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ABSTRACT The Kwawus are from the Eastern Region of Ghana. They are traditionally known to be people with good business acumen which has also its historical basis. They are also known for protecting and maintaining their culture wherever they migrated to, and marriage and mate selection is one of them. It is expected that as people migrate to urban centres most of their traditional lifestyles change as a result of their exposure to people from different cultural and ethnic background. However, it is perceived that the Kwawus continue to maintain their traditional style of marriage and mate selection. That Kwawus are perceived to be endogamous. In exploring the marriage patterns of the Kwawu (mate selection), current and related literature on marriage and migration were reviewed. In conducting the study, all the Kwawu migrants living in the Cape Coast Metropolitan Area, who have attained 18 years and above were targeted. Out of the 200 adults only 119 availed themselves for the study. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. The primary data was obtained through interviews and focus group discussion. The study revealed that history, cultural beliefs, love, character, wealth, formal education and employment status were some of the major factors influencing the selection of mates among the Kwawus. In line with the findings, it was recommended that for family life in Ghana to be sustained, the cultural values and practices in marriage should not be overlooked. Mate selection should not be a matter of imposition but by personal choice or preference

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