Financial Management Technology Research Papers/Topics

Management of Special Collection in A Period of Reduced Funding

THESIS ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to investigate the management of the Special Collection Division in a period of reduced funding in Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Six research questions were framed to guide the study. It was a case study. The population comprise of all the users of Special Collection Division, the Library Staff working there and the University Librarian himself. A sample population was made of 14 staff and 75 users of different catego...

The Impact of Lending Policy Upon Recovery Rate The Case Study of Crdb Bank - Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT This study was done in order to analyze the impact of lending policy of CRDB Bank upon recovery rate and consequently to give recommendations wherever possible for the sake of making loan recovery rate performance more competitive and profitable in the future and current market. The main problem in this study is the impact of loan recovery process and procedures as guided by the lending policy of the bank which to large extent hinder the process. In carrying out this study, data coll...

Effect of Human Resources Development in Financial Institution; A Case of First Bank of Nigeria Plc

ABSTRACT The study is anchored on human resource development (HRD) as the critical element that propels the financial institutions towards achieving and sustaining competitive advantage in this age of explosive information technology which has brought in revolution in the global economic landscape with impact on individuals and challenges on businesses. It assesses the relevance of Human Resource Development in addressing the issues and also present techniques that may be applied by decision ...

Analysis of The Impact of Commercial Bank’s Loans On the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This thesis investigates the Impact of Deposit Money Banks Loan on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria, between 1990 and 2014. The variables used for this study are secondary data generated from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin, Volume 26, December 2014 and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). These data include the Gross Domestic Product, deposit money bank loans to small and medium enterprises, deposit money bank loans to the Agricultural s...

A Financial Appraisal of the Operational Performance of Privatized Nigeria Company (A Case Study of National Oil Plc, Lagos State)

ABSTRACT The topic for this project is A financial Aprraisal of the operational performance of privatized Nigeria company. The research study is done in order to get possible solution or recommendation to the problem of the company and to make the staff to be efficient and effective.           Privatization can be defined basically as the process of transferring the ownership of a public enterprise to the private sector. The method adopted in this paper work was purely primary sourc...


ABSTRACT This research work investigates the impact of banks’ credit on the growth of Nigerian economy between 1981 and 2012. The study was needed due to the central role which the deposit money banks’ credits play in the economic, financial and social development and growth of the economy. The study made use of secondary data in its analysis. Four explanatory variables (Credit to Other Sectors, Credit to Service Sector, Credit to Production Sector, and Credit to General Commercial Se...

The Impact of Globalisation on the Nigerian Economy From 1978 - 2007

CHAPTER ONE: 1.1  Background of the Study 1.2  The Statement of the Problem 1.3  Objectives of the Study 1.4  Research Questions 1.5  Hypotheses 1.6  Significance of the Study 1.7  Scope/Limitations of the Study 1.8  Plan of the Report CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction 2.1.0  Theoretical Framework 2.1.1  Definitions 2.1.2  Dimensions of Globalization 2.1.3  History of Globalization 2.1.4  Nature and Existence of Globali...