Gender and Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Factors limiting female access to science related programmes in technical training institutions in Nyanza region, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The low enrolment of female students in science related courses in tertiary institutions in Kenya has been in the public domain for some time and it is of concern to education policy makers. Women’s equal enrolment with their male counterparts in science related courses is key to drive Kenya’s Vision 2030. This initiative aimed at making the country a newly industrializing middle income country by providing high quality life for all its citizens. The purpose of the s...

Motivation of women academics and balancing family & career

Abstract/Overview This study examines the experiences of women academics in relation to factors that motivated them towards academia and challenges experienced while balancing family and career, and highlighting strategies that they have employed to reach their present professional and academic ranks. The study is a contribution to knowledge and the extant literature on women academics’ career experiences which has been under-researched, especially in Kenya. It claims to have made a con...