Weed infestation is one of the major biotic constraints in wheat production. Wheat is infested withdiverse type of weed flora, as it is grown under diverse agro climatic conditions, different cropping sequence, andtillage and irrigation regimes. For controlling weeds in wheat, growers mostly rely on herbicides due to cost and timeeffectiveness. For control of diverse weed flora in wheat combination of herbicides or as sequential, if not compatibleare required. However, sole dependence on herb...
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is economically an important crop in Ethiopia. The productivity of Faba bean in Ethiopiahas been declined due to poor management practices of Bio fertilizer rates usage. Three rates of Bio fertilizer (0,500 and 750gha-1) treatments were laid out in RCBD with three replications. Days to 50% flowering, days to 90% physiological maturity,plant height, number of productive tillers, total biomass yield, numbers of pods per plant, number of nodule per plant, effectivenodul...
Apple (Malus domestica) is a tree and its pomaceous fruit, of species Mauls domestic a Borkhin therose family Rosaceae, is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. The main objective of this reviewis to review postharvest handling of apple fruit with the following Specific objectives: to review preharvest factors that affect postharvest quality of apple fruit and review postharvest factors that affectquality of apple fruits. The factor that causes postharvest losses of apple fruits are ...
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an economically important crop. However, its annualproductivity is very low due to poor management practices like: inappropriate seeding rate andutilization of different fertilizer types. Therefore, paper to review the response of bread wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) to seeding rate on yield. Based on this review, application of different seeding rates hassignificant effects on yield and yield components of bread wheat. The results of this review showedthat ...
The existing paper is review quite a number lookup findings on weeds and weed control in soybean.Soybean is the most important oil seeds and grain legume crop in the world, in terms of wholemanufacturing and international trades. However, losses due to weeds have been one ofthe fundamental limiting factors in soybean production. So, successful weed manipulate is one of themost essential practices for low-priced soybean production. Weeds that germinated at the identical time assoybeans grow fa...
Barley is one of the popular crops cultivated since ancient time in the world. Barley is one of the main cereal cropsproduced in the World and it is one of the most ancient crops among cereals and has played a significant role in the developmentof agriculture in the world. It is commonly used for food, animal feed and beverage value. The most important factors that reduceyield of barley is poor soil fertility, blanket recommendation of fertilizers, soil acidity (low soil pH), diseases and ins...
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is economically an important crop in Ethiopia. The productivity of Faba beanin Ethiopia has been declined due to poor management practices of inappropriate fertilizer rate and Bio fertilizerrates usage. Factorial combination of five rates of Blended fertilizer (0, 60, 121, 180 and 240 kgha-1 NPSZnB) andthree rates of Bio fertilizer (0,500 and 750 gha-1) treatments were laid out in RCBD with three replications. Days to50% flowering, days to 90% physiological maturity,...
Onion is a herbaceous biennial monocot cultivated as an annual crop. The number of flowers opening oneach day was influenced by hours of sunlight and concentration of phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N). Nand P treatments tended to lower bolting percentages. The yield of onion seed per plant increased as thenitrogen in the nutrient solution increased where seed stalks were produced. The effect of early dressingsof N on crops grown under conditions when nights are becoming cooler is shown to allo...
Seed quality deterioration is inevitable process. Since seed is a vital input in agriculture which determines not justthe production but also the productivity, it is crucial to maintain the seed quality as well as seed vigor during the storage. Storageis a basic practice in the control of the physiological quality of the seed and is a method through which the viability of the seedscan be preserved and their vigor kept at a reasonable level during the time between planting and harvesting. Many...
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