Political Science Research Papers/Topics


Effective democratic governance requires the existence of locally elected representatives with functions that revolve around issues that matter to the constituents, to which the state responds through public services delivery. This study set out to examine whether or not citizen expectations from locally elected representatives are in consonance with the functions that are assigned to them in national legislative instruments, using the Unit Committees, the base structure of Ghana’s decentra...


The year 2008 will probably go down in Ghanaian political history as unique for the manner in which the general elections were conducted. The elections, which were held in December, were preceded by a number of events including the famous presidential debates. This paper discussed the two presidential debates in Ghana, organized by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA-Ghana) in Accra and Tamale prior to the general elections. The debates provided an opportunity for the presidential aspirant...

History of India Rise

RISE OF INDIA The Bay of Bengal is located in Southeast of India, the Indian Ocean is situated in the south and the Arabian Sea is flowing in the Southwest of India. India is the seventh largest country of the world and covers one third of Asia, in terms of area it consists of 3,287,263 square KM. [i] Bhutan lies in its north, China and Nepal lie in its northwest, while Indian border touches to Pakistan from its western border. Bangladesh and Myanmar is on its east. Being a largest country...

The Effects of Currency Redesign on Vote Buying and the Quality of the Electoral Process in Ikere Local Government of Ekiti State

In an announcement made by the Central Bank of Nigeria governor on October 26, 2022, it was disclosed that new Naira notes would be introduced to replace the existing denominations of 200, 500, and 1,000 Naira notes. The redesign was scheduled to come into effect on Thursday, December 15, 2022 few weeks to the 2023 general elections. This research study examines the effects of the currency redesign on vote buying, quality and integrity of the electoral process in Ikere Local Government Area o...

Representation - A Concept of Democracy

Is Britain a Democratic Country? 1) Introduction Equality When and how did democracy evolve? 2) Is Britain democratic? Characteristics of democracy Socialism Thatcherism (freedom/independence) Ombudsman United Nations European Union 3) What would make Britain an undemocratic country? Privatisation/nationalisation Class/capitalism Trade Unions (Arthur Scargill - TUC) Fascism: Political Parties (BNP) Pressure Groups: CND, Greenpeace Terrorism 4) Conclusion Democracy transient or a red herring? ...

Social Entrepreneurship as a Panacea to Mitigate Nigerian Youth Unemployment

This paper is anchored on social entrepreneurship as a panacea for mitigating unemployment among the Nigerian youth. Without overemphasizing the condition of unemployment in Nigeria, an avalanche of studies have substantiated this assertion by reporting that the rate of youth unemployment is on the increase in Nigeria, causing frustration, dependency and dejection. With the increasing turnout of graduates yearly from tertiary institutions, many gradates still remain unemployed for a long time...

The Pathway to Constitutional Reforms in Nigeria: The Perspective of the Gradual Approach

Constitutional reform is a major proponent of Federalism. Nigeria as a country operates a federal system of government and constitutional reforms need to happen at a point in time. The failure of the 2014 National Conference has shown how ineffective the mega constitutional approach is in Nigeria. Indeed, the North-South division has practically become a key element in the constitutional reform of Nigeria's present constitutional policy, with the North favouring the continuing of today's ...

Beyond Developmentality Constructing Inclusive Freedom and Sustainability

ABSTRACT The current global financial meltdown that began to take effect in late 2008, the worsening environmental crisis, the global food crisis, and the threat of global terrorism have raised serious questions about the stability and security of a world based on capitalism, without pointing to a clear alternative. Policy makers seem to believe that once national economies begin to grow, prosperity and happiness will return.

Judicial Terrorism in the Election Process in Nigeria

Abstract  The Nigerian Judiciary is usurping the power  of the electorate in deciding the winners and losers of elections thereby negating the globally accepted democratic principle of political sovereignty which states that power belongs to the people. Using a descriptive method of data gathering, the paper reveals that the judiciary, with its monopoly of judicial violence in dishing out malicious and anarchic verdicts that are not reflective of public opinion and which cannot stand as ju...

History of Recent Elections in Nigeria (1999 - 2007)

The reason for revisiting this short essay is born from the desire to  express my opinion on Edo State gubernatorial election that has just been conducted. However,  I wish to also analyse the history of Nigeria election. In the most recent   election of Edo state  observers speaks of a disaster that rocked the ruling party , on one side of this disaster there  was the party chairman of  the All Progressive Congress party caucus  Dr. Adams  Oshiomole and  on the other hand  gover...

Globalisation and Transnational Organised Crime in Africa

This paper on “Globalization and Transnational Organized Crime in Africa ” aimed at analyzing the negative impacts of globalization on African continent. The paper made use of secondary sources (books, journal articles, internet materials,monographs etc) of data collection and relied on theory of classical economic liberalism as its framework of analysis. Again, findings revealed that inspite of the benefits of globalization, especially in the area of tourism, communication and technologi...


The masses can be controlled if they are made to cry, laugh, be angry or depressed”. The social instrumentation of the elite to guile the masses for power control has been interpreted by severalhundred elitist theorists. Whilst most have looked at the masses as an independent variable that conditions the power elite strategies, the paper argues that the masses is essentially a dependent variable that falls prey of elite construction and constriction. This is made possible as the masses i...


This research work examines the concept of elite theory and its adaptation to the Nigerian system since the attainment of political independence in 1960 to the present Fourth Republic.

Brexit Critical Juncture in the UK's International Development Agenda

This paper raises some questions about Brexit in light of international development cooperation and policy studies. Brexit could be a disrupting critical juncture for UK policy and international development institutions after an extended period as a member of the European Union (EU). Consequently, it calls for investigating ongoing or potential policy reform in the UK’s international development programmes, the identification of policies that will not correspond to the requirements of the U...

African Development: A Critical Review

This paper looks at how African countries have been dribbled by the two ideological blocs-capitalist and socialist– all in search for ideal path to development. Their dissatisfaction with these two contending and often conflicting politico-economic prescriptions (path of capitalism and path of socialism) for development led scholars, intellectuals, leaders and policy-makers, and analysts in the Third world, which Africa constitutes a part, to come up with the idea of ‘delinking’ from ...

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