Natural Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Forest Degradation On Forest Structure And Carbon Stock In Kiwengwa Pongwe Forest Reserve, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This work reported in this dissertation was conducted in Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest Reserve (KPFR) in Zanzibar. Specifically, the study assessed the forest structure, carbon stock and forest degradation. Eleven transects were laid out in the North – South direction and plots located along each transect. The distance between transects was 600 meters and plots were laid down systematically at intervals of 300 meters along each transect. Clusters of concentric circular plots of 5, 10 to ...

Assessment Of Rice Diseases And Yield Under System Of Rice Intensification (Sri) In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The overall objective of the study was to assess the status of rice diseases under system of rice intensification (SRI) and farmer’s production system in Morogoro. A checklist survey in nine farmer fields was done and later experiments at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Crop Museum for two seasons. The experiment was laid down in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. The treatments were three different types of spacing 25 cm x 25 cm for SRI, 20 cm x 20 cm for ...

Dissemination And Adoption Status Of Agroforestry Practices In Mufindi District, Iringa Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The current study was carried out during September 2006 to March 2007 in six villages namely Sawala, Kisada, Ikongosi, Sao-Hill, Ihowanza and Igomaa in Mufindi District, Iringa Region, Tanzania. The objective of the study was to determine the extent of dissemination and adoption of Agroforestry by the local communities and indicate the mechanism of scaling up its performance. Specifically it checked on the current status of dissemination and adoption of agroforestry practices, ident...

Marketing Chain Analysis Of Sawn-Wood From Mufindi District To Dar-Es-Salaam City And Arusha Municipality

ABSTRACT This study sought to analyse marketing chain of sawnwood from Mufindi District to Dares-salaam City and Arusha Municipality. Specifically, the study focused on examining the existing marketing chain of sawnwood, assessing chain’s key actors and how they develop chain strategy in the marketing of sawnwood, identifying main factors affecting marketing chain from producers to enduse manufactures, determining preliminary estimate of marketing margins at wholesale and retail sale nodes...

Analysis Of Economic Determinants For Households Involvement In Fishing For Livelihoods In Coastal Villages Of Bagamoyo District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to analyse economic determinants for households involvement in fishing for livelihoods in coastal villages of Bagamoyo District. Specifically, trend in the number of fishers for ten years in coastal villages were determined, factors influencing household decision to be involved in fishing were examined and household income structure was analysed. Three villages were randomly selected and thirty households were randomly selected from each village. Primary da...

Contributions Of Fishing To The Household Income In Mafia District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Fishing sector is responsible for providing critical income for many families within fishing communities. Fishing activities explain the levels of income in which at the end indicate whether a given fishing household is benefiting.This studywas undertaken to assess the contribution of fishing to the household income in Mafia District.The data were collected from random sampled 120 household heads using several methods such as questionnaire survey; Focus Group Discussions (FGD), chec...

Adaptation To Rainfall Variability, Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Maize Production In Crop Livestock Mixed Farming Systems In Babati District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Agriculture is an important source of food and economic survival of rural populations in Tanzania however farming activities are highly affected by rainfall variability which cause loss in crops and livestock yield. This study explored adaptation strategies to rainfall variability, socioeconomic factors influencing maize production in mixed farming systems. Specifically, assessed the trends in rainfall and maize production, determined the relationship between trends, identified farm...

Effects Of Forest Fragmentation On Forest Cover Change, Tree Species Diversity And Carbon Stock In Taita Hills, Kenya

ABSTRACT The fragmentation of forests into smaller isolated patches is a threat to biodiversity conservation. Fragmentation reduces the forest area and increases forest edge effect. Reduction in forested area may lead to increased local species extinctions, while effects of increased forest edge alter species interactions by increasing the degree of interaction among edge and forest interior species. Intensification of land uses surrounding forest patches resulting from population increase ex...

Value Of Ecosystem Services And Socio-Economic Factors That Enhance Community Participation In Forest Management In Aberdare Forest, Kenya

ABSTRACT Forest ecosystems have been a valuable source of economic wellbeing of human populations for centuries, particularly to the forest adjacent communities. The relationship between human wellbeing and ecosystems consist of complex systems that are mostly nonlinear, uncertain and often not clearly understood. To enhance forest sustainability, the deliberate evaluation of ecosystem services, human interactions and appropriate ways to involve the public in management is imperative. However...

Determination Of Factors Influencing Adoption And Control Of Prosopis Juliflora In Marigat, Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Prosopis juliflora was introduced in Kenya to address the increasing demands of forest resources and to improve the vegetation cover. The extent and spread of Prosopis juliflora is a threat to ecosystem (erosion of biodiversity, allopathic interactions and negative health on both animals and human) that supports livelihoods in Marigat Sub-county. To control its spread, several management and control technologies were promoted in the area in early 2004. They include clearing and plant...

Classification Of Chagga Agroforestry Homegardens And Their Contributions To Food, Income And Wood Energy To Communities Of Rombo District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The present study was carried out in 2014 in Rombo District, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, in order to classify Chagga agroforestry home gardens and establish their relative contributions to food, income and wood energy to the local communities. The study methodology included random selection of four divisions, one ward from each division, one village from each ward and 30 households per village forming a total sample of 120 households. A social survey was subsequently carried out using q...

The Ecology And Livelihoods Of The Local Community In Ombeyi Wetland - Nyando Sub County, Kenya

 ABSTRACT Wetlands cover about 4–6% of the earth‟s surface and are the most productive ecosystems on earth. However, they are under threat from natural and anthropogenic factors with more than half having disappeared, largely through factors related to increase in human population such as; conversion to agricultural use, urbanization, transport and communication, human settlement and infrastructure expansion. This study assessed water quality, vegetation status, socio-economic status as...

The Influence Of Desmodium And Manure On The Agronomic Performance Of Fodder Plantsin Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Animal feed scarcity and mostly the availability of high quality forage, is one of the major limiting factors to dairy productivity improvement in Lushoto District. This is a result of soil fertility losses due to soil erosion, deforestation practices and to the decrease or the abandonment of mineral fertilizer use. Thepresent study was conducted in Ubiri Village, Lushoto Districtto assess the influence of desmodium and farmyard manure on the agronomic performance of fodder plants s...

The Role Of Formal And Informal Institutions In Implementing Redd+ At Local Level In Rungwe District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at examining the role of formal and informal institutions in implementing REDD+ at local level in a REDD+ pilot project, Rungwe District, Tanzania. The study was conducted in four villages adjacent to Rungwe forest reserve, namely Ipuguso, Kandete, Kibisi and Ndala. Household questionnaire and PRA techniques were used in data collection. Content analysis technique was used for qualitative data while quantitative data were analyzed by using SPSS software version ...

Charcoal production and its implications on sustainability of community-based forest management. A case of mbangala village land forest reserve, songwe district

ABSTRACT Mangala Village Land Forest Reserve is a productive forest under Community Based Forest Management being managed by the Mbangala Village Council. The forest reserve was established in 2010, at Songwe District in Songwe Region. Sustainable charcoal production in Songwe District has not received a systematic research assessment. To what extent the so called sustainable charcoal production adheres to sustainability principle is not clear. The aim of this study was to assess charcoal pr...

61 - 75 Of 248 Results