Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

An Assessment Of The Effect Of Decentralization Policy On Health Services Delivery In Kapchorwa Municipality. A Case Study Of Kapchorwa Main Hospital

ABSTRACT The study was about the effect of decentralization policy on the delivery of health services in Kapchorwa hospitals. The objectives were to identify the effect of decentralization policy in the delivering health service. To identify the challenges hindering decentralization policy in delivering of health service to the local people and to identify out the extent decentralization policy has affected the delivery of health services. The scope of the study comprised of content scope, ge...

Somali Culture And Female Education In Selected Women’s Association Centers In Mogadishu Somalia

Abstract The purpose of this study was to assess the Somali culture and femaleeducation in Mogadishu, Somalia. This was based on three research objectives: to examine the nature of cultural practices in Mogadishu Somalia, to determine the status of female Education of Somalia and to establish the significant relationship between Somali culture and female education in Somalia. This study adopted a correlational design based on the quantitative approach. The questionnaire was the main methods u...

The Role Of Human Right In Protecting Abused And Neglected Children, A Case Of Ilemela District Mwanza Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Research was based on the role of human rights in protecting abused and neglected children in ilernela district mwanza region in Tanzania. The number of children who die each year as a result of abused comes primarily from death registries or mortality data.young children are at greatest risk, with rates for the 0—4 years old age group more then double those of 5—14 year of age. However, despite the role of human rights in protecting abused and neglected children , the numbers of...

The Perfom Ance Of Youth Livelihood Program In Youth Empowerement In Kayunga Dist Ict A Case Study Of Kayunga Sub County

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the performance of YLP in empowerment of youth with particular emphasis on Kayunga Sub-County, lKayunga District. The benefits were identified, and the challenges the program, is facing. The sample size for this study was comprised on One Hundred fifty female youth (150) and seventy five (75) male youth who were clients of YLP for over 2 years. However, the very clients also belonged to programs like Centenary Rural development Bank, Savings and Credit coo...

Women Empowerment And Poverty Eradication In Central Uganda Case Study: Katabi Sub-County, Wakiso District

ABSTRACT This research dissertation is about the study of women empowerment towards poverty eradication in Katabi sub-county, Wakiso district in the three villages of Kitubulu, Lunyo and Katabi. The researcher was motivated to carry out this study basing on the significant changes being experienced by women in the social, economic and political spheres of life as a result of being empowered. The main objective of the study was to critically analyze the importance of empowerment towards effec...

Decentralisation And Education Service Delivery In Apac District. The Case Study Of Apac Town Council

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the relationship between decentralization and education service delivery in Apac Town Council, with the view of generating sustainable ways to improve decentralization programmes to enhance education service delivery in the district. The general objective of the study was to find out the extent to which decentralization has influenced education service delivery in Town Council. A co-relational research design was employed. A sample of 136 respondents part...

An Assessment Of The Effects Of Girl Child School Drop Out On Social Economic Development In Kaptanya Primary Schools In Kaptanya Sub County, Kapchorwa District

ABSTRACT fhis study was carried out in Kaptanya Sub County, Kapchorwa District. On an :issessment of the effect on girl child school drop out on social economic development. fhe objectives of the study were to establish the major causes of girl child school jropout,the effects of girl child school drop out on the social economic development :md the possible solutions to combat the girl child school drop out on the social ~conomic development in Kaptanya sub county, Kapchorwa District. The fi...

Small Scale Women Entrepreneurial Ability And Social Economic Development In Mpumudde Sub County Lyantondde District

ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the factors affecting women in small-scale enterprises in Mpumudde Sub county Lyantonde district. The study was carried out in Mpumudde Sub county Lyantonde district The variables under investigations were accessibility to credit facility, availability of infrastructure, the level of education and availability of family support. The main respondents for the study were women in small-scale enterprises. Sixty five respondents formed the sample size of the s...

Challenges Faced By Families Headed By Children In Rural Areas: A Case Study Of Bude Sub County In Mpigi District

  ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the challenges faced by families headed by children in rural areas: a case study of Bude Sub County in Mpigi district. Specific objectives of the study were to: examine the challenges faced by families headed by children in rural areas; assess the possible solutions to the problems faced by families headed by children in rural areas; establish the social challenges families headed by children in rural areas face and make recommendations ...

The Contribution Of Ngo’s In The Promotion Of Girl Child Education In Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Education is a Fundamental human right. It is guaranteed under the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child. This research work explores the extent to which Non-Governmental Organizations provide support to the girl child education in Kampala district. The report is based on both primary and secondary data analysis. More specifically, the Study aimed to (i) establish the contributions of NGOs in educating the girl child; (ii) identify some of the factors that limit the gi...

Conflict Transformation And Service Delivery: A Case Study Of Matany Sub-County In Napak District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1 1.0 General introduction 1 1.1 Background to the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 General objective 4 1,3.1 Specific objectives 4 1.3.2 Research Questions 4 1.4 Scope of study 4 1.5 The conceptual framework 6 1.6 Significance of the study 7 1.7 Definition of Operational terms 7 CHAPTER TWO 8 LI...

Roles Of Stakeholders In The Implementation Of Re-Entry Policy Guidelines On Adolescent Mothers In Secondary Schools: Case Of Machakos County-Kenya

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education developed the Re-entry policy on Adolescent mothers in 1994. The policy allowed adolescent mothers to go back to school after delivery. It was intended to reduce pregnancy-related school dropout rates amongst girls. This study sought to examine the roles that stakeholders were playing in implementing the Government Re- entry policy guidelines on adolescent mothers in secondary schools in Kathiani Sub- County, Machakos County. ...

Uptake Of Microfinance Credit And Its Impact On Coffee Yields Among Smallholder Farmers In Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The past two decades has witnessed high promotion of microfinance institutions by both the government of Kenya and non-governmental organizations which are targeting smallholder farmers. Despite increase in these microfinance institutions, coffee yield among smallholder farmers has remained low. This has negatively affected smallholder coffee farmers’ earnings from the coffee enterprise and also their economic wellbeing due to loss of income. Information on the impact of microfinan...

Factors Influencing The Opportunity Exploitation By Entrpreneurial Tree Farmers In Lari District Of Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Entrepreneurship is a vehicle to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and communities and to sustain growth of the economy and livelihoods improvement. Farmbased entrepreneurship has been eclipsed by traditions and cultures as more a way of life rather than a business opportunity based on desired economic gains. Farm based entrepreneurship is driven by farmers who respond to new opportunities related to farm based activities. This study was carried out to assess the...

Investigating The Effectiveness Of Rehabilitation Programmes Of Street Girls And Boys In Nyeri Municipality, Nyeri County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT In Kenya, the problem of children living on the streets has long been regarded a perennial problem of the urban areas of the country, often viewed with disdain by most people in the society due to the menacing behaviour of the children. The number of these children has been increasing at an alarming rate prompting the Kenya government, NGOs, churches and private sectors to set up rehabilitation centres for the children living on the streets and their families. Based on this, the stud...

136 - 150 Of 372 Results