Financial Management Technology Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Micro Credit Financing On The Output Of The Nigerian Farmers (A Case Of South Eastern States Of Nigeria 1990-2005)

ABSTRACT   The purpose of this study is to determine if there is significant increase in output of  the Nigerian farmers after micro credit loan had been obtained. The study made use  of secondary data predominantly, especially data from the Nigeria Agricultural Co operative and Rural Development (NACRDB). The Statistical tool used in the  analysis are : Difference between tow means of X and Y variable; spearman  correlation coefficient of variations and finally the Z test. At the end o...

The Impact Of Monetary Policy Measures On Bank Credit From 1980 – 2003

ABSTRACT   The study is an investigation into the impact of monetary policy measures on bank credit, covering the period, 1980 – 2003. Specifically, we examined the influence of each of the following instruments namely, liquidity ratio, interest rate, cash reserve requirement, minimum rediscount rate and treasury bill on bank credit.     Two major statistical tools were adopted, while a time-series analysis was conducted to observe the movement of these named variables as against the m...

The Impact Of Monetary Policy On Bank Performance; 1980 -2006

ABSTRACT  The study investigated the impact of monetary policy on bank performance, covering the period, 1980-2006. While bank performance was measured through the total external assets of all commercial banks in Nigeria, the cash reserve ratio, liquidity ratio, interest rate, minimum rediscount   rate   and   treasury bills  rate,  represented instruments of monetary policy.  Adopting the multiple regression model, the study confirmed the existence of a significant relationsh...

Domestic Debt Financing And Economic Development Of Nigeria (1990 – 2004).

ABSTRACT  This study is on Domestic Debt Financing and Economic Development of Nigeria (1990 – 2004).  The research considered the sources of domestic debt financing and their effect on economic development of Nigeria.   The study employed a statistical framework to test four hypotheses.   Secondary data were used for the study.  Multiple regression analysis was used to test the relationship that exists between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the dependent variable and sources of dom...

Determinants Of Investment In The Nigerian Economy: An Empirical Approach (1981-2009).

ABSTRACT  This study centred on the Determinants of Investment in the Nigerian Economy: An Empirical Approach, 1981 – 2009. In attempt to achieve the objective, hypotheses were formulated and data for the study collected from the CBN statistical bulletin, annual report and statements of accounts, covering the period of 1981-2009. The data were analyzed using E-views econometric software under the ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis. The study revealed that there is a sign...

Bank Performance And Credit Risk Management

ABSTRACT This study investigates the effect of credit risk management enhances on the performance of the Nigerian banking industry with specific attention on management efficiency measured by return on asset (ROA) and return to shareholders measured by return on equity (ROE). The study is motivated by the increased concern based on research findings which seem to have isolated increasing portfolio of non-performing credit as a casual factor of bank failures globally. The validity of the abo...

The Impact Of Consolidation Policy On Banking Sector Profitability In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study analysed the effect of 2004 banking sector consolidation policy on banking industry profitability in Nigeria. The study covered the period 1993 -2015, which was divided into the preconsolidation period (1996-2004) and post-consolidation periods (2006-2014), with 2005 as breaking point. Three commercial banks (Access bank, GTbank, and First bank) formed the sample size. Profitability was proxy by PAT (profit after tax); the CAMEL (capital adequacy, asset quality, management...

Pre and Post Banking Sector Consolidation of Selected Commercial Banks’ Performance in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study compared the pre and post banking sector consolidation periods performance of some selected banks’ in Nigeria, for the period 1997-2014. The performance indicators of the selected banks were limited to total equity, total assets base and profit after tax. The study adopted ex-post facto research design using secondary sourced data extracted from the published financial reports of the selected banks. Three banks selected were United Bank for Africa Plc, First Bank of Nige...

Determinants of Deposit Money Banks Profitability in Nigeria

Abstract This study analysed the significant determinants of deposit money banks‟ profitability in Nigeria and developed profitability prediction models thereof. The study adopted a combination of expost facto and survey designs in data collection, while quantitative and qualitative tools were employed in data analysis. The BASEL III accord provided the basic framework that guided the investigation. CAMELS index in addition to two industry drivers (bank size and market share) and one macro...

Monetary Policy And Deposit Money Banks Credit in Nigeria

ABSTRACT   The study examines the relationship between monetary policy and Deposit Monet Banks’ Credit in Nigeria. (1980 – 2013). The study critically and objectively evaluated the effects of monetary policy measures adopted in this country on credit allocation of money deposit banks. The study used multiple regression model as the technique of data analysis, employing eveiws 7.0 (2014) software to reveal a significant relationship between monetary policy and sectoral allocation of cre...

Microfinancing of Some Selected Small And Medium Enterprises in Owerri

ABSTRACT   This research work is on Microfinancing of Small and Medium Enterprises in Owerri with emphasis on selected Small and Medium Enterprises. The indispensable role of finance to the growth and survival of enterprises and the adoption of microfinance as the main source of financing Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria motivated this study. Primary data gathered using 5- Point Likert Scale questionnaire were presented and analysed using simple percentages and frequencies. Hypothes...

Mergers And Acquisition And Selected Banks Performance in Nigeria

ABSTRACT  This study investigated the effect of “Mergers and Acquisition and selected Banks’ performance” in Nigeria. It was necessitated by the frequent incidence of bank failures in Nigeria which has resulted in liquidation of some Banks and its attendant unemployment, loss of customers’ deposits and credit to prospective borrowers. The study relied mainly on secondary data for the analyses and covered the 1997 to 2014 period. The banks were randomly selected, while the analysis wa...

Macroeconomic Variables And Stock Market Returns Volatility in Nigeria

ABSTRACT GARCH (1, 1) and the E- GARCH (p, q) techniques were used in this study to evaluate the volatility clustering in the stock market returns. Interest rates, inflation rates and exchange rates were themacroeconomic determinantfactors to stock market returns volatility in Nigeria, covering the period, 1995 to 2014. The study revealed that inflation, interest rates and exchange rates were volatile and move in clusters, with the following valuesof GARCH coefficient β 0.966349, 0.9662 and...

An Evaluation of The Effect of The Nigerian Capital Market on Industrial Development of Nigeria (1986-2017)

ABSTRACT          The study assesses the Effect of the Nigerian Capital market on Industrial development (1986-2017).The Industrial development by data manufacturing sector and the capital market variables considered includes: Market Capitalization (MCAP), Volume of Shares (VOS) and All Shares Index (ASI). Applying Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Unit root test and Johansen co-integration, the model was estimated using Eview software. The estimated model revealed that there is a significan...

Effects of Electronic Banking on Intermediation Efficiency in Nigeria

ABSTRACT           This study measured the effects of electronic banking products of automated teller machine (ATM), internet banking (IB), point of sale (PoS) and mobile banking (MB) on intermediation efficiency in Nigeria. The study made use of time series data covering the period from 2006 – 2013 from the Central bank of Nigeria. Tests carried out included descriptive statistics, unit root test, cointegration test, correlation test, while stepwise regression analysis was used to de...

46 - 60 Of 70 Results