Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of The Effect Of Decentralization Policy On Health Service Deliverya Case Study Kapchorwa Main Hospital

The research study was conducted from June 2017 in Kapchorwa Main hospital covering the local community, civil servants and local leaders such as the councilors. The study was intended to sample forty respondents, but a number of them turned up for interview while District health officials also turned up to participate. The research was aimed at finding out how decentralization has impacted on the water, establishing the challenges faced in decentralized provision of water services and sugges...

The Social And Economic Effects Of Sourthern Sudanese Civil Conflict From 1983-2005 A Case- Study: Pager.I Pa Yam In Magwi County In Tor.It District Of Eastern Equatoria State

Abstract This work aims to satisf:,: the assessment of this two decades ci,ii conflict in p;1geri Payarn. Various methods have been employed aimed at assessment of Social and Economic effects of this civil conflict from 1983 2005 that developed, tested and explored the attributes of the outcomes of the field research conducted through: questionnaire, observations, and interview methods. The categorv of the population the researcher has taken included: between the age of 15 44 years. This incl...

Welfare And Performance Of The Uganda Police Force A Case Study Of Naguru Police Forces Headquartres

ABSTRACT  This study is an assessment of the way welfare can be a motivation factor towards the employees’ performance. The study targeted the Police Forces in Uganda and specifically the Kampala Metropolitan areas. The findings of the study indicate that welfare acts as an inducing factor towards the members of the police force as per their day today performance. The reasons as to why some officers could opt for other professions are that they were somewhat dissatisfied with the forces’...

The Impact Of Universal Primary Education On The Performance Of Pupils In Selected Primary Schools In Arua District

Since the introduction ofUPE in 1997, it has been faced with a number of problems that impact negatively on the performance of pupils. This has been particularly so due to large emolments, inadequate infrastructure and funding problems and limited benefits enjoyed by the girl child. It was therefore the purpose of this research to find out the impact ofUPE on the performance of pupils in Arua district, Ayivu County in particular. The underlying objectives were to find out the impact of i...

Finance Management And Service Delivery In Local Governments In South Kivu, Democratic Republic Of Congo A Case Study Of Bukavu Town

ABSTRACT  The study investigated finance management and service delivery in local governments in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, a case study of Bukavu Town. This study was guided by the following research objectives: to determine the level of finance management in Bukavu local government, to establish the level of service delivery in Bukavu local government and to establish the effect of finance management on service delivery in Bukavu local government. This study employed a cross...

The Role Of Parliament In The Separation Of Power In Uganda A Case Study Of 7th Parliament

ABSTRACT This research establishes the aspect of power separation in Uganda that became operational in 1995 after drafting of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda that enabled and paved way to democratization in the country. in the investigation of the aspect of power separation in Uganda, the researcher explored the state bodies involved in power separation, the role of legislature in power separation, the challenges facing the legislature and lastly, some solutions to curb the challe...

Ethnic Conflict And Socio-Economic Development Of Selected House Holders In Kismayo District Of Somalia

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at examining the relationship between ethnic conflict and socio economic development of selected house holders in Kismayo District of Somalia. The objectives of the study were; to determine the demographic characteristics of selected householders, in terms of age, gender, educational level, work experience, to determine the degree of ethnic conflict among the selected householders in Kismayo District, to determine the extent of the social- economic development am...

The Effect Of Transformational Leadership On The Performance Of Employees In Kenya: The Case Of Kenya Wildlife Service

ABSTRACT This study aimed at analysis the effects that transformational leadership has on the employees of an organization in terms of their performance rate. The research therefore aims at looking at how transformative leadership impacts on employee performance at KWS and if yields the same results as other researches have shown in other parts of the world. With the main objectives being to investigate the changes in leadership that has been achieved within the organization and also to inve...

The Effect Of Contraband Smuggling On Rehabilitation Of Inmates In Kenya: The Case Of Kamiti Maximum Prison

ABSTRACT The main mission of Kamiti Maximum prison is to rehabilitate its inmates in order to make good citizens once they are out of the facility. Contraband on the other hand finds their way into the prison via different means hence posing a great challenge to the process of rehabilitation. The aim of this study therefore was to find out how the contraband are smuggled into prison, why inmates use contraband and to examine the effect of contraband on inmates‟ rehabilitation. This qualita...

Constraints Facing Quality Assurance And Standards Officers In Supporting Curriculum Implementation In Public Secondary Schools In Nyandarua County-Kenya

ABSTRACT Inspection has been a mechanism particularly associated with schools. Traditionally, it has been used to monitor the quality of teaching as well as general aspects of schools. In Kenya, education reforms often fail to achieve desired outcomes due to ineffective and inefficient supervision. As a result, the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education came up with the Department of Quality Assurance and Standards charged with the duty of maintaining and improving educational...

Effects Of Bureaucratic Processes On Public Service Delivery Study Of Mandera County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of bureaucratic processes on the public service delivery, a case of Mandera County. This was a descriptive study focusing on process of implementing and results thereof. A case study was conducted in the department of Lands in Mandera East. The study was guided by the following research objectives: to identify bureaucratic challenges which consumers encounter in public service delivery in Mandera County, to determine how bureaucrat...

Impact Of Financial Control Mechanisms On Local Government Autonomy In Delta State, Nigeria. (1999 – 2008).

The study was on the Impact of Financial Control Mechanisms on Local Government Autonomy in Delta State, Nigeria, 1999-2008. The general objective of the study was to establish the nature of relationship between financial control mechanisms and autonomy with a view to exposing the contradictions between policy objectives of government and the actual realisation of the objectives of local government in Delta State. The specific objectives of the study were to: identify the existing financial c...

Energia Oil Company And Corporate Social Responsibility In Delta State, Nigeria, 2009 - 2013

The Niger Delta is Nigeria‘s oil and gas belt, as it hosts almost all of Nigeria‘s oil resources. The region has one of the world‘s richest oil deposits. Data from the Federal Republic of Nigeria shows that Niger Delta covers 7.5 per cent of the Nigerian landmass. Niger Delta is so rich in oil that it has produced billions of barrels of crude oil for Nigeria since production began with 4000 barrels in 1958. Given the critical role that big business‘ in general and oil companies in par...

Skill Acquisition As A Tool For Povert Reduction In Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Successive Administration in Nigeria have been faced with the phenomenon of poverty and unemployment in Nigeria and various attempts have been made to tackle this problem. Bayelsa State is worst hit with this monster of unemployment and poverty in the state.  This research is an attempt to evaluate the various measures put in place to eradicate poverty and the issue of unemployment in Bayelsa State. This research has X-rayed how skill acquisition was used as a tool for poverty reduction in ...

Internal Auditors’ Autonomy And Financial Accountability In Cross River State Local Government System: 2008/2013.

Abstract This work aims at investigating the Internal Auditors’ Autonomy and financial Accountability in Cross River State Local Government system. In the process of this research, the investigator attempt to examine how the double coincidence of the chairmen of local governments being the political heads and at the same time, the chief accounting officers of the local governments could affect the proper financial management in the local government system. The study adopts the system theor...

151 - 165 Of 433 Results