Finance Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Risk Based Internal Audit On Financial Sustainability Of Non-governmental Organization In Nakuru County, Kenya

Financial sustainability requires appropriate risk based audit practice hence effective and efficient internal audit. Most non-governmental organizations are faced with sustainability challenges which can be attributed to difficulties in the design, monitoring and implementation of project financing strategies which may impact negatively on overall sustainability. The financial sustainability of an organization is a measure of the organization‘s ability to meet its financial obligation...

Effect Of Operation Risk Exposure On Financial Performance Of Commerical Banks In Kenya

Operational risk is a fast emerging area in banking industry. Awareness of operational risk as a separate risk category has been relatively recent in most banks. It is therefore important to examine the effect of this risk on financial performance of the commercial banks. Unlike market, the operational risk factors are largely linked to internal policies and procedures of the bank. Operational risk in the banks come from different causes, including transaction and execution errors, fraud...

An Analysis And Criticism A~ The English.Series Of The South A:F'rican " I Ndividual Intelligence Scale" .

ABSTRACT In December, 1924-, at the ..nnual U.ongress !eet in! of the Suid Afrikaanse On~erwysers Unie a p~per was read by Dr . H. Cruse on "Intelligt.nce Tests an:l their application to the School.a" . Aa a result of this paper it was decided to a ppoint a Committee to attempt to standardise tests for pupils in South African schools , since no set of tests from any one country can • be adeq_uately a dopted in any- other co untr~ in view of the vast differences existing in raci al and clima...

A critical analysis of the taxation of income arising to contractors in relation to the execution of engineering, procurement, construction a

ABSTRACT Globally, the past two years have been successful years in oil and gas exploration with discoveries almost doubling those made in 2017.1 Notwithstanding Africa’s endowment in vast natural resources, including substantial oil and gas reserves, one of the most dramatic finds in Africa has been Mozambique’s natural gas developments. Mozambique is set to become one of the largest and most dominant natural gas finds in the world. These developments have attracted the attention from c...

An Investigation Into South African Property Unit Trusts: Do Active Managers Add Value To Investors?

Abstract Active vs passive management is a central debate within asset management, with active managers promising superior market beating performance after fees through their superior knowledge and stock selection. This study investigates the performance of 34 South African property unit trusts over multiple periods between 2005 and 2018. Fund performance was evaluated using three risk-adjusted measures, namely the Sharpe ratio, information ratio and Jensen’s alpha, in order to determine w...

Relationship Between Asset Securitization And Financial Performance Of Listed Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The economic aspect of any nation is strengthened by a well-regulated and managed banking sector. Most commercial banks in Kenya are faced with low financial performance because of capital deficiency, liquidity deficiency and non-performing loans due to defaulted loans. This study examined the relationship between asset securitization and financial performance of listed commercial banks in Kenya. The objectives of the study assessed the influence of asset-based securities, mortgage ...

Relationship Between Corporate Bonds And Liquidity Growth Of Commercial Banks In Nairobi County Kenya

As a substitute way of getting funding for proper functional of banking operations, commercial banks issue these bonds to clients. They do this with a promise that the bank will be paying interest after a certain duration of time depending on the type of corporate bond being issued. For the bond market to efficiently develop, conditions such as a developed money market, suitable trading structure, rules and laws that are favorable and realistic macroeconomic policies have to be put into place...

Effect Of Mortgage Financing On Profitability Of Islamic Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The growth of Islamic banking has been on a steady increase hence currently a force to reckon with in the financial market. This banking subsector is presently competing for market share with conventional banks. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of mortgage financing on profitability of Islamic banks in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to establish the effect of interest-free mortgage financing on Profitability Islamic banks, to explore how collateral requireme...

TInfluence Of Financial Literacy On Financial Management Practices: A Survey Of Dairy Farmers Managed By K-Unity Sacco In Limuru Sub County

This study purposed to investigate the influence of financial literacy on financial management practices; a survey of dairy farmers managed by K Unity SACCO in Limuru sub county, Kiambu county. The objective of the study was to investigate how financial literacy affects financial management of persons operating in the informal sectors in this case looking at dairy farmers. The researcher sought to find out whether investment practices, saving culture, budgeting practices loan management and t...

Influence Of Financial Literacy On Financial Management Practices: A Survey Of Dairy Farmers Managed By K-Unity Sacco In Limuru Sub County

ABSTRACT This study purposed to investigate the influence of financial literacy on financial management practices; a survey of dairy farmers managed by K Unity SACCO in Limuru sub county, Kiambu county. The objective of the study was to investigate how financial literacy affects financial management of persons operating in the informal sectors in this case looking at dairy farmers. The researcher sought to find out whether investment practices, saving culture, budgeting practices loan manage...

The effects of interest rate regulation on sustainability of microfinance institutions in Zimbabwe,”

ABSTRACT Microfinance institutions services have continued to play a vital role in Zimbabwean economy. It is viewed as the provision of financial services to the poor and low income group. Microfinance Institutions in Zimbabwe have gained wide recognition since 1990’s for the role they play in providing financial services to low income households, and their contribution to poverty alleviation. Despite this crucial role, the interest rate charged by the MFIs in Zimbabwe have been relatively ...

Effect Of Devolved Funds On Growth Of Youth Enterprises In Bungoma County Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the initiative by the government to introduce devolved funds in Kenya, the real effect of these devolved funds is yet to be experienced on growth of the youth enterprises. There has been overemphasis by previous studies on the issues that address challenges and administration of devolved funds with less regard on the real influence on development. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of devolved funds on growth of Youth enterprises and develop a framework to im...

Effect Of Electronic Banking Technology On Financial Inclusion In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Effects of Electronic Banking on financial inclusion in Kenya is not well documented. Recent studies on electronic banking have over-emphasized on the factors that affect this mode of banking. This study sought to determine the effects of electronic banking on the financial inclusion. The study sought to assess the effect of mobile banking, internet banking and agency banking on financial inclusion. This study used a descriptive research design. Stratified random sampling was emp...

Effect Of Activity Based Budgeting On Resource Based Performance In Universities In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Resource Based Performance (RBP) is an innovative construct of an organisation, encompassing strategy, formal structure, and customer to supplier relationships; including innovation and technological capabilities; on which performance is tested. Firm success is not necessarily associated with market power or industry structure, but rather the result of innovation and new technologies which are critical in influencing the dynamics of external environment and competition. In essence, t...

Relationship Between Mortgage Interest Rates And Return On Investment Of Residential Property Industry In Kisumu City, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, the demand for houses has immensely gone up in the last decade but their supply has been insufficient. Generally, real estate to a great extent relies on investment from loaned finances and the cost of financing. Housing affordability problem in Kenya is has caused many Kenyan families to spend in excess of 30-35% of their earnings on housing. This implies that property return in most circumstances are influenced by market forces of demand and supply. According to the Kenya...

136 - 150 Of 405 Results