This is an article analysing the steps involved in the process of strengthening national integration in Nigeria.
Abstract Ethiopia is producing ranges of coffee varieties with unique flavors, quality and traditional organic and shade grown coffee by smallholder farmers for which actors including cooperatives are involved in adding values at each stage of the activities of the value chain. This study focused on examining the linkage between cooperatives and other actors in coffee value chain, and analyzing factors influencing the effectiveness of cooperatives in coffee value chain. The study was conducte...
INTRODUCTION Cooperation means working together. The principle of cooperation is as old as human Society. It is truly the basis of domestic and social life. Cooperative effort is ultimately the group instinct in man, which enables him to live together and help each other in times of stress and strain. Unconsciously, the principle has always penetrated the life of human race. The history of modern civilization is in fact, the history of cooperation, for without it social and economic progres...
ABSTRACT In pursuance of this investigation research Based on the above, it was found out that no co-operative development is not island of himself. But importance in every endeavour and could do without the co-operative principles and development. Through the application of the principle interpretation of the principle should be well known to members. It should not be ignored. Members of the co-operative should show concern to the principles of co-operatives and how cooperative en...
INTRODUCTION Capital budgeting is the planning of long-term corporate financial projects relating to investments funded through and affecting the firm's capital structure. Management must allocate the firm's limited resources between competing opportunities (projects), which is one of the main focuses of capital budgeting. Secondly, Capital budgeting is also concerned with the setting of criteria about which projects should receive investment funding to increase the value of the firm, and w...