The Appraisal of Rural Banking Development in Nigeria. (A Case Study of Balogun Funlani Micro Finance Bank Ilorin Branch)

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Title Page                                                             i

Certification                                                         ii

Dedication                                                           iii

Acknowledgement                                                iv

Table of contents                                                  vi


1.0   Introduction                                                 1

1.1 Background to the Study

1.1   Statement of the Problem                              3

1.2   Research Question

1.2   Objectives of the Study                                  4

1.3   Significance of the Study                               5

1.4   Limitation of the Study                                  6


2.0   Literature Review                                          7

2.1   Concept of Rural Banking                             7

2.2   Key Role Of Rural Banking For Rural Dwellers 9

2.3   Federal Government Policy and Central Banking of Nigeria (C.B.N)                                      16

2.4   Achievement of the program                          20


3.0   Research Methodology                                   23   

3.1   Historical Background of the Case Study       23

3.2   Method Of Data Collection

3.2   Population of the sample size                        25

3.3   Sample Technique                                        26


4.0   Data Presentation and Analysis                     27

4.1   Preamble

4.2   Presentation of Data                                     32

4.3   Data Analysis


5.0   Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations. 35

5.1   Summary                                                     35

5.2   Conclusion                                                   37

5.3   Recommendations.                                       39

        References                                                   44




1.1   Background to the Study

        The traditional banking business is the holding of deposit and lending money. This role is developed from the fact that in any society it appears to exist too broad classes of people this surplus spending limit and deficit spending limit however; the following are some of the functions of commercial banks.

        Intermediaries: the banks serves as intermediaries or middlemen between the people who saves there money in the bank and those who borrow the money from the banks.

        Acceptance of deposit: this is undoubtedly the oldest function of the bank in the early stages of bank depositions usually paid a charge lost of keeping their income in the bank but as banking system modernized and well organized, banks realize the advantages that accrue to them through saving. They promote saving investment the banks naturally pare the ways for this and investment debtors are by this means enticed to save more money since they are conscious of the additional money which the bank would give for any amount saved.

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