Solar energy is the energy that is in sunlight. It has been used for thousands of years inmany different ways by people all over the world. As well as its traditional human usesin heating, cooking, and drying, it is used today to make electricity where other powersupplies are absent, such as in remote places and in space. It is becoming cheaper to makeelectricity from solar energy and in many situations it is now competitive with energyfrom coal or oil. A solar cooker can be used for cooking food. Solar energy is also called"Heat Trapper" as it is the automatic, non-mechanical, sun ray trapper. Solar energy isradiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolvingtechnologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solararchitecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis. It is an importantsource of renewable energy and its technologies are broadly characterized aseither passive solar or active solar depending on how they capture and distribute solarenergy or convert it into power. The availability of power is quite limited and as such,alternative means are needed to curb the situation. Solar power is one good alternative. Itof two types; photovoltaics and concentrated solar power. For the purpose of this project,the former is utilized. This form includes the use of solar panel which are the heattrappers for trapping the energy from the sun. It is an important source of renewableenergy and its technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or activesolar depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into solarpower. The plethora of fossil fuels being used by major corporations and industries arecreating an abundance of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere and causing climate1
change and other substantial problems for the environment. The cost of energy resourceshas been on the rise from previous years. It is high time we begin a search into futuretechnologies to make the College a more sustainable place. One reasonable solution is theprovision of solar PV systems to serve as alternative source of power in the college. Thiswould go a long way in reducing the amount of CO gases emitted into the atmosphere bythe use of fossil fuels. Apart from the initial investment in solar panels, there is no othercost involved in the generation of solar power. The savings made from going off-grid caneasily be invested in other projects. This can be done by individuals. The benefits of solarenergy are ever increasing with different technologies coming up. The research anddevelopment of various solar plants will surely create a sense of equality among differenteconomic groups in the world. This project is about the assembly of a solar system as analternative source of power.