The Evaluation of Some Production and Reproduction Traits of the Shami Cyprus Goats in Eastern Sudan Kassala State

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This study aimed to evaluate the performance of the Shami Cyprus

goats in intensive system in Kassala State Eastern Sudan in the animal

production farm of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Animal Resources, the

study included the performance of the Shami Cyprus of the following (milk

yield, lactation period, milk composition (Fat, Protein, Lactose, Ash and total

solid) and to determine the performance on kids( the average birth weight,

sex birth weight in winter and summer , twins birth weight, twins rate

,weaning weight, age at weaning and mortality percent), and reproductive

performance (puberty, age and weight at the first service, age and weight at

the first kidding, kidding interval, gestation length and litter size,). Body

weights of the sex at different ages one year, two years and three years and

Body Measurement, Ear length, height at wither, heart girth, back length, face

length and neck length,

The result indicated that milk yield of the Shami Cyprus goats in winter per

day was 3.16±0.82 liter 3.69±0.53 liter for the doe offer single and twins

respectively while milk yield in summer per day was 2.4 ±0.8 liter, 3.4± 1.2

Kg for the doe offer single and twins respectively. The average milk yield in

both seasons were 3.16±0.84 liter per day, the average milk yield throughout

the lactation period was 528 – 682 liter according to the season. The lactation

length it was 22٥ ± ٤.7 day 236 ± 7.54 day in the winter for the doe offer

single and twins respectively and (190 ± 10.8 day), 212 ± 11.7 day in summer

for the doe offer single and twins respectively and the average lactation length

of the Shami Cyprus goats was 215 ±8.69 days . Milk component percentage

in the winter were protein, fat, lactose, Ash and total solid were 3.71 ±

0.13,3.81 ± 0.72 , 4.63 ± 0.26 , 0.83 ± 0.03 ,12.98 ± 1.14 respectively and

in summer were 3.2±0.19, 3.5±0.21, 4.06±0.3, 0.78±0.03, 11.58±0.18

respective y The overall means of birth weight of the Shami Cyprus goats

were 3.96±0.39, single male kids were heavier 4.28±0.50 than female single

kid 3.86±0.40 kg), birth weight of kids born in the winter was higher

significantly (P

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