Psychology Research Papers/Topics

Prevalence And Determinants Of Common Mental Disorder Risk And Depression Among Women: Case Of Psycook

ABSTRACT Women deal with a certain level of mental stress which puts them at risk of Common Mental Disorders (CMD), particularly depression. In Zimbabwe, mental distress goes unnoticed and undiagnosed due to the current huge mental treatment gap in the nation. This study sought to identify the prevalence of CMD risk and depression as well as their determinants among women who attended a mental health communication program in Harare Central Province named Psycook. A total population sample of ...

Work Life Balance Strategies for Women in The Civil Service. A Case of the Ministry of Agriculture Agritex Department

ABSTRACT The study sought to determine work life balance strategies for women in the civil service particularly those in the Ministry of Agriculture Agritex Department at the head office in Harare. In this study, 40 female employees were used as the research subjects. Questionnaires were used as the key research instrument. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20. Mean was used to make sense of demographic data while ANOVA was used to test the hypotheses whi...

Psycho-Social And Mental Health Challenges Of Youth With Perinatal Hiv At Wilkins Hospital.

ABSTRACT This study has mainly been predisposed by the fact that children born with HIV are reaching in their youthful stage however they are facing so many problems in handling their status hence bringing about inconsistency in ART adherence. The fight against HIV has been ongoing for decades and it has caused a lot of havoc worldwide. The main goal of the research was to explore on the psychosocial and mental health challenges that youth living with perinatal HIV are facing. The research ma...

Impacts Of Flooding On The Lives Of The Elderly People And Their Coping Strategies In Tokwe Mukosi

ABSTRACT The research was concerned on investigating on the impacts of flooding on the lives of the elderly people who have been affected by the Tokwe Mukosi floods and their coping strategies in Masvingo Province. Quite a number of researches had focused on the impacts of floods on people, but little research has been seen focusing on the older adults. The research used a phenomenological research design to find out on the impacts of the flooding on the elderly adults and their coping s...

Mental Illness Stigma: A Case Of Ingutsheni Hospital’s Outpatients.

Abstract This chapter was the introductory part of the research on the stigma of mental illness from the perspective of those experiencing it. Thus, this chapter covered the background to the study which gave a basic explanation of what motivated the researcher to do research focusing on the above-mentioned area. The chapter also covered the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, assumptions, delimitations of the study, limitations and d...

Contraceptive Use Among Women Living With Hiv Enrolled For The Birth Cohort Study

ABSTRACT The study focused on contraceptive use among women living with HIV enrolled for the birth cohort study. Also core to the study was an analysis of the factors that have facilitated the use of contraception amongst women living with HIV. There is a knowledge gap and limited research and on contraception use among women living with HIV. The study was guided by a conceptual framework that shows the various factors that could predict the utilization of contraception. The research adopted ...

Influence of Gender; Age, Religion and.Ethnicity on PeerVictimization Among; Primary Four Pupils in Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Peer-victimization has been found to be a universal phenomenon among children, which can lead to very grave consequences in the emerging adult, This study examined the influence of gender, age, religion and ethnicity on peer-victimization of 240 (131 boys and 109 girls) purposively selected primary 4 pupils in Ibadan metropolis, There was no gender difference in overall peer-victimization of primary school pupils, The Same pattern was observed in age, religion and ethnicity dimensio...

Employee Perceptions Towards Conflict Resolution System At Harare International Airport In The Civil Aviation Authority Of Zimbabwe (Caaz)

ABSRACT The research has been necessitated with the desire to assess employee perception towards internal conflict resolution systems at Harare International Airport in the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe. The desire to understand the influence of perceptions in organizations inspired the researcher so as to provide recommendations to the management worldwide in light of the findings. The prevailing disturbing trend between employee perceptions towards conflict resolution systems an...

Parenting Styles As Predictors Of Disposition To Antisocial Behaviour Among Adolescents In Sanyati District

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of permissive, authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles as predictors of disposition towards antisocial behaviour among adolescents. One hundred and thirteen (113) students from Neuso High and ST Charles Secondary Schools in Sanyati District participated in the study. Participants were drawn from Form 1 to Form 4, both boys and girls. Data was entered using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and analysed using both descrip...

Determinants of Burnout among the Employees of Gweru City Council

Abstract The study was about Determinants of Burnout among the Employees of Gweru City Council. Participants were 50 employees (m= 35; f= 15) who were identified and recruited through stratified random sampling. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was adopted for use in the study. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics (i.e., frequencies and percentages). Results revealed that burnout among employees of Gweru City Council emanated from work overload, interpersonal conflict, role conflict an...

Mental Health Correlates With Gynaecomestia In Men On Art In Hwange.

ABSTRACT This study which was conducted in Hwange, Matabeleland North Province of Zimbabwe, sought through a descriptive design in nature to compare the age specific experiences of Gynaecomastia among men on ART of 15-35 age cohort and 36-56 age cohort in a bid to unpack their psychological experiences of Gynaecomastia. The research employed cognitive behavioural theory as the theoretical framework. The study followed a positivist paradigm which assumes a stable reality is one which can be ex...

Precarious Nature Of Employment In Zimbabwe”: An Assessment Of The Psychological Dynamics Of Downsizing On Survivors. Case Of Zimasco Kwekwe Division.

ABSTRACT The research aimed at assessing the psychological dynamics of downsizing on survivor employees at Zimasco Kwekwe Division. The major reason behind is that downsizing disregards the human side and affects the psychological wellbeing of the same. It remains crucial to implore the psychological facets that affect employee productivity after downsizing operations and endeavor to change employee behaviors and attitudes for better attainment of organizational objectives. The study employed...

Nature Of Self-Esteem And Resilience Amongst Orphans In Kadoma-Patchway Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This research was on the nature of self-esteem and resilience amongst orphans in Kadoma-Patchway Mashonaland West.The purpose of the study was to reveal the nature of self-esteem and resilience amongst orphans and to find out if the two had relationship. Problems in self evaluations and adjustments to life situation after losing parents amongst orphans motivated the researcher to study on orphans. Age, gender, age at time of loss and strong and weak peer family network appeared to be...

An Assessment Of The Influence Of Christian Faith On Art Adherence For Christians Living With Hiv At Znnp+ Gweru Urban

ABSTRACT The study aim was to assess the influence of Christian faith on ART adherence by persons living with HIV subscribing to Christianity as their religion and enrolled in the Zimbabwe National Network of People living with HIV Gweru. The research was necessitated by the observation of the rise in Christian denominations that were found to be preaching the gospel of healing from HIV, alongside the presented statistics on the AIDS-related deaths and HIV prevalence rates within the district...

Prevalence Of Depression And Perceived Psychological, Social And Emotional Causes Among Final Year Students In The Faculty Of Social Sciences.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was toreveal the levels of depression that exists among final year students and also highlight the perceived causes of depression. Much research was done in Western countries, I feel it’s my turn now to conduct local studies and make an addition to local scholarly content. Using an expedient sampling technique, a mock-up of 100 students from Midlands State University faculty of social sciences, were selected and completed the questionnaires of the Beck dep...

181 - 195 Of 517 Results