Procurement and Supply Chain Management Research Papers/Topics

Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance of Milk Processors in Kenya

Abstract Supply Chain Management practices are activities carried out by an organization to enhance the effectiveness of its supply chain. The practices improve organizational performance and enhance competitiveness. Milk processors act as a link between dairy farmers and the dairy market. Milk processors in Kenya have been performing poorly. There has been a 6.7% decline in performance in the dairy industry. The poor performance is a result of poor quality and low quantities of milk supplie...


Abstract According to World Bank, supply chain performance has declined at an alarming rate resulting to a decrease in global GDP. This study sought to investigate effects of supplier management practices on supply chain performance of County Referral Hospitals in Western Region, Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine effect of supply chain collaboration practices on supply chain performance of County Referral Hospital (CRHs) in Western Region, Kenya; to assess effect of supplier s...

Inventory Management Systems and Performance of Selected Foreign Super Markets in Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the effect of inventory management systems on performance of super markets in Kampala Uganda. It was guided by three specific objectives, that included; to determine the effect of just-in-time inventory on performance of super markets in Kampala Uganda, to establish the effect of vendor managed inventory on performance of super markets in Kampala Uganda and to establish the effect of material requirements planning on performance of super markets in Kampala...

The Effectiveness of Clearing and Forwarding Procedures on the Procurement Efficiency Case Study Somalia Port Authority

Table of Contents Title page ............................................................................................ .i Table of contents .................................................................................... .ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................ .iv LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................ .ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................

Donor Procurement Requirements and Supply Chain Management in Selected NGOs in Bangui, Central African Republic

ABSTRACT The study was confined on Donor Procurement Requirements and Supply Chain Management in Selected NGOs in Bangui, Central African Republic. The study was guided by the following objectives: To determine the social demographic characteristics of respondents in terms of; Gender, Age, Educational qualification, Marital status; To determine the level of Donor Procurement Requirements; To determine the level of Supply Chain Management in Selected NGOs; To establish if there is a significan...

Logistics Support and Achievements of Concern Worldwide Programs in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

ABSTRACT  The study establishes the relationship between Logistics support and achievements of Concern Worldwide programs in Katanga province, Democratic Republic of Congo. The study was guided by the following objectives:- To determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: gender, age, educational qualification and length of experience in procurement and supply activities; to determine the level of Logistic support in Concern Worldwide programs in terms of;-communication, ...

Procurement Management Information System and Procurement Performance in Selected Nongovernmental Organizations in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to describe the contribution of Procurement Management Information system (PMIS) on the performance of Procurement in selected nongovernmental organizations in Kigali, Rwanda and validating theory regarding the topic under investigation. Four research objectives have been formulated to guide the study, namely to establish the profile of the respondents; to determine the extent of Procurement Management Information system usage, to determine the level of ...

Procurement Planning and Accountability of Local Government in Bosaso Puntland, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between procurement planning and accountability of local government in Bosaso Puntland Somalia. The study was guided by three objectives, determine; extent of procurement planning, extent accountability of local government, and whether there was a significant relationship between procurement planning and accountability of local government in Bosaso Puntland Somalia. The study comprised of a population of 190 respondents who included local governmen...

Procurement Planning and Value for Money Among Selected Districts in Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of procurement planning on value for money Among Selected Districts in Southern Province, Rwanda. The study was limited to the following objectives: i) to determine the effect of procurement packaging on value for money Among Selected Districts in Southern Province, Rwanda ii) to establish the effect of procurement method on value for money Among Selected Districts in Southern Province, Rwanda and iii) to find out the effect of procurement schedulin...

Procurement Practices and Organizational Performance in Selected Telecommunication Industry in Hargeisa, Somaliland

ABSTRACT  The study was to assess the effect of procurement practices on organizational performance in selected telecommunication industry in Hargeisa, Sornaliland. It was guided by three specific objectives, that included; to examine the effect of procurement planning on organizational performance in selected telecommunication industry in Hargeisa, Somaliland, to examine the effect of ethical procurement practices on organizational performance in selected telecommunication industry in Harge...

Procurement Planning and Service Delivery in Jinja Local Government, Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study established the effect of procurement planning on service delivery in Jinja district Local Government, three specific objectives guided this study and these were; (i) to examine the effect of budget plans on service delivery in Jinja district Local Government, (ii) to establish the effect of procurement methods on service delivery in Jinja district Local Government, and (iii) to assess the effect of quality plans on service delivery in Jinja district Local Government. The...

Distribution Channels and Supply Chain Management in Coca-cola Company in Mogadishu-somalia

ABSTRACT Distribution channel plays a key role within the context of supply chain, to ensunng that customers get their products at the right place and at the right time. This study was intended to examine the relationship between distribution channels and supply chain management with specific objectives of 1) To assess the relationship between outsourcing and supply chain management 2)To examine the relationship between distribution centers and supply chain management 3)To find out the relati...

Procurement Planning and Accountability in The United Nations Entebbe Support Base Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between procurement planning and accountability of United Nations Logistics Base in Entebbe. Uganda. The study was guided by three objectives: determine procurement planning. extent of accountability of United Nations Entebbe Support Base, and whether there was a significant relationship between procurement planning and accountability of United Nations Entebbe Support Base. Uganda. The study comprised of a population of 190 respondents who included...

Risk Management and Operational Performance of Logistics Companies in Uganda. A Case Study of Spedag Interfreight Uganda Limited

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between risk management and operational performance of logistics companies in Uganda. A case study of Spedag interfreight Uganda Limited. Also to identify the risks faced by l9gistics companies and to determine the impact of operational risk on performance. A sample of 70 respondents was selected from the total population and the questionnaire was distributed in order to collect data to be analyzed using Statistical Package...

Partnership Sourcing And Organisational Productivity. Case Study: Pride Microfinance

Table of Contents DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................. 4 APPROVAL. ....................................................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER ONE .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Background of the study .................

1 - 15 Of 64 Results