Management and Development Research Papers/Topics

Impact of Foreign Aid through NGOs for Sustainable Development of Rural Communities in Central Uganda. A Case Study of Caritas International - Lugazi Catholic Diocese

ABSTRACT  The aim of this research report was to find out whether sustainable development can actually be realized when aid is passed through NGOs. Three objectives were used during the study. That is; to find out the various forms aid received, to identify the best forms of aid, and to find out how the various forms of aid complement each other to lead to rural development Caritas an international NGO working in Lugazi Catholic diocese in Uganda was used as a case study. Data was collected ...

The Impact of Training on Performance of Community Based Organisation A Case Study of Community Empowerment Programme for Rural Development (Ceford) in Arua District.

ABSTRACT  This study analyzes the impact of training on the performance of Community Based Organization, an analysis of Community Empowerment for Rural Development in Arua District. The purpose of the study was therefore to analyze the relationship between training and the performance of Community Based Organizations. The objectives of the study were to investigate the training approaches used, the practice of performance appraisal, measures taken to improve performance and how often the org...

The Effectiveness of World Vision in Rural Sustainable Development in Bugesera District, Eastern Province of Rwanda

ABSTRACT  This research is based on “The effectiveness of World vision in rural sustainable development in Bugesera district, the Eastern province of Rwanda”. The study was guided by three objectives namely: to investigate the influence of World vision Rwanda on sustainable development activities in Bugesera district, to examine the Role of World vision Rwanda in promoting Unity, Reconciliation and Peace Building in portion sustainability of development in the area of study, and then, to...

The Role of some Sector Programmes in Poverty Reduction in Rwanda A Case Study of Rwamagana District

ABSTRACT  This study determined the role & some sector programs in poverty reduction in Rwanda: A case study of Rwamagana District. The objectives of the study were to establish the role of rural roads in poverty reduction, to find out the role of primary health care in poverty reduction and to find out the role of agriculture extension services in poverty reduction in Rwanda. This study employed a case study design to determine the role of some sector programs in poverty reduction in Rwanda...

Contribution of Local Media on Peace Building in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  After the collapse of central government of Somalia in 1991, the country institutions destroyed and the entire functioning of departments were looted, among the legitimacy institutions, national run Radio and TV in Mogadishu-Somalia. The conflict was spread in all parts of the country, and security was lost among that violence which bring to fled many people in the country and others lost their lives during the conflict. This violence brought to start new plans to look for the peac...

Good Governance, Public Policy and Capacity Building in Uganda. 1986-2006.

Abstract  This research paper debates issues experienced in implementing public policies, the role of good governance and capacity building in Uganda. The paper highlights the complexity and messiness of real world in policy-making and implementation in which institutions are influenced by, among other factors, their beliefs and values, the practices and power of other actors, their networks with other actors, and the political space for debate and negotiation in specific context. Good gover...

Uganda Broadcasting Corporation Radio Programs in Promoting Decentralization in Uganda.

ABSTRACT  The study examined the role of Uganda Broadcasting Corporation Radios (UBCR5) in promoting Decentralisation in Uganda. It established the various programs through which UBCR5 promote decentralisation, analysed their contents and assessed their effectiveness in promoting decentralisation in Uganda. Descriptive research design was applied to a research population which included; managers, presenters/producers of UBCRs, local and other government officials from 14 districts and listen...

Assessment of Portable Water Quality in Kumi Town Council, Eastern Uganda.

Table of contents Preliminary page Dedaration A Dedaration B ii Approval Sheet iii Dedication iv Acknowledgement v Table of content vi Ust of Tables viii Ustoffigures bc Abstract x Chapter Page One ThE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 2 Purpose of the Study 2 Research Objectives 2 Scope 3 Operational Definitions of Key Terms 3 Two REVIEW OF RELATED LiTERATURE 4 Introduction 4 Concepts, Ideas, Opinions From Authors/Experts 4 Related Studies 4 Three MET...

Uganda Broadcasting Corporation Radio Programs in Promoting Decentralization in Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study examined the role of Uganda Broadcasting Corporation Radios (UBCR5) in promoting Decentralisation in Uganda. It established the various programs through which UBCR5 promote decentralisation, analysed their contents and assessed their effectiveness in promoting decentralisation in Uganda. Descriptive research design was applied to a research population which included; managers, presenters/producers of UBCRs, local and other government officials from 14 districts and listen...

The Role of Civil Society Organisations in Resettlement Programme in Northern Uganda A Case of Moroto County Ura District

ABSTRACT  This study was specifically designed to assess the role of Civil• Society Organisations in the resettlement Programme in northern Uganda, taking Moroto County as a case study. This particular part of Uganda had registered a large number of IDPs. This provides palatable ground for data collection in lieu of the role of CSOs in resettlement programme. The study focuses on the contributions made by the CSOs in the resettlement programme in Moroto County. It further seeks to identify...

The Role of the Council of Elders ‘Guurti’ In Somaliland’s Political Reconstruction and Democratization

ABSTRACT This study is an inspired effort to analyze the role of the council of elders ‘Guurti’ in Somaliland’s political construction and democratization, in the republic of Somaliland. The reconciliation and peace conferences (shirbeeleedyo) were executed by the traditional council of elders ‘Guurti’. The Guurti have for the past nineteen years largely taken over major roles of the country including: reconstruction, peace-building, country building, security, dispute mediation and...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION 11SUPERVISOR’S APPROVAL iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT VTABLE OF CONTENTS ViLIST OF TABLES ixLIST OF FIGURES XLIST OF ACRONYMS XiABSTRACT XffiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background of the Study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 31.3 Purpose of study1.4 Objectives of the study 41.5 Research questions 41.6 Scope 51.7 Significance of the study 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.1 Introduction 72.2 Theoretical framework 72.3 Conceptual framework .92.4. Decentralisat...

Farmers’ Knowledge And Adaptation Practices To Climate Change In Lower Nyakach Division Of Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agricultural production all over the world has been affected by continuous climatic changes. Although most developed nations constantly update their farmers with current climate change information that enables them to device appropriate adaptive strategies, farmers in developing countries only learn about the same after its effects have been noticed. Most households in rural areas of Kenya still face food insecurity. However, there is no evidence on whether Kenyan farmers have reliab...

Small-Scale Irrigation Farming And Its Effects On Rural Livelihood In The Wa West District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Irrigation has proven to be one of the surest ways of increasing agriculture production, particularly in arid areas. Notwithstanding this, the opportunity has not been optimally utilised to better the lots of rural smallholder farmers. This study, therefore, sought to examine how irrigation systems are governed, the contribution of irrigation to livelihood enhancement and relationship between irrigation farming and migration in the Wa West District. This study was conducted using a ...