Teacher- Learner Relationship And Academic Performance in Primary Schools In Gatundu Division, Thika District, Kenya


The purpose of this study was to determine teacher~ learner relationship and academic performance of learners in Gatundu Division, Thika District Kenya. Specific Objectives of the study were: Investigate the effect of teacher learner relationship on performance of

pupils, determine how discipline affects teacher learner relationship and investigate the relationship between effective communication and positive teacher learner relationship.

The research is presented in both qualitative and quantitative design. Qualitative design helped the researcher get a deeper meaning of the study while quantitative helped in analyzing the numbers that were involved in the study. Primary data was collected

through both structured and unstructured interviews. National and international documents were consulted.

The findings revealed that a good teacher learner relationship can help improve the academic performance of learners. The study also revealed that a good teacher learner relationship maintains learners discipline in school. According to the study effective communication creates a positive teacher learner relationship. The recommendations called for teacher’s attention in creating an environment where the relationship between the teacher and the learner is good for effective study. In relation to this effective teaching methods that help to create a good relationship with the learners are necessary.



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1.1. Background of the Study aa,,aa aaaaaaa,aaaa!a,aa aaaaa.a,.,, a a,,an.,,a aa,aaaa aaaaaa,.a, anal 1

1.2. Statement of the Problem a,aaaaa,anaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,aaaa an.,,,. aaaa,a,, aaa,a na,a.sa, a,aa.ana 2

1.3. .Obj ectives Qf th,e stud l.a ~.! a a a a a a naaa.,! a a a a a a a aaaa,.aaa, anal anal alan al-ala a a a a a a a a ala a 2

1 .4. R.esearch Questions a a...,. a Isal lIla.. Ia.. ,ana,.., II aaaa...a. ian.. a a a .I.aa.a a a.a.,aa,a. Isa 3

1 .5. Scope of the Study ,,i,n ails, l allan I I ala a a a a a a a, Ial a as a aIls, aa.aana a a a a a nan a a a a a,,,, a 11111 3

1 .6. Sigiiificance of the Study a a a aa.aaa an a ii. a a a ta .,a.Ia ilaa 11,11.11, a in,,. ana, a a aa,a. an.,,, a a




2.0. Introductionta aaa.aaa taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaa ann a,aaa,aaaaa,aa 5

2.1. The Effect of Teacher Learner Relationship on Performance of Pupils aaaaaaaaa a a a a a 5

2.2. Discipline and Teacher Learner Relationship a aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaa6

2.3. The Relationship between Effective Communication and Positive Teacher Learner

I~elationship. a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaaa a aaauaaaaa a aaaaaa a a a a a a aaaaaa a a a a a a 8



3.0 Introduction a uaa aaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaag 10

3. 1 Research Design a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaa a a a a a a a a at a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 10

3.2 Environment / Area and population of study aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa.a aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa 10

3.3 Sample selection aaaaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaa. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 10

3.4 Data Co1lection~~0 aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaau aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 10

3.4. 1 Research instruments aaaaaaaaaaaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaa a a a a a a aaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaa. a 10

3.5. Data Collection Procedures aaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaa a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaa a a a a a a a aauaa, a aaaaaaaaaaa 1 0

3.6. I’vlethods of data analysis aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaa,aaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaa 11

3.7 Statistical I’reatrnent of Data aaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaa.aaa 11




4.0 Introduction stoat a a sass a as a a a a a sputa tab a a a a a pta.. US Sal usa.,, a. nasa a a a a sags. a nasa. auto aua a 12

4. 1 . Profile of the respondents • a a a a a a a a a a a a a. a a a outsIt.. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a nu.aaa. a a a a a a a 1 2

4.2 The Effect Of Teacher Learner Relationship On Performance Of Pupils aol. aaaas 13

4.3.Disciplineandteacherlearnerrelationship auaaaaaaaaasaaaauaaauaaaaaa.aa~~aaa16

4.4 The relationship between effective communication and positive teacher learner

relationship. ala aaaaau,aaaa Ia amaaaas aaaaaaaasa aaaaaaaa alas.. an aauaaalau a aaaaa,uaaaaaaa aaaaaa .. 19



5.lSun1rnaryofFindingsandtheirRelevanceaa aaaauaaaaaaaaaasuaauua aaalaaaaaa.aaa aa.a.aa22

5.2. Conclusions5551. aaaaaaanala I aaaaaasaaa a glaaaua laala,oaaaaaa labial aaaaaaugul.aaaaauaauaal 22

5.3. Reconirriendations.. aaua,ua aa,aaaau ilaa.aaaa aaaaalaaaua a asaaaa saaanla a.aaaas aaaanaaaaa., 23

Areas of further research. a ass asaaaaa s aaaa,a staIns unapt luau a a aaaasuaaaaaauasuua..aauaaa ualu ua 2~4~

_References sssaaassaaa a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaa as aaaaaa, a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa isp l.a. .tUbun 25

iPPEI’sTI~I)( I: TRj.]~”JSIv[IT1’.L LE’T’TERaasauaaaoaaaaaaaau sauna. aaaaaaa uaaaa anuuaauanaaaa, 27

Appendix II: QUESTIO1lI’.TA.IRE FOR PIJPILS ~.~anus luuaa.aauaa.au lUau ass

Appendix III: Interview guide for the teachers asaaa aaaaaaaau.asna naaasaaaua saasaaaau, asa,s31

APPENDIX IV: MAP OF THE RESEARCH AREA Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Research, S. (2022). Teacher- Learner Relationship And Academic Performance in Primary Schools In Gatundu Division, Thika District, Kenya. Afribary. Retrieved from https://tracking.afribary.com/works/teacher-learner-relationship-and-academic-performance-in-primary-schools-in-gatundu-division-thika-district-kenya

MLA 8th

Research, SSA "Teacher- Learner Relationship And Academic Performance in Primary Schools In Gatundu Division, Thika District, Kenya" Afribary. Afribary, 02 Sep. 2022, https://tracking.afribary.com/works/teacher-learner-relationship-and-academic-performance-in-primary-schools-in-gatundu-division-thika-district-kenya. Accessed 19 Sep. 2024.


Research, SSA . "Teacher- Learner Relationship And Academic Performance in Primary Schools In Gatundu Division, Thika District, Kenya". Afribary, Afribary, 02 Sep. 2022. Web. 19 Sep. 2024. < https://tracking.afribary.com/works/teacher-learner-relationship-and-academic-performance-in-primary-schools-in-gatundu-division-thika-district-kenya >.


Research, SSA . "Teacher- Learner Relationship And Academic Performance in Primary Schools In Gatundu Division, Thika District, Kenya" Afribary (2022). Accessed September 19, 2024. https://tracking.afribary.com/works/teacher-learner-relationship-and-academic-performance-in-primary-schools-in-gatundu-division-thika-district-kenya

Document Details
Field: Adult Education Type: Report 44 PAGES (7338 WORDS) (pdf)