Financial statement a tool for evaluating performance of quoted companies and investment decision making ( Stock Broker"s Perspective)

49 PAGES (13770 WORDS) Accounting Project

ABSTRACT Financial statement is generally explained as financial information which is the informationrelating to financial position of any firm in a capsule form. Financial  statements are whatthe   potential  and  existing   investors   in   the   global  world   rely   upon  in  taking   investmentdecisions. This research work examined the relevance of financial statements in investmentdecision   making.  The   study made   use  of  primary  data  sourced   from  the   distribution  ofquestionnaire to respondents. Search hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Chisquare  inferential   statistics was  utilized   to  analyse  the   data  collected.  From   the  resultsobtained, the study showed that financial statements are very relevant to investors in decisionmaking.   The   study   recommended   that   all   Nigerian   listed   companies   should   considermaintaining two sets of report in the annual report document. The first set should be a reportusing SASs which is  the national requirement  while the second set  of report should  useIFRSs,   in  particular   for  international   audience.  This   will  make  the   financial  statementscomparable   and   will   therefore   enhance   global   competition,   inflow   of   foreign   directinvestment, and international listings