Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Community Involvement On Conservation Of Natural Resources In Uganda. A Case Study Of Mabira Forest Buikwe District.

ABSTRACT The study on community involvement and conservation of natural resources was conducted in Mabira forest specifically to establish the role played by the community in conservation of natural resources, factors which impend community involvement in conservation, challenges to conservation and solutions for proper conservation. The study involved secondary sources of data where the research related her study to different author’s work and authentication and afterwards she made con...

Problems Of Food Insecurity Among The People Of Iganga District In Uganda.

ABSTRACT The research was designed focusing on the study of food insecurity on the people of Iganga district and a case study of Iganga district. In the collection of data both qualitative and quantitative method were used encouraged the researcher to present her information in statistics of a tabulation form or percentages. Several data collection techniques were used for stance questionnaire focused group discussions, in depth interviews, document analysis, observation, simple random were...

Role Of Non Governmental Organizations In Promoting Development A Case Of Companssion International, Kalungu District.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Kyamulibwa Sub County, Kalungu district. It was intended to examine the main objectives of the study were to the to examine the roles of nongovernmental organizations towards national development, to establish the challenges non-governmental organizations encountered in the pursuit of their activities and also to examine the solutions to the challenges encountered in the pursuit of their activities in Kyamulibwa Sub-county Kalungu district in central...

The Role Of Decentrausation In Community Empowerment For Poverty Alleviation: The Experience Of Endinzi Sub County, Isingiro District

ABSTRACT This report documents the findings of a study on the role of decentralization in community empowerment for poverty alleviation. Endinzi Sub County in Isingiro district was taken as a case study. The study’s main objective was to examine the role of government decentralization in empowering communities for sustainable development. The study adopted questionnaires and interviews as key research instruments. These were administered on the key respondents who included local people and ...

Contribution Of Twiga Cement Factory To The Improvement Of Living Standard Of The Sorrounding Community, A Case Study Of Two Sellected Harmlets Of Wazo Ward In Kinondoni Municipality.

This study was conducted at Wazo and Tegeta hamlets of Wazo ward in Kinondoni municipality, to assess the contribution of Twiga cement factory in improving living standard of the surrounding community. A random sample of 80 respondents from the household level was interviewed by using questionnaires, and focus group discussion. And analysis was done using computer program called statistical package for social science (SPSS). Presentation of analyzed data was done by using tables, plates and w...

Women Increased Participation In Community Projects And Socio Economic Development In Uganda. A Case Study Of Bukwo Subcounty Bukwo District

ABSTRACT The research on “the contribution of women emancipation to the socio~economic development” was carried out in Bukwo sub county, north eastern region Uganda. The research involved 100 respondents, of which 61% were women. The research was however guided by research objectives. Objective one sought to find out how women emancipation brought socio-economic development in Bukwo sub county, Uganda. It was however found that; increase in women representation, increased women employment...

The Impact Of Domestic Violence On The Development Of Rural Communities In Nyarusiza Sub County A Case Study Of South Western Uganda

ABSTRACT This research was entitled “The impact of Domestic Violence on the Development of Rural communities in Nyarusiza Sub County, Kisoro District. The study was carried out basing on four specific objectives, i.e.; To describe the nature (forms) of domestic violence in Nyarusiza Sub County. identify the factors that have contributed to the existence of domestic violence, analyze the prevalence of the problem of domestic violence against women and finally analyze the possible remedies to...

The Influence Of Climate Change On Food Security In Uganda: Case Study Of Lwamaggwa Sub County, Rakai District

ABSTRACT The study focused on the Impact of climate change on food security in central Uganda, a case study of Lwamagwa sub-county in Rakai district. Issues of climate change depends on various factors but this study specifically focused; on indicators of climate change in Lwamaggwa sub county; assess how climate change affect food security in Lwamaggwa Sub County; to examine the challenges of climate change in Lwamaggwa Sub County and to identify possible measures that can be taken to impro...

Ploblems Of Improving Agricultural Technology In Peasantry Societies In Uganda

Abstract the study was about the problems of improving agricultural technology in peasantry societies in uganda; a case study of Ngetta sub county, lira district. The study was based on the following three objectives; to establish modernisation strategies of improving agricultural technology in peasantry societies, to establish the problems affecting modernisation strategy in peasantry societies and to examine the relationship between agriculture modernisation and food production in peasantry...

An Assessment of the Impact Of Non-Governmental Organisations In Improving Economic Welfare Of People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHAS) A Case Study of Health Need Uganda In Nadunget Sub Coun

Background HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection has now spread to every country in the world. Statistics show that approximately 40 million people are currently living with HIV infection, and an estimated 25  million have died from  this disease.  The scourge or HIV  has been particularly devastating in sub-Saharan Africa and South Africa, but, infection rates in other countries remain high. In the  United  States. approximately  1 million  people are currently infected.  Her...

An Inquiry Into Economic Grouth And Youth Employment In Kampala District Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ii APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENT vi CHAPTER ONE 1 THE PERCEpTION OF THE PROBLEM I 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 4 1.3 General Objectives 4 1.4 Specific objectives in this study are 5 1.5 Research objectives 1.6 Significance of the study 5 CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE Rj~VIEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Theoretical perspective 6 2.2 The relationship between economic growth and employment 7 2.3 Possible solutions to the p...

Problems Of Food Insecurity Among The People Of Iganga District In Uganda

ABSTRACT The research was designed focusing on the study of food insecurity on the people of Iganga district and a case study of Iganga district. In the collection of data both qualitative and quantitative method were used encouraged the researcher to present her information in statistics of a tabulation form or percentages. Several data collection techniques were used for stance questionnaire focused group discussions, in depth interviews, document analysis, observation, simple random were...

Teenage Pregancy In Kisozi Subcounty, Kamuli District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research report was to assess the effects of increasing teenage pregnancy on girls in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli District. The study was guided by four specific objectives which included; to identify the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli District; to assess the causes of teenage pregnancy in Kisozi sub-county, Kamuli District; to establish the effects of teenage pregnancy in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli district and to come up with possible ...

The Impact Of Delegation On Employees Performance In Organizations Case Study Coca-Cola Company In Mbarara, Uganda

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to find out the impact of delegation on employees performance. The interest in this particular area was due to the deteriorating in performance of the organization and in particular coca-cola company despite hiring bright and talented employees. Therefore, this triggered the researcher to go and assess the relationship between delegation and employee performance. The main objectives of this study were to find out why managers don’t delegate, t...

Institutional Factors Influencing Career Advancement Of Women Faculty: A Case Of Kenyatta University, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined the institutional factors militating against career advancement of women faculty: A case study of Kenyatta University. The study was based on the premise that there are some hidden institutional challenges slowing career progress of women faculty. This exists despite the many attempts by universities to implement government calls to gender equality and equity. The promotion criteria at the universities is said to provide equal opportunities to women and men, yet ...

121 - 135 Of 372 Results