The Right to Education and the Conventions Interpretations in Kenya. A Case Study of Children with Disability in Nairobi County.

CHAPTER ONE .0 Introduction The chapter presents the background, problem statement, purpose, specific objectives, research questions, corresponding hypothesis, scope and significance of the study. Disability means a physical, sensory, mental or other impairment, including any visual, hearing, learning or physical incapability, which impacts adversely on social, economic or environmental participation . . 0 Background Historically disability was viewed as a source of disgrace and shame upon a society in the African traditional setting. An individual who was found to have a disability was shunned from society and treated as an outcast, in some societies, the individual was seen as a sign of a curse upon the society and could be killed or completely ex-communicated from the society. Child disability was seen as a sign of evil in society and most children bo1n with any sign of disability were thrown away or left in the forest to die.