Sociology Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Social Conflicts On The Livelihoods Of Households In Kerio Valley Basin, Kenya

ABSTRACT The United Nations (UN) and World Bank (2017) indicate that the emerging forms of violent conflicts have tended to be more complex and protracted. They involve more non-state and state agencies and are characterized by substantial loss of lives, displacement of population, destruction of property, social and economic wellbeing. Conflicts in the North Rift Region of Kenya, particularly in Kerio Valley, similarly have had severe effects on the socio-economic wellbeing and livelihoods o...

The Role Of Ethnomedicine In The Provision Of Primary Health Care: The Case Of Iguhu Location, Kakamega South District, Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Primary health care is essential health care based on practical,scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and the country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-determination. Ethnomedicine is widely recognized .as an important element of primary health care. However, there seems...

Youth Involvement In Soil Fertility Management In Embu And Vihiga Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya and generally Sub-Saharan Africa has been experiencing a severe decline in soil fertility which has resulted in low crop productivity, thereby threatening country’s and the region’s efforts to overcome some of the challenges including food insecurity, malnutrition, poverty, and general unemployment. While efforts have been put in place to improve the declining fertility of soils including development and importation of new soil fertility management (SFM) techniques and tech...

The Socio-Demographic And Socio-Cultural Determinants Of The Inaccuracy Of Official Crime Statistics In Ghana

ABSTRACT In an attempt to aid policy formulation towards crime prevention, statistics on different types of crimes committed must be properly gathered and documented. In Ghana, crime statistics gathered from police records and victimization surveys indicate a discrepancy between the two forms of statistics. Using a sample of 16,445 and 203 respondents from the secondary and the primary data sources, respectively, the study sought to establish the level of significance of the “Dark Figure�...

The Political Economy Of Export Crops In Ghana: A Study Of The Mango Industry

ABSTRACT The Ghana government in 1984 embarked on an economic recovery program where the country’s export crops were diversified and marketing liberalized. The diversification led to expansion in production and export of mango products. There has been a gap in ascertaining the impact of government agricultural policy on mango production and horticultural export crops promotion and agro-processing policy. Another gap is the limited literature on sociological contribution of commercial produ...

The Prospects And Constraints Of Reintegrating Accused Witches In Mainstream Society: The Case Of Tindang And Gambaga Witches' Camps

ABSTRACT Belief in witchcraft is a world wide phenomenon. In Africa, its occurrence is almost universal. Although in some societies this belief plays a very minor role in the daily lives of the people, in most it is no exaggeration to say that one cannot gain any fundamental grasp of the attitude which people have towards one another nor can one understand many aspects of their ideas regarding good, evil and causation and their associated beliefs without understanding their belief in witchcr...

Goal Setting As A Motivation To Teachers: A Study Of Teachers Of Second Cycle Schools In The New-Juaben And Yilo Krobo District Of The Eastern Region

ABSTRACT Goal setting play an important role in motivation. It has the ability to direct attention and ensures persistence of an individual. In this study, the researcher was interested in how goal setting serve as a motivation to teachers in Senior High Schools in Eastern Region of Ghana. The objectives of the study were to find the factors that influence teachers to set personal goals, to examine how these set goals direct attention and regulates their efforts, to explore the range of stra...

The Nexus Between Proliferation Of Small Arms And Armed Robbery In Ghana

ABSTRACT This thesis examines the nexus between proliferation of small arms and armed robbery in Ghana using Alavanyo as the epicenter of manufacturing of small arms. Using a qualitative research method approach, a selected sample of 39 respondents were interviewed. The study relied on Merton‟s Strain Theory and Sutherland‟s Differential Association Theory to anchor data analysis. The study showed that blacksmiths engage in illegal manufacturing of small arms to obtain money to meet thei...

Teenage Pregnancy And School Dropout Among Females In Secondary School In Oye Local Government, Ekiti State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate principals, teachers and students view on pregnancy related school dropout and also pregnant teenagers experience about pregnancy and school dropout in Oye local government, Ekiti state. The study seeks to know the factors predisposing girls to teenage pregnancy, the extent to which teenage pregnancy as lead to dropout among females and the extent to which these girls get re-admitted back after delivery. Four Principals, eight male and eight ...

An Exploration Of Training As A Tool For Development And Productivity On Industrial Workers, In Ado-Ekiti Local Government Area

ABSTRACT This work is aimed at ascertaining the exploration of training as a tool for development and productivity of workers in industry, knowing the extent to which training of workers' productivity have reduce most of the problems encountered in the organization. The research view that by the era of this work, the importance of training and development to the organization will be known. The instrument used for data collection was made up of primary data, questionnaire, and the presentatio...

Effects Of Corporal Purnishment As A Corrective Measure On Students' Academic Performance (A Study Of Selected Schools In Oye Ekiti Local Government).

ABSTRACT Discipline and academic performances are the core of our today's education. Some scholars have attributed poor performance of students in academic to high level of indiscipline among students while others disagreed. Nevertheless, it becomes essential in recent times that many schools have traded away discipline and as a result led to poor academic performance of students. This study was carried ont to establish the relationships between schools discipline and students' academic perf...

The Effect Of Prison Environment On Inmate's Rehabilitation And Reformation Process In Nigeria,

ABSTRACT This study examines the effect of prison environment on inmates' rehabilitation and reformation process in south - western Nigeria. This is with the view of identifying prison environment as the factor that affect inmates' rehabilitation and reformation process. Quantitative method were used to obtained information from the respondents, questionnaire were administered to 120 inmates to know their perception on the effect of prison environment on inmate rehabilitation and reformation ...

Socio-Cultural Factors In Entrepreneurial Event Formation: A Study Of Nigerian Entrepreneurs

ABSTRACT   Entrepreneurship has been found to be a factor in socio-economic and human development. Its study has, however, been largely viewed from economic perspective in Nigeria. This work was an attempt to approach the issue of entrepreneurial event among Nigerian entrepreneurs from socio-cultural perspective.This studywas conducted in three selected organized associations of entrepreneurs in Lagos, Nigeria. The study covered the interactions between some socio-cultural factors such as, ...

Gender Differentials In The Perception And Treatment Of Mental Illness Among The Yoruba Of Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Mental health is an important and indispensable constituent of health which determines the capacity of an individual to consciously live a meaningful and stable life. Mental illness presents a lot of challenges especially in developing nations, Nigeria inclusive. There are various cultural factors that influence the perceptions of people about mental illness. Although studies exist on the perceptions and treatment of mental illness, little attention has been paid to gender difference...

Effects Of Women Empowerment On Their Socioeconomic Life In Oye Local Government, Ekiti State

ABSTRACT This study investigated that investing in womens empowerment is central to sustainable national development regarding the key variables that influence and is responsible for maintaining or changing the structure of womens disposition within the prisms of their empowerment. With Nigerias female population estimated at 83 million (about 49 percent of the countrys over 170 million people), the need for financial inclusion of women to boost development and employment opportunities ...

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