Criminology Research Papers/Topics

Relevancy of Solitary Confinement in the Current Criminal Justice System

Table of Content  Acknowledgment .............................................................................................   Acronyms and Abbreviations ..........................................................................    Chapter One: Introduction  1.1  Background Information  1.2  Statement of the problem  1.3  Basic Research Questions    1.4  Significance of the Study  1.5  Study Objectives     1.5.1 General Objective     1.5.2 Specific Objective    1.6�...

The Right To Life And The Battle Over Children’s Life: Baby Charlie Gard In Perspective

Abstract The Convention of the Right of the Child provides that every child has an inherent right to life. This means the child has a right to survival and development. Parents of a child have the responsibility, rights and duties to take "appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the Convention" The Government has the responsibility to ensure that the rights of a child are respected protected and fulfilled. Article 3 of the Convention states ...

Theories of Juvenile Offending - strain theory, social control, labelling and inequality,

This report considers four theories regarding youth criminality; strain theory, social control, labelling and inequality, all of which impact upon youths in various forms. This is considered alongside their impact upon law and order, politics and the youth justice system. The aim is to provide a critical approach to the theories and how they affect both the individual and the youth justice system. Works by Agnew, Hirschi, Mertz and other prominent thinkers and practitioners in the relevant fi...

Youth Crime in Victoria - Politics, law and order, and media representations

This essay will explore how politics and the media use youth criminality to forward their agendas, using as examples; demonised Sudanese youth groups by the media, the left-wing/right wing political contentions for centralist advantage, and the challenges facing the forces of law and order in front-line positions. Analysis undertaken by Jennings and Reingle is taken into account along with historical investigations by Cunneen, Richards and White, and longitudinal research by Piquero.

Norms, values, labels questioning the judiciary, the media and social normativity

The essay will consider normative and postmodern sociological theories which can be applied within the article "Complaint lodged against judge who made 'offensive', 'discriminatory' comments to Aboriginal defendants” by Maddocks, 2017. It takes into account expectations of our society regarding judicial application plus the mental strain which may be exerted on the judge as an individual in the execution of his office. It also considers the position of the media and its ability to exert lab...

Would a possible offender lie during an interview - If so, how can we detect deception scientifically

This essay explores how physical expressions of deception, in the context of communication, affects interviewing within the criminal justice system. Body language as cues to deception are explored in the study by Wright & Wheatcroft (2017) “Police officers' beliefs about, and use of, cues to deception” and the influence of eye contact with the study by The Global Deception Research Team (2006) “A World of Lies.” This essay uses as a case study The Confession (2010a), the police interv...

Household and Neighourhood Response to House Buglary in Ibadan

House burglary is a prevailing issue in Nigeria owing to the inefficiency of formal security institutions in dealing with incidences of urban household burglary. This study examines households and neighbourhoods’ responses to household burglary in Ibadan, Nigeria. In-depth interviews and household questionnaires were the primary data collection tools. A cross- sectional survey design was adopted while a multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 299 respondents. Analysis of Variance ...


This paper discusses and highlights the various lapses of the Nigerian Criminal Justice System and provides data as to the number of awaiting trial inmates in the Nigerian prison and it outlines various ways to curb the menace of over crowding in the Nigerian prisons with awaiting trial inmates.


Introduction. Policy framework development; - Identifying and articulation of problem. - Background of the problem. - Baseline study. - development and identifying thematic. - Stakeholders involvement. - expert and empirical information. - stakeholders discussion and developing of a working document. - Advocacy to all critical actors institutions. - policy makers and regulators to deliberate. - legislation. - financial and budget implementation. - Public enlightenment. - Review of challenges....


Disorganized offenders characteristically conduct blitz attacks on their victims due to a lack of social adequacy needed to verbally subdue their victims. They tend to have poor personal hygiene and are very reclusive (O'Connor & Scott 2004). A disorganized rapist will often blindfold his victim or batter her face in an effort to depersonalize him or her (Owen, 2004). Finally, a ‘disorganized’ crime scene will contain a myriad of fingerprints, footprints, and/or weapons used in the assaul...

Criminal and Psychological Profiling: Belief and Its Use

ABSTRACT There is a belief that criminal profilers can predict a criminal’s characteristics from crime scene evidence. In this article, the author argued that this belief is more suitable and appropriate for psychological profiling than others. The role of the profiler, then, is to assist the police department in its investigations of the cases in which additional aid is sought for the successful resolution of a case, such as lust murder, rape, and the like. The successful profiler will ble...

The Revival of Comparative Criminology in a Globalised World: Local Variances and Indigenous Over‐representation

Abstract In this article, I first examine the viability of comparative criminological research in a globalised world. Further, I test the validity of some global explanatory models against the local situation in countries that appear to resist the dominant trend, such as the Netherlands and Canada. I then zoom in even further to the intra‐national differences in some federal nations, such as Canada and Australia, where this situation is often linked to the overrepresentation of Indigenous p...

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect with Parent Training: Evidence and Opportunities

Summary Researchers have identified four common co-occurring parental risk factors—substance abuse, mental illness, domestic violence, and child conduct problems—that lead to child maltreat-ment. The extent to which maltreatment prevention programs must directly address these risk factors to improve responsiveness to parenting programs or can directly focus on improving parenting skills, says Richard Barth, remains uncertain. Barth begins by describing how each of the four parental issue...