Finance Research Papers/Topics

Internal Controls And Credit Risk Among Commercial Banks Listed In Nairobi Securities Exchange Kenya

 ABSTRACT Inappropriate credit policies, as well as inadequate, limited institutional capacity by Kenya's financial sector, led to several of the banking institutions collapsing over what was termed as poor management of credit risks which resulted to increased amounts of loans that were not being serviced. The main aim of the research project was to establish the effects of internal controls on credit risk among the banks listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange. The distinctive goals include...

Shariah Banking And Financial Performance Of Selected Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT As of December 2017, the Kenyan banking sector registered a decline in performance with the subdued economic activities. The industry reported a decrease in profit after tax by 9.6 % during the year 2017. A decline in asset quality was reported, with the NPLs ratio increasing to 12.3 % in December 2017 from 9.3 % in December 2016. The general aim was to establish how financial performance of selected Kenya commercial banks is affected by shariah-compliant banking. The research was g...

Determinants Of Micro Credit Performance In Microfinances In Kenya

ABSTRACT  Efficient debt management determines the cash flow and the success of the day-to-day operations of the business. Poor credit management leads to late payment to creditors and other stakeholders in the supply chain. This study focused on the determinants of micro credit performane in kenya. The objective of this study was to establish factors that determine micro credit performance in Kenya.The researcher surveyed loan accounts of a micro finace institution. The researcher took micr...

Influence Of Risk Based Internal Audit On Financial Sustainability Of Non-Governmental Organization In Nakuru County, Kenya

Financial sustainability requires appropriate risk based audit practice hence effective and efficient internal audit. Most non-governmental organizations are faced with sustainability challenges which can be attributed to difficulties in the design, monitoring and implementation of project financing strategies which may impact negatively on overall sustainability. The financial sustainability of an organization is a measure of the organization‘s ability to meet its financial obligations. Ma...

Effect Of Working Capital Management On Financial Performance Of Listed Commercial And Service Firms At Nairobi Securities Exchange Limited Kenya

The study analyzed the relationship of WCM on financial performance, taking the case of Firms in the Commercial and Services Segment of NSE, Kenya. Specifically, the study analyzed the effect of accounts receivable, accounts payable, stock conversion period, cash conversion cycle on Return on Asset as measures of financial performance of commercial and services segment listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. The study adopted the following theories to explain the effect of working ...

Influence Of Risk Based Internal Audit On Financial Sustainability Of Non-governmental Organization In Nakuru County, Kenya

Financial sustainability requires appropriate risk based audit practice hence effective and efficient internal audit. Most non-governmental organizations are faced with sustainability challenges which can be attributed to difficulties in the design, monitoring and implementation of project financing strategies which may impact negatively on overall sustainability. The financial sustainability of an organization is a measure of the organization‘s ability to meet its financial obligation...

Effect Of Operation Risk Exposure On Financial Performance Of Commerical Banks In Kenya

Operational risk is a fast emerging area in banking industry. Awareness of operational risk as a separate risk category has been relatively recent in most banks. It is therefore important to examine the effect of this risk on financial performance of the commercial banks. Unlike market, the operational risk factors are largely linked to internal policies and procedures of the bank. Operational risk in the banks come from different causes, including transaction and execution errors, fraud...

The Determinants of Loan Default Among Urban Poor Business Women: Evidence from a Micro Finance Institution in Ghana

ABSTRACT Growth of microcredit is seen as an important way to expand financial services to the poor and unbanked, and to help reduce poverty. However, high default rate remains a major challenge for micro-lenders. Understanding the causes of default among the poor is important for devising effective strategies to deal with this problem. This study sought to identify the determinants of loan default among urban poor women in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The study quantifies the relat...

Liquidity Management And Bank Profitability: A Case Of Listed Banks On The Ghana Stock Exchange

ABSTRACT Profitability and maximizing shareholders wealth top the chat when it comes the reasons why people or organisations engage in business. A bank like any other business venture also has these same objectives in mind. The contentious issue however, is finding a right balance between the profit maximization objective and the right amount of liquidity to hold amidst macro-economic variables such as Gross Domestic Growth rate (GDP), inflation, etc. Evidence from prior academic literature i...


ABSTRACT The continued and sustained growth of any economy is dependent on a strong and robust financial sector. The Bank of Ghana in a bid to reform and ensure stability of the sector, withdrew the licenses of nine banks in Ghana, one of which was uniBank Ghana Limited. This study aims at finding the reasons why uniBank failed from the perspective of former staff. The study gathered qualitative data through interviews and quantitative data from annual reports of the bank. The study found ove...

The Effect Of Banking Crises On Employees In Ghana: The Case Of Consolidated Bank Ghana

ABSTRACT Banking crises are usually followed by low credit, GDP growth and high job insecurity. This is because crises tend to take place during economic and social downturns. The banking crisis affected not only different institutions and companies, but also the economic and financial livelihood of people, especially banking sector workers. Ghana is far from getting out of this crisis, and its impact may be measured by different indicators. This paper seeks to investigate the impact of banki...


ABSTRACT In the last few decades, mutual funds have developed due to the global integration of financial markets. The aim of this study is assessing the role of mutual funds towards increasing the financial gains of investors, using Databank Mutual fund as a case study. The study adopted descriptive research. The simple random sampling method is used to sample the 100 respondents from the Accra and Tema branches of Databank. The study found out that a greater majority of the respondents inves...


ABSTRACT Remittances constitute a portion of international migrant workers earnings sent back from the country of employment to the country of origin.While the rates and levels of officially recorded remittances to developing countries has increased enormously over the last decade, academic and policy-oriented research has not come to a consensus over whether remittances contribute to longer-term growth (Nnaemeka, 2007).This study focuses on the role of remittances in the economic growth of N...

Economic Impacts of M-Pesa in a Develping Economy: A Case Study of Nairobi CBD

ABSTRACT Access to financial services in a country is essential for economic growth. The term access to financial services refers to the ease with which an individual can use financial services if theywant to. It is thus distinct from usage; an individual may have access to financial services but choose not to use them. It is also possible for an individual to face access constraints even if they are using a financial service. For example, an individual may have a bank account, but may face c...

Impact of Financial Constraints on Firms' Investment Decision in Nigeria

The study is focused in examining financial constraint and investment decision of firms in Nigeria. The study seeks to reveal various financial constraints that are having effect on firms’ investment decision. The data have been taken from the balance sheet of nine (9) manufacturing firms listed in the Nigerian Stock Exchange for the time period 2008 to 2012. Multiple regression analysis has been done to examine the relationship among firm’s size, dividend payout ratio, firm’s age, capi...

31 - 45 Of 46 Results