Participatory Planning and Sustainable Development in Local Governments in Uganda: A Case of Kasese Municipal Council

82 PAGES (19244 WORDS) Public Administration Thesis

ABSTRACT The study was cond 1 :cted to establish the necessary link between participatory planning and sustainable develo;1rnent in local governments of Uganda with specific focus on K.asese Municipal council. -~-;ie study was guided by three objectives including; establishing the level of participatory plarnii.,g towards sustainable development in K.asese Municipal council, to establish the challt,11,cs affecting full achievement of planning approaches towards sustainable development in Ka:;~sc Municipal council and to find out the relationship between participatory planning and susL; 1aule development in K.asese Municipal council. Findings were; that stakeholders at all 1n:..·_:ll levels need to participate in planning for sustainable development. It was found out that part it; ,;ation from all stakeholders in the accountability processes of development management is criLc: l to the timely and full realization of the development goals and objectives. Further, it was forn~d )ut that participation by consultation encourages ownership of projects for sustainable develo1 .r,,·nt; it was found out that participatory plaiming process is affected by lack of effective follow-ns lo community programs which affects development. It was concluded 111''.' in order to realize sustainable development, there is need to maintain the level of participator: planning at the cmTent state in the municipality so that there is effective and efficient service