Sociology Research Papers/Topics

Social Security And Family Social Needs: A Study Of The Effectiveness Of The National Provident Fund In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study evaluates the effectiveness of National Provident Fund in attempting to satisfy family social needs and examines the potential area which magnify unmet needs. The first research task was to trace the evolution of Provident Funds over the past years and then conduct a sample survey to select retired persons from private and public sectors of the economy from Lagos and one other community, Benin City, with a smaller population and with a lower cost of living. Comparative stu...

Social Values And The Performance Of Selected Public And Private Universities In South West Nigeria

Abstract Historically, many governments in developing countries of the world had to resort to direct participation in the productive sectors of their economies owing to the dearth of private capital. Hence,a multiplicity of public organizations were set-up. From the experience of most of these countries, public organizations have mostly failed to achieve their goal–attainment function. Some inconclusive studies have pointed, among other factors, to the effect that social values may have on ...

Rethinking The Legal Paradigm Of Energy Resource Management In Oil-Based Economies: Nigeria As A Case Study

ABSTRACT The most crucial challenge of nationhood which confronts Nigeria is how to transit from the state of mere ground rent collector from transnational oil companies who dominate the nation‟s extractive industry, to a modern State economy in which there is a reciprocal linkage between the extractive industry and the non-extractive sectors of the economy, such as manufacturing and agriculture. Oil remains the linchpin of the Nigerian economy and since its ascendancy in the 70s as the maj...

The Nazareth Healing Complex: A Study In Integrated Approach To Health Care

ABSTRACT The main thrust of this study is to investigate a novel phenomenon in health care delivery at Vane, in the Volta Region of Ghana called the Nazareth Healing Complex (NHC). Designed to provide comprehensive health care at one location, the NHC combines faith, herbal and modern medical systems. The central aim of the NHC multispeciality group practice is to allow an interchange of ideas and consultation among all the health practitioners within the same facility. The assumed advantage...

A Study Of The Impact Of Missionary Activities And Colonial Rule On A Traditional State

This thesis is a study of the nature and extent of the pressures - social, economical and political 

Strategies To Facilitate Application Of Sociology Of Development To Nursing Practice

ABSTRACT Nursing practice is a living body of knowledge derived from different disciplines, i.e. biological, psychological and social. From the social sciences, Sociology of Development is one of the sources of knowledge used in nursing practice. Student nurses in Namibia have been taught Sociology of Development since 1987 at the diploma level. The content of sociology motivates the pivotal role of nurses as resource persons who enhance and promote the social upliftment of the people of Nam...

Models Of Institutional Care For The Elderly In Namibia With A Case Study Of Sweden

Abstract The Namibian family has always cared for elderly people, but it is beginning to fail due to modernisation factors. Institutionalisation of elderly people is becoming another form of elderly care in Namibia. The question arises as to what model of institutional care is appropriate for the majority of elderly Namibians. Modernisation factors such as urbanisation and changing family structures, for example nuclearisation of families, weaken the extended family; contribute to changing at...

A Comparison Of The Educational Progression Of Orphans And Non-Orphans In Lusaka

ABSTRACT There are over 1 million orphans in the country, half of whom live in conditions of extreme poverty. These poverty conditions compromise children’s futures because they cannot afford basic education despite the “Free Primary Education” policy. This study was carried out in Lusaka. 180 orphans and non-orphans were compared to find out whether orphans were more disadvantaged than non-orphans. The study investigated the family structures of orphans, quality of education they recei...

The Effect Of Low-Wage Jobs Performed By Single Mothers On Child-Welbeing: A Case Of Dodoma City Council

ABSTRACT In latest decades there has been a dramatic growth in the number of single-parent families, the large majority of whom are single mothers. In the fast-changing societies around the world, the incidence of single-mother families continues to grow at a steady rate. Their life situations have been found to be in tatters for most of them. For instance, most of single mothers live in poverty and even many more are vulnerable to poverty. Accordingly, this study has attempted to hub on the ...

Cutting Corners: Students’ Perceived Academic Corruption at Universities in Accra.

Abstract Today, corruption is a major concern in nearly all higher education systems across the globe; it is a complex phenomenon, which has become particularly evident within the academic arena involving all the stakeholders. Generally, this thesis sought to explore from the students' perspective, the perceived academic corruption at universities in the region of Accra. The study, specifically, sought to examine the extent to which students, faculty members, and administrators were involved...

Patterns of human excreta disposal in ayikuma, shaiosudoku district.

ABSTRACT This thesis explores the defecation practices and preferences of the people of Ayikuma, a peri-urban community in the Shai-Osudoku District of the Greater Accra Region. The community has few social amenities: There is only one public-private toilet facility serving residents but this facility is hardly patronised. The majority of the people practice open defecation. The study was undertaken against the backdrop that understanding local conditions and specific needs of people is nece...

Reading The Mind Of The Spirits: Divination And Health seeking Behavior Among The Dagomba In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  Finding an explanation for the causes of ill-health and other misfortunes has been and continues to agitate the human mind. Among the Dagomba of the Northern Region of Ghana, consulting diviners for virtually every situation, good or bad, makes diviners ’critical actors in the health-seeking behaviour of the people. This study explored the significance of divination in the health-seeking behaviour among the Dagomba. Specifically, the study was guided by the following objectives: ...

Cooperation And Contestation In Crime Prevention In Asesewa In The Eastern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This research sought to qualitatively examine how the various partners of crime prevention cooperate in crime prevention and whether while cooperating, there are many forms of contestations among them. The nodal governance theory (which purports that there are various partners which fall on different strategies to govern the system individuals inhabit) was employed. The theory argues that these partners can benignly support each other or conflict while they attempt to prevent crime....

Seasonal Changes in the Inorganic Constituents of vine shoots

ABSTRACT The subject of study is t he shoot of t he Vitia Vintera, Alphonse Le Vallee . And the general envi ronment of' the plant is l iable to play a v ry i mportant role in influencing the ch ~mi c a l changes occurring ·in 1 ts shoot s.' I t ' has been sho .n that differ ent climatic conditions, cultural pr ~ctic e s, soil compositions and rootstocks, produce profound in the growth and com_ osi_tion of fruit trees. e . g . Sullivan and Baker (52) ~ound that apple trees recei...

Die BETEKENIS VAN DIE HUISGENOOT as Maandblad 1916 - 1923 In Die Tweede Afrikaanse Taalbeweging

0p 20 M:ei 1916 verskyn vir die eerste mae.l 'n maandblad onder die naam De Huisgenoo't by ,De Nationale Pers, Beperkt," Kaapstad. Reeds op 25 Janu~ie 1915 is ,De rrationale Pers, Beperkt" opgerig op aandrang van sekere vooraanstaande Afrikaners wat van mening was dat ~ 'n eie Afrikaanse koerant moes v1ees w~in die ontv1akende Af'rikaner-nasionalisme tot uiting kon kom. 'n Eie koera.nt wat die gevoelens van die volk vertolk, sou 'n magtige wapen teen die vyand vrees. Daarby sou di t 'n gevoel...

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