Sociology and Psychology Research Papers/Topics

Adolescents' relationships with parents and romantic partners in eight countries

Abstract/Overview Creating romantic relationships characterized by high-quality, satisfaction, few conflicts, and reasoning strategies to handle conflicts is an important developmental task for adolescents connected to the relational models they receive from their parents. This study examines how parent–adolescent conflicts, attachment, positive parenting, and communication are related to adolescents' romantic relationship quality, satisfaction, conflicts, and management.

Four Domains Of Parenting In Kenya

Abstract/Overview The goals of this study were to track changes in parental warmth and rules/limit-setting over time and to examine parents’ age at the time of their child’s birth, parents’ education, and child gender in relation to changes in each parenting domain in Kenya. Participants included mothers, fathers, and their children (N= 100 families) residing in Kisumu. Families were recruited when children were age 8, on average, and interviewed for eight years using the Parental Acce...

Culture and Social Change in Mothers’ and Fathers’ Individualism, Collectivism and Parenting Attitudes

Abstract/Overview Cultures and families are not static over time but evolve in response to social transformations, such as changing gender roles, urbanization, globalization, and technology uptake. Historically, individualism and collectivism have been widely used heuristics guiding cross-cultural comparisons, yet these orientations may evolve over time, and individuals within cultures and cultures themselves can have both individualist and collectivist orientations. Historical shifts in par...

Impact of personal cultural orientations and cultural intelligence on subjective success in self-employment in multi-ethnic societies

Abstract/Overview The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of personal cultural orientation and behavioral aspect of cultural intelligence on subjective success in self-employment in a multi-ethnic context. Based on Sharma (J Acad Mark Sci 38: 787–806, 2010) taxonomy of personal cultural orientations, the paper examines the impact of interdependence and social inequality orientations on subjective success in self-employment (measured in terms of job satisfaction). Self-employed in...

Caregiving stress and adjustment problems of Kenyan orphans raised by grandmothers

Abstract/Overview The present study compared levels of caregiving stress among 115 biological mothers and 134 grandmothers raising their orphaned grandchildren. The associations between parenting stress and adjustment difficulties exhibited by children raised by these two groups of caregivers were also assessed. Full-time caregiving grandmothers reported elevated levels of stress more than did the biological mothers. A significant negative association was found between child maladjustment an...

Physical discipline and children's adjustment: Cultural normativeness as a moderator

Abstract/Overview Interviews were conducted with 336 mother–child dyads (children's ages ranged from 6 to 17 years; mothers' ages ranged from 20 to 59 years) in China, India, Italy, Kenya, the Philippines, and Thailand to examine whether normativeness of physical discipline moderates the link between mothers' use of physical discipline and children's adjustment. Multilevel regression analyses revealed that physical discipline was less strongly associated with adverse child outcomes in cond...


Abstract/Overview The purpose of this study was to determine the moderating role of age in the association between career readiness and career indecision. A sample of 369 secondary school students was surveyed on career indecision and career readiness. Using multiple regression analysis, the predictor variables were able to account for 25.7 % of variance in career indecision. Career indecision was significantly negatively correlated to career readiness. Increase in career readiness was signi...

Career Decision Making Status of Adolescents in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The purpose of this study was to establish the decision making status of adolescents in Kisumu municipality across various demographic variables. The sample consisted of 359 (162 males and 197 females) secondary school students from year one to year four. The students were surveyed on a measure of career indecision. The findings of the study show that gender and the type of school a student attends has a significant influence on their career decision making status. Students...

How international research on parenting advances understanding of child development

Abstract/Overview International research on parenting and child development can advance our understanding of similarities and differences in how parenting is related to children’s development across countries. Challenges to conducting international research include operationalizing culture, disentangling effects within and between countries, and balancing emic and etic perspectives. Benefits of international research include testing whether findings regarding parenting and child developmen...

The New Hierarchical Model of Human Needs

As of today, we  take into account the fact that the human person does not always act rationally at first glance, and also began to better understand possible causes for it. But even with all the research we've done, there's still a lack for the human motivational map model that can bring together all the knowledge we've gained. And the main purpose of this article is to give the most complete explanation possible of the needs of a human person in one motivational map model. Taking as a basi...

Pornography: A Poison and Canker Worm to Sexuality (Dangers/Effects and Way Forward)

The recent high level of the use of internet-enabled technology has enormously changed the way adolescents encounter and consume sexually explicit material. Once they possess a personal computer and/or a Smartphone, the internet is all available for them. This implies that the growth of the internet has come easier and more ubiquitous access to pornography, and the effects are becoming more prominent every day due to the accessibility, affordability, and lack of accountability associated with...