Nigerian Educational System: Problems And Prospects


Our enthusiasm for education seems to be paralelled by

our ignorance of what education is . Education for what ?

For whom? And how? Is there no relationship between a

society and the type of educution it imbibes? the s e

questions border on educational value and .goal. It is in

an attempt to proffer answers to these questions, examine

and evaluate the principles and the validity of thought

that underline issues in Nigerian educational system that

this paper is being written. Periodic and constant

examination of the Issues, Problems and prospect in the

educational system of any country is necessary, because

a ny desirable development hinges upon the educational J1'ystem.

The nature of t he issues, and p rcb Iemj in Nigerian

educational system are conceptual, historical, methodologica~

mora1 and financial. We show that any educational p o li cy ,

if it is to gain credence and vitality~ must function in

and 'draw - inspiration from a dynamic philosophy. It is

only a thorough knowledge of philosophy that can meet the

greater challenges of education. Given the necess:Hy

phi.LosophicaI tools, should be rending towards em

indigenous educational philosophy for Nigeria.