Influence of Customer Relationship Management on The Performance of Deposit Money in The Banks

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This st1u�v examined the influence of customer relationship management (CRJv!) 011 the pel.formance of Depos;t Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. The study sought to establish if CRM measured 'by (customer knowledge, customer knowledge managf!ment capability, customer interaction and customization) influences the pel.formance of DMBs (pmxied by customer value, cu's·tomer sati.s.faction, customer loyalty and customer life-time value). The study adopted a survey research method Data were collected from the respondents with the use of questionnaire, administered to the senior managers of twenty (20) DMBs selected randomly from Federal Capital Territmy (FCT) Ahuja, Bauchi, Kaduna. Anambra, Rivers and Lagos states. The total population �[the study was 6,-195 out of which a sample �� 363 was selected using Krejecie and Morgan {1970) sample size determination formula. Using Correlation and Multiple Regression analysis for data analysis, the results showed that CRM has a positive and significant il?fluence on 3 out �� the -1 DMB pe7.formance variables (ie customer value, customer satisfaction and customer Life-time value). The study concluded that CRM positively and sign?ftcantfy influence the pe1jormance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. The study recommended that in order to enhance customer loyalty, Managers of DMBs in Nigeria should fo,cus on creating, developing and enhancing relationship with targeted customers to maximize customer value, to improve customers' experience ��how they interact with the bank which may turn into more customer sati.�faction, increased customer loyalty and a long-term increase in pr�fitability.  

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