Sociology Research Papers/Topics

Critical Review Of Literature In Social Research

ABSTRACT  For some inexperienced researchers, reviewing literature is just one of those implicit requirements for accepting a manuscript for publication in a journal or for the paper to appear cosmetically academic, and not necessarily for its epistemic value. It should be more than that, and in fact ought to be the least reason for engaging in the exercise. Even among some researchers who conceive it as an important ingredient of a study or manuscript, it is often detached from the process ...

Working Conditions Of Casual Workers In Selected Construction Firms In Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The seasonal nature of the construction sector necessitated the use of casual workers (CWs) by construction firms. Critical factors such as size (number of workers and operational branches) and age (year of incorporation) of firm usually affect the working conditions of CWs. Studies of CWs in the sector have not adequately addressed how these factors affect the perception of working conditions, challenges of work and coping strategies adopted. This study, therefore, examined the work...

Religious And Socio-Demographic Factors Influencing Utilization Of Antenatal Care Services In Ilesa, Osun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Inadequate access to Ante-Natal Care (ANC) services is one of the factors responsible for high maternal and infant mortalities in Nigeria. Studies have focused on clinical determinants of pregnancy outcomes with little attention paid to belief systems and characteristic features of pregnant women who utilise ANC in spite of the potential role of religious beliefs system on pregnant women‘s choice of health care services. This study, therefore, examined the influence of belief syste...

The Role Of Significant Others In The Utilization Of Traditional Orthopaedic Services In Kwara State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Orthopaedic injuries contribute to most musculo-skeletal health challenges in developing societies partly due to increasing rate of technological advancement and its associated consequences. Despite the little recognition experienced, traditional orthopaedic service due to the 'severity of most orthopaedic injuries which sometimes 'left patients incapacitated, decision making regarding treatment is sometimes determined by significant others and has implication for patients well being...

Attitudes and Behaviour of Nigerian University Students towards Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing

Abstract Despite increased campaign for voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria only a negligible number of young people participates in this activity. This study investigates the factors affecting the attitudes and behaviour of students at the University of Ibadan, which is a microcosm of other universities in the country, as a way of understanding the context in which apathy towards VCT occurs. The Health Belief Model and the Theory of Reasoned Action enable the stud...

Gender And The Changing Division Of Labour In The Namibian Household: A Comparative Study Of Families In Ongwediva Constituency Urban And Rural

ABSTRACT The study investigated the changing gender division of labour between individuals of Ongwediva rural and urban households. The study involved 18 participants who were selected from 6 different families, 3 families from Ongwediva rural and 3 families from Ongwediva urban. These families were selected through snowball sampling strategies and the sampling criteria were that the family members should be married, legally and stay together. In addition to that an extra member of the famil...

Livelihood Strategies Of Male- And Female-Headed Households In Greater Accra Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Over the past 15 years, the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) in its Ghana Living Standards Surveys (GLSS) has used the consumption expenditure approach and has concluded that female-headed households are better-off than male-headed ones. This conclusion is contrary to the general view that female-headed households are disadvantaged. The consumption expenditure approach has been criticised by scholars for being one-dimensional, as it covers only a limited aspect of male- and female-hea...

The Transition From Juvenile Delinquency To Adulthood Criminality In Ghana; The Predisposing Factors

ABSTRACT This study, the Transition from juvenile delinquency to adulthood criminality; The Predisposing factors sought to understand the transitions embedded in the offending trajectories of Ghanaian juvenile delinquents who were in their adulthood. Specifically, the study addresses four key research questions, namely how does the interplay of structural background factors and processes of informal social control mechanisms predispose individuals to crime in childhood? how does an individual...

Sanitation In A Post-Apartheid Capital City: Windhoek In The Age Of Accelerated Growth

Abstract Sanitation is a social issue. Waterborne sanitation is associated with human dignity and alternative sanitation systems such as dry toilets are considered an option for poor black people hence they face high levels of resistance. Lack of basic sanitation among poor blacks in informal settlements is tantamount to lack of dignity. There is a strong link between sanitation, race (white versus black) and poverty. It is mainly black people who are poor and who live in informal settlement...

Police - Driver Interaction And Traffic Law Enforcement In Madina And Adenta-Ghana

ABSTRACT Road traffic accidents and fatalities are a serious concern globally due to its negative implications on health, social and economic wellbeing of the people. This preventable phenomenon is wiping away millions of lives and also depleting economic resources of countries especially developing countries who own 48% only of the world‘s vehicles yet account for 90% of all road accidents and fatalities in the world. Several attempts such as legislation, engineering and technological impr...

Workers’ Perceptions Of Sources Of Motivation In Public Organisations A Case Study Of The Ghana Police Service.

Abstract The Ghana Police Service (GPS) relies to a large extent on human labour. Motivation is critical in service delivery in the area of protection of lives and property, maintenance of law and order, as well as public safety and internal security. This study, therefore, adopted the needs-based theory in examining the perceptions of personnel salary, training, promotion and fringe benefits as a set of motivational tools. In addition, study assesses the perceptions of personnel of manageria...

The Rhetorics And Realities Of Ghana’s Administrative Decentralization And Local Accountability

ABSTRACT Long before decentralization became a buzzword and fashionable in some countries in the 1980s, Ghana’s search for, and attempts to take government closer to the people had been well noted and documented. In the late 1980s however, the Government of Ghana, initiated several legal and policy reforms that sought to bring climax to the longstanding dream of realizing a truly decentralized system. The new reforms establishes the Local Assemblies as the highest legislative, political and...

Domestication Of The Mobile Phone Amongst Kantamanto Used-Clothes Traders In Accra.

ABSTRACT The mobile phone technology only recently gained its ubiquitous status and rapidity in design and features. The African context is no exception to this, as a result, it is only in the last decade that people have had the opportunity to own and discard various mobile phone handsets. Most studies have not considered the social dimension of the "journey" of owning and discarding the mobile phone handset. Consequently, the study explored the entire process involved in the traders accessi...

Workplace Safety And Accidents Among Artisans At Kokompe - Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Workplace safety and health is a crucial concern for all—wage earners, employers/management and the society as a whole. This is because workplace injuries and accidents have many ramifications on the life of the individual worker as well as others in society. Consequently, countries, as diverse as they are, have put in place mechanisms to ensure the safety of workers through several administrative, policy and legal instruments. Indeed, today the safety and health of workers is cons...

Domestication Of The Mobile Phone Amongst Kantamanto Used-Clothes Traders In Accra

ABSTRACT The mobile phone technology only recently gained its ubiquitous status and rapidity in design and features. The African context is no exception to this, as a result, it is only in the last decade that people have had the opportunity to own and discard various mobile phone handsets. Most studies have not considered the social dimension of the "journey" of owning and discarding the mobile phone handset. Consequently, the study explored the entire process involved in the traders accessi...

106 - 120 Of 203 Results