Political Science Research Papers/Topics

Reducing the Threat of a Nuclear Iran with Photovoltaic Technology: The Generous Solar Option

The potential instability created if Iran obtained nuclear weapons threatens global peace. If the U.S. follows the standard model, relatively weak diplomacy and economic sanctions could lead to another Iraq-like war. Although Iran and Iraq have differences, most observers would agree that the same outcome and price are likely results. In purely economic terms, the CBO estimates that the Iraq-US war cost ~$2.4 trillion. Is there, however, a wiser, more-profitable way to invest in the eliminati...

Nuclear Insurance Subsidies Cost from Post-Fukushima Accounting Based on Media Sources

Quantification of nuclear liability insurance is difficult without arbitrary liability caps; however, post-mortem calculations can be used to calculate insurance costs. This study analyzes the Fukushima (Daiichi) nuclear power plant disaster to quantify the cost per unit electricity ($/kWh) of nuclear energy from the lifetime of the plant after accounting for the true cost of the liability needed to cover the damages from the nuclear disaster determined from news reports. These costs are then...

Examining Interconnection and Net Metering Policy for Distributed Generation in the United States

Following requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, most U.S. states require utility companies to adopt interconnection and net metering policies, allowing customers to become prosumers who both consume and produce electricity, generating electricity using distributed renewable energy technologies, connecting to the existing electric utility grid, and receiving compensation for excess electricity generation. This paper reviews existing interconnection and net metering policies instituted...

A National Pragmatic Safety Limit for Nuclear Weapon Quantities

This study determines the nuclear pragmatic limit where the direct physical negative consequences of nuclear weapons use are counter to national interests, by assuming all unknowns are conservatively optimistic. The only effect considered is nuclear winter (" nuclear autumn " in the low weapons limits) and the resultant effects on the aggressor nation. First, the ability of low nuclear weapon limits is probed for maintaining deterrence in the worst-case scenario of attacking the most-populous...

Could 79 People Solarize the U.S. Electric Grid?

Although wealth inequality has many established negatives, this study investigates a potential positive, unprecedented wealth concentration makes it possible for solutions to large and seemingly intractable problems to be deployed by convincing a relatively small number of individuals to invest. In order to probe this potential outcome of inequality, this study quantifies the number of people necessary to radically reduce the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global climate destabiliza...


Logical Data Framework Research Questions Hypotheses Major Variables of the hypotheses: Independent (X) Dependent (Y) Empirical Indicators of Variables Sources of data Method of Data Collection/ Research Design Method of Data Analysis/ Theoretical Framework 1) Has the USAID’s Reproductive Maternal and Child Health program reduced maternal mortality in Nigeria, between 2008 and 2018? The USAID’s Reproductive Maternal and Child Health program has not reduced maternal mortality in...

The Paradox of Industrial Cash Crops Production: How Cash Cropping Undermines Developing Countries Food Security Through Land-grab, De-peasantization and Disappearing Diversity

This article examines how Industrial cash crops (ICs) undermine food security in developing countries through land grab, causing depeasantization and disappearing crop diversity. By using three previous research on Ghana, Ethiopia and Indonesia the complexities involving land dispossession, cash crop monoculture, dependency on the market for food, and livelihood crises are brought into focus. The analyses show reasonable linkage between cash crops production and food insecurity. Subsistence f...

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