Sociology Research Papers/Topics

An Examination Of The Implementation And Prioritization Of The Three-Pronged Anti-Corruption Strategy In Nairobi County, Kenya (2003-2011)

ABSTRACT This study examined the factors which influenced the implementation and prioritization of the three-pronged strategy which the Government of Kenya adopted in 2003 to fight corruption. Despite its adoption, the prevalence of corruption in the country remained high as reported in the anti-corruption commission reports, corruption perception surveys, parliamentary reports and in the media. The widespread corruption was an indication that the strategy faced challenges in reducing it and...

Non-governmental Organizations’ (Ngos) Participation In Empowering Hiv/Aids Orphaned Children In Njoro Sub County, Nakuru County, Kenya

This study assessed the NGOs participation in empowering HIV/AIDS orphaned children in Njoro Sub County Nakuru County. In Kenya, 2.5 million children under the age of 18 years are orphans. Out of these 2.5 million children, 1.5 million are orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Children orphaned by HIV/AIDS are stigmatized and lack access to important life skills for survival due to poverty and illiteracy. This harms their self-esteem and denies them better job prospects, economic independence and a gene...

Factors Influencing Social Exclusion Of Elderly Persons In Alego-usonga Constituency, Siaya County, Kenya

This study sought to examine the factors that influence social exclusion of elderly persons in Alego-Usonga Constituency, Siaya County. Social exclusion can be defined as a process by which individuals or social groups are detached from key social realms that determine an individual‟s integration in the society. The problem manifests itself among elderly persons in form of weak social ties with members of the community; limited income; lack of proper home-based care; poor health and nu...

Organizational Factors Influencing Community Policing Strategy Among Security Agencies In Njoro Sub-county, Nakuru County, Kenya

This study sought to assess the influence of security agency organizational factors on the implementation of community policing strategy in Njoro Sub-County. It sought to establish the level of community policing strategy implementation by security agencies, and investigate the influence of two aggregate organizational factors (organizational structure and management styles) on the implementation of community policing. The study was guided by the contingency theory and diffusion of innov...

The Effect Of Dominion Irrigation Project On Household Livelihoods In South Central Alego Location, Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to explore the effect of Dominion Irrigation Project on the household livelihoods of the residents of South Central Alego. It was motivated by continued agitation on the part of the locals arising from claims of territorial space and unfulfilled promises on the part of the Multinational Corporation. The specific objectives of this study were to: determine the role played by Dominion Irrigation Project on the economic empowerment of the households in the location; es...

Food Aid And Food Sovereignty Among The Pokot Of East Pokot District, Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on Food Aid and food sovereignty among the Pokot of East Pokot district, Baringo County of Northern Kenya. Food aid by the colonial government was a reality in East Pokot as far back as 1930s. Civil societies/NGOs also joined in making this exercise a perennial phenomenon in this region to date. The study established the traditional coping mechanisms of the Pokot; examined the effects of food aid on the attitude and practice of the people towards their own food s...

Strategies Used By South Sudanese Migrants In Adapting To The New Way Of Life In Nakuru Municipality, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study explored the strategies used by South Sudanese migrants in adapting to the new way of life in Nakuru municipality, Kenya. Migration is part of human life and involves peoples’ movement from one place to another depending on many factors that include resource distribution and the opportunities that some areas in the world present compared to other areas. As a result of the conflict in Sudan, 1983-2005, South Sudanese migrated to Kenya for fear of political persecution, h...

Correlates of Crime Reporting Among Victims in Lagos, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Crime reporting practices are critical for effective policing and reduction of crime. Studies have shown that more crimes are committed than reported, while little research attention has been paid to the determinants of crime reporting among Nigerians. This study, therefore, examined the correlates of crime reporting among crime victims in Lagos State, Nigeria because its high crime rates are disproportionally reported.  The Weberian Social Action theory provided the theoretical...

Livelihood And Living Conditions Of Formal Sector Retirees In Lagos State Nigeria

Abstract The study examined gender differences in retirement livelihood and living conditions of formal sector retirees in Lagos State. The relationship between sources of retirement livelihood arid living conditions of retirees in the public and organized private sector was essentially examined. The study covered retired men and women from three tiers of government -Federal, State and local Government as well as organized private sector retirees. This involved a cross-sectional survey of 1.3...

Influence Of The Internet On Adolescent Sexuality In Lagos Metropolis

ABSTRACT Adolescent pre-martial sexual activities often come with sexual health problems such as HIV/AIDS and pregnancies not planned for. While society contends with this social problem, the forces of globalization through the internet offer a wide range of sexuality related information, some of which expose adolescents to risk-bearing practices. Earlier works on adolescent sexuality in Nigeria bare drawn attention to the roles of family socio-economic background, peer influence, prolongatio...

Gender Differentials In The Socio-Economic Well-Being Of Older Persons In Lagos State, Nigeria

Abstract National and international organizations continue to express concerns on older persons worldwide, and have suggested measures for improving their lives and overall well-being within the framework of sustainable development. Citizenship cannot be assumed to have the same significance for the young and old. A common experience is that of disentitlements of the older persons regarding their person and other rights. Theoretically, older persons are not a homogenous group. It has been ob...

Factors In The Persistence Of High Fertility Among The Yoruba : A Case Study Of Iwo Local Government Area Of Oyo State

ABSTRACT . Past and recent studies have found the level of fertility among the Yoruba to be very high and stable. Attempts to explain why this is so have, however, not been satisfactory. This study has therefore attempted to provide an answer to this problem using Iwo local government area as a case. The study reveals that the level of fertility. in Iwo local government is very high despite the fact that a significant proportion of the women interviewed had ever used family planning methods a...

Revitalising Transformational Governance For Sustainable Development: Perspectives From Kenya

Abstract Efficient delivery of public services in Kenya and other developing countries has for long been hindered by highly centralised governments. Recognising the need to achieve high economic growth and reduce poverty-related inequalities, Kenyans persistently pushed for enhanced decentralisation of governance and development. In response, government has over time initiated numerous reforms, key among them the Vision 2030 blue print and a new constitution aimed at strengthening institution...

University Staff Perception Of Military Governance And Social Change In Nigeria 1973-1993

ABSTRACT Progressive social change is one of the rising expectations of the people in any given society. The need to provide political, social and economic opportunities that could bring about transformation that may nurture social welfare and human-centered development is usually the main reason given by the military for their incursion into politics. To accomplish these political objectives, the military in Nigeria has intervened incessantly in national governance since 1966. Have the effor...

Socio Economic Factors Influencing Young Women’s Vulnerability To Trafficking Among Residents Of Benin City, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The existence of Nigerian trafficking syndicates in places such as Botswana, Malawi, Italy, and Spain is evidence that the phenomenon of trafficking in young women is not only transnational but has become a global scourge and in Nigeria, it has become a major social problem. Unfortunately, there exists little awareness of the ramifications and dynamism of this phenomenon in Nigeria due to the dearth of empirical date. This study set out to ascertain the socioeconomic and cultural fac...

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