Planning and Management Research Papers/Topics

The Effectiveness of Preventive Care for Malaria Projects in Tanzania: A Case of Ilala District in the Dar Es Salaam Region

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of preventive care for malaria projects in Ilala district in the Dar es Salaam region. The specific objectives were: to evaluate the effectiveness of Community sensitization in malaria prevention; to evaluate the effectiveness of mosquito net usage in malaria prevention; and to evaluate the effectiveness of insecticide in malaria prevention. A case study design, which involved the use of both qualitative and quantitative meth...

Procurement Process and Project Performance of International Non-Governmental Organizations in Hargeisa, Somaliland

ABSTRACT This study had the main objective to establish the role of procurement process in improving the performance of projects run by International Non-Governmental Organizations in Hargeisa, Somaliland. The main problems which needed to be addressed in the projects were poor performances as evidenced by poor efficiency, quality of service and effectiveness. The study had three objectives which were 1) to examine the procurement process as implemented in International NGOs of Hargeisa, Soma...

Stakeholder Engagement in Sexual and Reproductive Health Program in Kigoma Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effect of stakeholder engagement on sexual and reproductive health program in Kigoma, Tanzania. The following objectives guided the study: i) to establish the effect of stakeholder identification and analysis on sexual and reproductive health program in Kigoma, Tanzania; ii) to determine the effect of information disclosure on sexual and reproductive health program in Kigoma, Tanzania; and iii) to establish the effect of stakeholder consultation on sexual a...

Management Of Community Based Health Projects by the Decentralized Local Governments in the Western Province Of Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study investigated the management of CBHP by the decentralized local governments in western province of Rwanda. It was carried out basing on three specific objectives: To identify the various CBHP being managed by local governments, to investigate how local governments are managing CBHP and to find out challenges faced by the local governments in managing the CBHP. The study used a descriptive research design, The study population comprised of 432, from which a study sample of 2...

Child Welfare Organisations and Promotion of Disadvantaged Children’s Education in Uganda: A Case of Compassion International-aided Projects In Rukungiri District

ABSTRACT Every child is entitied to education. Its for this reason that there are a number & Child Welfare Organisations operating in Uganda whose vision is to promote education for the disadvantaged children. Therefore, this study focused on Child Welfare Organisations and promotion & disadvantaged children’s education in Rukungiri District, using Compassion International-Aided Projects as a case study. Specifically, the study aimed at establishing the various categories of disadvantaged c...

Institutional Factors Contributing to Poor Project Implementation in Eastern Ugandl a Case Study of Buyala Rural Development Initiative In Jinja District

ABSTRACT The researcher established the extent to which institutional factors contributed to poor project implementation in most NGOs. Although several institutional factors influenced project implementation, this study nevertheless was l!rnited to the influence of leadership, financial and human resources, BURUDI was selected as a case study to understand the contribution of these variables to poor project implementation. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to collect data...

Managerial Competence and Project Success in Wamy Somalia Office in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish whether there a significant relationship between managerial competency and success of WAMY project, to generate new information from the existing data and to validate the concept. The research took the descriptive, correlational, and ex po-fact designs, and the reason for this is because it is aimed at describing and comparing the current phenomena so that they can be understood clearly so that the gaps identified can be addressed in order t...

Factors Affecting Demand for Credit in Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was based on Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS) 2005/6 data set collected by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics. Relevant data sets were extracted and merged in stata. The underlying objective is to analyse the factors that affect household demand for credit. The aim is provide an in depth understanding of the individual, household and locational characteristics, not only because they affect demand for credit but also due to the fact that the potential lenders are likely...

Risk Management and Success of Construction Projects in Beledwein District, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the relationship between risk management significantly affect the success of construction projects in Beledwein district, Somalia. The study was guided by three specific objectives, which included i) investigating the extent of risk management in Beledwein district, Somalia; ii) success of construction projects in Beledwein district, Somalia and (iii) finding out whether risk management significantly affects the success of construction projects in Beledw...

Institutional Factors Contributing to Poor Project Implementation in Eastern Uganda. A Case Study of Buyala Rural Development Initiative In Jinja District

ABSTRACT The researcher established the extent to which institutional factors contributed to poor project implementation in most NGOs, Although several institutional factors influenced project implementation, this study nevertheless was limited to the influence of leadership, financial and human resources. BURUDI was selected as a case study to understand the contribution of these variables to poor project implementation. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to collect data,...

Community Participation and Health Project Sustainability A Case Study of Namuwongo Water and Sanitation Project In Kampala Uganda

~sm~cr The purpose & this study was to establish the relationship between community participation and sustainability, to assess the level of community participation In relation to project Identification, planning, Implementation and monitoring and evaluation as well as the level of project sustalnability of Namuwong sanitation project In Kampala Ugahda. The study used a case study quantitative approach using a population project donor, community ben&darles and project staff. Data was collecte...

Community Participation and Development Projects: Case Study of Huye District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Community participation in development project is a concept that is frequently mentioned in community development. Practitioners in development believe that in order for projects to success, they need to actively take a part in designing, planning, implementing and shaping the projects that affect them. The government of.Rwanda always executes different projects to ensure the promotion of community well-being. The study dealt with community participation in development project in Rwa...

The Effectiveness of Community Development Projects in Poverty Alleviation in Rwanda: Acase Study of Ubudehe Project

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on the contributions of community development projects in poverty eradication in Rwanda where Ubudehe local community development project was considered as a case study. It was carried out in the four major provinces of Rwanda and it focused on the local government officials, project management officials and the beneficiaries of the project who are the community members. The major objectives of the study were to find out the roles that were being played by U...

Challenges Faced by United Nations Agencies in Delivering Emergency Response Services in South Central Somalia

ABSTRACT The impact of growing insecurity on the humanitarian situation is severe and the delivery of aid to the 3.2 million Somalis in need has been seriously reduced as NGO workers, UN agencies have become prime targets, This calls for investigations on the challenges faced by the United Nations Agencies delivering emergency response projects in war affected areas in order to come up with policies that can be employed to positively address the situation. The main Purpose of the study was to...

Infrastructure Resources and Performance of Primary Schools Under Free Primary Education in Selected Schools Eldoret, Kenya

ABSTRACT The govern~ment of Kenya introduced free primary education in the year 2003. This was very well received all over the, country due to the reduced burden on parents who were unable to pay school fees for their children. However during the initial implementation stages, it was realized that the country had limited physical infrastructure to be able to handle the ever increasing enrolment of students in primary schools. The government through the Kenya Education Sector Support Program d...

31 - 45 Of 80 Results