identified obstacles that hinder the SMEs’ access to formal financial services in Namibia. Primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaires which were issued out to a sample of forty firms selected from a population of fifty-five SMEs which are presently operational at Soweto and Dr. Libertina Amadhila center. Addition...

An Analysis Of The Impact Of Water Scarcity On Beverages Production In Namibia: A Case Study Of Namibia Breweries Limited-Beer Production, Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to analyse the impact of water scarcity on the production capacity of Namibia Breweries Limited for a period of 5 years (2013 – 2017). This was with a special focus on beer production capacity, sales, revenue and the likely potential threats it poses to the country’s GDP. It intended to explore the long-term sustainable approaches to fight against water scarcity faced by the country in order to place NBL in a competitive sustainable business position dur...

Investigating Factors Affecting The Financial Sustainability Of Civil Society Organisations In Namibia

ABSTRACT Civil society organisations (CSOs) in developing countries like Namibia experience multiple operational hindrances, especially financial sustainability challenges that lead to the closure of their operations after few years leaving a void in many communities where they operate due to their dependency on foreign funding. Thus, there is need to establish the factors that affect the financial sustainability of these CSOs. The research sought to investigate the factors that affect finan...

An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of The Performance Management System In Enhancing Public Service Delivery In The Office Of The Auditor General, Namibia

ABSTRACT The Performance Management System (PMS) has evolved to enhance the performance of individuals and subsequently the entire organisation. The Government of the Republic of Namibia introduced the Performance Appraisal System in 1997. However, it was suspended in 1998 because of various problems. Nevertheless, there was still a need to evaluate employees’ performance, therefore, in 2010 the Performance Management System (PMS) was introduced in the Public Service including the Office o...

How Audit Recommendations Are Or Not Implemented Over Years In Ministries And Agencies In Namibia

ABSTRACT This study combined significant hypothetical and empirical writing to create suggestions and proposes a research agenda on the usage or non-execution of audit recommendations. Auditing has developed to a phase where it is regarded as a value adding tool in the organisation and is relied upon to assume a value adding role by giving an extensive variety of services that help enhance organisational performance. By adopting a quantitative descriptive design and using questionnaires as t...

An Investigation Into Organizational Change: A Case Study Of The Motor Vehicle Accident Fund Of Namibia

Abstract The study aimed at investigating organisational change at the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (Hereafter referred to as the MVAF) which was as a result of a transition, by identifying problems and consequences that hindered the change process. The further studies the impact of organisational change on job satisfaction, analyse effects of change on employees and identify factors that are critical in successfully managing change. Jacobs, van Witteloostuijn and Christe-Zyse (2012, p. 772) ...

The Influence Of Directors’ Leadership Styles In Company Performance: The Case Of Ohlthaver And List (O&L) Group Of Companies

ABSTRACT This study is about how the effectiveness of leadership in an organisation is determined by or is a consequence of the style of the leadership as delineated by Hersey and Blanchard who limit styles to Selling, Telling, Participating and Delegating. A selected group of managing directors in one of the oldest and most respected business enterprise in Namibia, the O&L Group of Companies was studied. The study used Hersey's (1989) “Leader Effectiveness and Adaptability Description” ...

The Effects Of The Government’s Microfinance Grant Scheme On Rural Micro Entrepreneurship Development In Namibia: A Case Study Of The Ohangwena Region

ABSTRACT Micro enterprises are the major sources of entrepreneurial skills, innovation and economic development. They are a very important aspect in Namibia as they have potential to contribute over 30% to the country’s Gross National Product if they are provided with financial assistance. This study was aimed at assessing the effects of the government’s microfinance grant scheme on rural micro entrepreneurship development, identify the characteristics of micro enterprises funded and det...

Investigating The Operating Factors Influencing The High Cost Of Private Healthcare In Namibia: A Case Study Of The Medical Aid Funds Industry In Namibia

ABSTRACT This study investigated on the factors driving high cost in the private medical health providers in Namibia. The study sort seeks answers to the following questions (1) how has the trend in the Private Medical Aid Fund cost been during the period 2009 to 2013 (2) What are the factors contributing to annual increments in the Medical Aid Fund Premiums (3) Do increases in the Medical Aid Fund Premiums have impacts on access to Private healthcare in Namibia (4) What can be done to curb ...

Assessing Employee Perceptions Of The Performance Management System In The Ministry Of International Relations

ABSTRACT This research sought to assess the effects of employee attitudes and perceptions on the functionality of the Performance Management System (PMS) in the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation (MRICO). It also aimed to achieve the following research objectives: to determine whether employee attitudes and perceptions influenced the PMS; to explore whether the PMS motivated employees to perform better and to identify the major problems facing the PMS. The Office of the Prim...

Inflation And Economic Growth: An Estimate Of An Optimal Level Of Inflation In Namibia

Abstract This study empirically investigates the inflation-economic growth relationship to determine whether a threshold effect exists and if so to estimate the optimal inflation level which is conducive for economic growth in Namibia. With this view, various tables and charts, correlation matrices, pair-wise Granger Causality tests and a quadratic regression equation was estimated by OLS. Time series annual data covering a sample period from 1980 to 2012 were used in the estimation process....

Examining Electricity Consumption Patterns By The Mining Sector In Namibia Between 2003 -2013

ABSTRACT Energy is an essential component of a developing economy such as that of Namibia. The affordability, availability and security of energy supply are indispensable to economic development on many facets. This study focused on electricity consumption patterns by the mining sector in Namibia by examining variations of annual production output, electricity consumption, electricity per unit output of production, and electricity tariffs of Gold, Uranium and SHG (Special High Grade) Zinc in...

Examining The Relationship Between Foreign Investment Flows And Foreign Exchange Reserves In Namibia

ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between foreign investment flows and foreign exchange reserves in Namibia for the period 2005Q2 to 2016Q2. The approach used for this analysis was the simple regression method utilising unit root test techniques. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) results showed that the two variables are stationary in levels suggesting that they are integrated of order zero. The Jarque-Bera Normality test rejected the null hypothesis at 5% and 10% that the normal...

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