Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Impact Of Capitation Grant On School Enrolment And Academic Performance Of Pupils In The Sagnarigu District Of The Northern Region.

ABSTRACT This dissertation examines the impact of the capitation grant on enrolment and performance of pupils at the basic school level in Sagnarigu District. It used a survey to assess the opinion of head teachers, teachers and District Director of education regarding the impact of the capitation grant policy on pupils’ enrollment in the district. A survey of 150 respondents within selected schools captured questions on respondents’ demographics, capitation grant and pupils’ enrolment,...

Nature And Causes Of Solid Waste Crime At Damongo In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the nature and causes of solid waste crime at Damongo in the Northern region of Ghana. The research used mixed method approach. Among the data collection tools used included interviews, observation, questionnaire and review of official documents. A sample of 97 households and other key stakeholders concerned with and connected to solid waste management in the District were covered in the data collection. The results show that a combination of ...

Response Of Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Cultivars To Spacing And Storability In The Sudan Savannah Agro-Ecological Zone Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Low yield and poor quality of onions produced from the Sudan Savannah Agro-ecological Zone of Ghana among other factors attributed to lack of appropriate cultivars for cultivation, poor knowledge of plant spacing and storability. These factors have the potential of lowering income levels of farmers and wasting of precious agriculture land. Field and storage experiments were conducted at Bawku in the Upper East Region of Ghana from 2015 to 2016 to investigate the response of cultivar...

Community Natural Resource Management And Poverty Reduction In The Lawra District Of Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study is/was an assessment of community-based natural resource management in rural areas and how natural resources enhance community livelihoods in reducing poverty against the backdrop of resource depletion. The study adopted a trans-disciplinary approach to research aimed at gathering the necessary information on natural resource management. Data collection techniques such as review of relevant literature, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, formal institutional int...

Financial Inclusion Via Mobile Money Services In Ghana: Drivers And The Role Of Regulation

ABSTRACT Mobile money (MoMo) has witnessed significant increase in adoption since its inception into the Ghanaian financial market in 2009. Available statistics by the Bank of Ghana show that between 2012 and 2017, the number of registered MoMo customers increased by 534%, and active MoMo customers increased by 3,119%. With this performance, it is expected that MoMo will drive financial inclusion by not only providing users with a service to make money transfers but graduating them to use oth...

Women's Participation In Decision Making At The Tolon Community Of The Tolon District Of The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Advocacy in promoting women participation In decision making have become key in communities. The study was conducted qualitatively with the use of an Action Research design. The sample was selected through the purposive and convenient sampling methods. About 15 women were interviewed to ascertain their opinions on the promotion of women participation in decision making at the community level. The main objective of the study was to advocate for an improvement in women participation i...

Community Policing And Crime Management In The Wa Municipality, Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The connection between security and development cannot be overstated. This is because human security is a vital objective of development which when not in place can have negative consequences for development. Crime is one of the major precipitators of insecurity globally, and capable of impeding development. The continuous increase in high rate of crime even in the presence of traditional policing is said to have triggered the call for shift from military-based policing to a democra...

Rural Banking And Women’s Socio-Economic Empowerment In Ghana: The Case Of The Wenchi Rural Bank

ABSTRACT Available studies suggest that there is still little primary data in the Ghanaian context to show whether rural banking activities hold any prospect for women’s socio-economic empowerment, hence the need for this study to assess to the efficacy of rural bank’s credit in empowering women in the research area. The objective of the research was to find out whether women can be empowered in the process of accessing and utilizing the rural bank credit in their socio-economic activiti...

Determinants Of Factors Influencing Householders’ Access To Improved Water And Sanitation Facilities In Selected Low-Income Urban Areas Of Accra

ABSTRACT The urban population in Ghana keeps increasing with resultant pressures exerted on the resources of the nation and congestion created especially in slums or informal areas. These have caused much pressure on the few facilities especially in the areas of water and sanitation and have contributed to worsening urban poverty. This study analysed the factors influencing householders‟ access to improved water and sanitation facilities in selected low-income urban areas of Accra. The sele...

Labour Market Outcomes And Subjective Wellbeing Of University Graduates In Ghana

Economic development in many African countries is characterised with fundamental and structural problems that marginalise the youth and unable to absorb them into the labour market. Youth unemployment has been, and still remains, a pervasive challenge in Ghana, particularly in the light of structural weaknesses and economic challenges. Yearly, universities churn out large numbers of graduates with few opportunities to absorb them into the labour market. The limited opportunities for a si...

The Determinants Of Ownerships Of Toilet Facilities Among Households In Madina-Zongo In The La Nkwantang Municipality, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Quite often sanitation issues have been relegated to the background, nevertheless development economists suggest that achieving high sanitation standards can save the economies of low and middle-income countries of almost 5% of their Gross Domestic Products (GDP) (Hutton, 2015; 2012). Indeed, the selected theme ‘Toilets and Jobs’ for the 2016 UN World Toilet Day (WTD) emphasized the vital role toilets play in creating strong economies, improving health and protecting people’s s...

Assessing The Extent Of Adoption And Use Of Electronic Health (Ehealth) Technologies In Health Centres And Institutions In The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT The World Health Organization (WHO) has noted that the benefits of technology have to be integrated in healthcare delivery in their Health-For-All Strategy which recommends that member countries incorporate health telematics into their healthcare system. The benefits of eHealth are thus underscored in this directive and a similar motivation underlies this study, which investigates the use and adoption of Electronic Health technologies in healthcare delivery in Ghana. The study was de...

The Supply And Demand Factors Affecting The Use Of Insecticides Treated Mosquito Nets In The Greater Accra Regi

Abstract Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world with many and varied effects. In Africa, malaria is a development problem because of its high prevalence in many countries in the continent. Insecticide-Treated mosquito Net (ITN) is one of the most effective measures used in preventing malaria. This is because, it acts as a physical barrier, preventing access by vector mosquitoes and thus providing personal protection against malaria to individuals using ...

The Influence of Microfinance on The Livelihood of Women: A Case Study of Mallam(GA SOUTH MUNICIPALITY), Ghana

ABSTRACT Microfinance is viewed the world over as a useful tool for addressing poverty by governments, development agencies and stakeholders. Mallam, a community located within the Ga South Municipality is one such locality that believes that microfinance is a tool that can be utilized to eradicate poverty, owing to the number of microfinance institutions (MFIs) found there. Microfinance interventions in Mallam range from formal to informal finance schemes i.e. group loans, individual loans,...

Turning Household Solid Wastes into Resources For Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of Abokobi in The Ga East Muicipality

ABSTRACT The study was a randomly-sampling based survey of 165 respondents living in three suburbs of Abokobi – low-income, middle-income and high-income areas. It was undertaken to identify the types of solid wastes generated by householders, ascertain the solid waste management practices of households, assess the level knowledge of households with regards to the various methods for converting solid wastes into resources for their benefit, and assess the current practices of converting so...

241 - 255 Of 372 Results