Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Alternative Rite Of Passage On Girls’ Education Among The Keiyo Community Of Elgeyo Markwet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Alternative Rite of Passage (ARP) is an interventionist programme that was introduced in the 1990’s in different communities that still practice female initiation rites of passage to adulthood as a viable alternative to the controversial Female Circumcision (FC) also known as FGM. ARP simulates the traditional rituals as closely as possible without the physical operation of the genitals. Despite massive awareness about the harmful effects of female circumcision on women’s and gir...

Leadership Competencies And Sustainable Funding Of Non-Governmental Organisations In Uganda

Introduction This study examines how leadership competencies influence sustainable funding of NonGovernmental Organisations (NGOs). Accordingly, competencies of NGO leaders are conceived as the independent variable while sustainable funding of NGOs will be the dependent variable. Leadership Competencies is measured in form of skills and behaviours which include ability to communicate vision, identifying and exploiting opportunities, inspiring teams, motivation of staff, relationship manageme...

Govenance Systems And Sustainability Of Rural Deep Underground Water Sources Of Lwengo District In Uganda

Introduction Water scarcity experience is severe in many of the emerging economies globally, with about 1.2 billion people, who do not have access to safe water. It is estimated that, more than 1 billion people who do not have access to safe drinking water and domestic use live in Africa and yet water is insurance to life (Heinrich Boll 2014) The effective Governance Systems and Sustainability of Rural Deep Underground Water Sources concept is crucial and calls for sense of citizen based par...

Gender Relations And Child Nutrition: A Study Of Intra-Household Bargaining In Rural Uganda.

 Introduction This chapter explains the background of this proposal and provides a short description of the nutrition situation in Uganda. The chapter also examines the gender relations inside the household and how this can affect child nutrition. Also explained is the rationale for the study and the research questions central to this study. This study examines the link between gender relations and child nutrition an integral part of intra-household bargaining in rural Uganda. Gender relati...

Changing Land-Use Patterns And Farming Strategies In The Degraded Environment Of The Irangi Hills, Central Tanzania

Abstract The approaches adopted by local farmers to put the degraded landscape of the Irangi Hills in central Tanzania to productive agricultural use are analysed. The area has been extensively affected by severe soil erosion, thereby reducing its potential for agriculture. While soil erosion in the upper and middle reaches of the slopes has resulted in extensive gullies, sedimentation in the lower reaches has created extensive sandfans and buried some of the fertile, clayey soils. The chang...

Public Private Partnership In Tanzania: A Framework For Improving The Quality Of Primary Education: A Case Of Selected Primary Schools In Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT The government of Tanzania adopted the use of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model as a development strategy for service delivery improvement particularly education since the late 1970s. Despite the adoption and long use of the model for fostering socioeconomic development through improving education services in Kilimanjaro Region, the quality of primary education in schools under PPP model has not yet greatly improved. The overall objective of this study was to asses...

An Assessment Of The Role Of Small Scale Irrigation On Food Security In Drought Prone Areas In Zimbabwe: The Case Of Chivi District Of Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT The study serves to unpack the role of small scale irrigation projects in ensuring food security in ward 11 of Chivi District. The study gave special attention on how the small scale irrigation schemes are implemented in the area, their role in ensuring food security in drought prone areas and the challenges that affect effective irrigation production. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in order to gather the information. The target sample for the qualitative app...

“The impact of Self Help Groups in facilitating rural development: Case study of Hurumutumbu rural community, Mutoko Ward 29.”

Abstract The study looks at the impact of SHGs in facilitating rural development. Rural development is mainly on the up gradation of socio-economic, technological, environmental and financial status of the rural folks. The study is thus exhibiting whether SHGs has been a panacea for rural development or vice versa. The study also looks at the nature and operation of SHGs and so is the constraints faced by this concept. In this case, the study made use of mixed research methodology for gatheri...

The search for Sustainable Domestic Financing Options for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Zimbabwe

Abstract The focus of this study was to identify, assess and recommend sustainable domestic financing options for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Zimbabwe. The study tracks the various health care system funding models employed by the Government of Zimbabwe from the 1980s to date highlighting their shortcomings and ultimately justifying the need for re-thinking the financing of Sexual and Reproductive Health and the need to pursue homegrown financing options. The research makes use of quali...

Effects Of Climate Change On Food Security In Mutasa District

Abstract This research seeks to highlight the Impacts of climate change on food security in Mutasa District in Manicaland Province in partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Development Studies at Midlands State University. The research presents the background of the study which is the impacts of climate change on food security. Research objectives and questions, limitations encountered and delimitations to the study are as well presented in this research. This study reviewed...

The Role Of Civil Society In Conflict Transformation In Zimbabwe: The Case Of Heal Zimbabwe Trust

Abstract This study seeks to analyse the role of civil society in Conflict Transformation in Zimbabwe using the case study of Heal Zimbabwe Trust. The study takes a look into the nature of conflicts in Zimbabwe that date back to the period of the liberation struggle, the Gukurahundi massacres, land invasions, operation Murambatsvina and the 2008 political violence. A critique is given to the work of the civil society organisations on conflict resolution, management, settlement and mitigation....

The Impact Of A1 Resettlement Scheme On Natural Resources Utilization And Management: The Case Of Ruchanyu Resettlement Scheme Of Shurugwi South Ward 20b In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT   This study was conducted with the major thrust of assessing the impact of A1 resettlement scheme on natural resources utilization and management in Ruchanyu. Ruchanyu A1 resettlement scheme was established in 1992 through compulsory acquisition of land with compensation where the government acquired Otina and Pontevie to settle 80 families in four villages. During this time the district was stricken by severe droughts. As a result settlers turn to exploit the natural environment ...

The Impact Of Income Generating Projects On Women Empowerment. The Case Of Helpline Zimbabwe In Shamva Ward 11

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of income generating projects on women’s empowerment. A case of income generating projects funded by Helpline Zimbabwe in Shamva Ward 11 was used as the study area. Data collection methods included participatory observations, focus group discussions and interviews with 30 women who benefited from Helpline Zimbabwe’s income generating projects since 2010. Key informant interviews were conducted with strategic stakeholders who were ...

Disaster Preparedness In Zimbabwe: A Case Of Muzarabani District.

ABSTRACT Both natural and human induced or man made disasters have negative effects on people‟s lives because they cause loss of life and livelihoods, loss and damage of property, infrastructure like roads. Given this one can note that there is need to put in place measures to reduce and prevent whenever possible these adverse impacts of disasters on communities. It is against this background that this research focuses on assessing the disaster preparedness level of the Muzarabani community...

The Impact Of Illegal Gold Mining On The Environment In Kwekwe Disrtict

Abstract The main scope of the research was to establish the major environmental challenges caused by gold panning in Kwekwe district in Midlands Province of Zimbabwe. In this study the qualitative with a combination of minor aspects quantitative research paradigms were used with a sample drawn from panners, and stakeholders. The stakeholders comprised local government officials, Environmental Management Authorities and officials drawn from local mining organisations also the local people dwe...

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