This is time related deterioration of the physiological function necessary for survival and fertility. Maximum life span- the maximum number of years a member of a specie has been known to survive. This maximum life span depends on the special Life expectancy: the age at half the population still survive, this is not the characteristics of specie or population. Why do they age? 1 The hereditary factor depending on what's going on the linage 2 loss of cellular mass and ability of cell ...
I General Info A. Landmarks in modern genetics 1. Rediscovery of Mendel’s work 2. Chromosomal theory of inheritance 3. DNA as the genetic material 4. Recombinant DNA technology development and applications B. Recombinant DNA refers to the creation of new combinations of DNA segments that are not found together in nature. The isolation and manipulation of genes allows for more precise genetic analysis as well as practical applications in medicine, agriculture, and industry. C. Fundamental c...
The head and neck are two examples of the perfect anatomical marriage between form and function, mixed with a dash of complexity. The neck is resilient enough to sustain a five kilogram weight 24/7, yet sufficiently mobile to move it in several directions. On the other end, the head is durable enough to protect the fragile brain but intricately designed to facilitate the passage of the complex neurovascular network. In this topic page, we’ll learn about various anatomical aspects of the hea...
Cardiac muscle, like skeletal muscle, is a striated muscle and much of the mechanism of contraction is similar between the two muscle types. The electrophysiology of the two muscles differs: First ,the cardiac action potential is not initiated by neural activity. Instead, specialized cardiac muscle tissue in the heart itself initiates the action potential, which then spreads directly from muscle cell to muscle cell. Neural influences have only a modulatory effect on the heart rate. Second, th...
The Philosophy called ‘love of wisdom’. Philosophy comes from two Greek word philo & Sophia which means “love of and wisdom”. Wisdom is higher than truth and knowledge but knowledge is philosophy. Excellence, integrity and service “Philosophy of Lautech”. There are two senses which are: (i) “loose sense” (is a philosophy (love of wisdom) from first order. (ii) Strict sense (is a philosophy from second order/ study of philosophy, academic discipline) here we see philo...
Rhythm controllers in the brainstem 1. Medulla Dorsal respiratory group – associated with inspiration Ventral respiratory group – associated with expiration. Pre-Botzinger Complex - pattern generator, also ventral 2) Pons Apneustic center – has an excitatory function Pneumotaxic center – can inhibit inspiration Other regions of the brain that can affect respiration 1. Cortex Can exercise voluntary control...
Talk Outline Introduction to antibiotic resistanceThe antibiotic resistance crisisNext steps
INTRODUCTION Metabolism is simply defined as the total sum of enzyme catalyzed chemical reactions that take place in living cells. All living cells irrespective of their origin (be it plants, animals and micro-organisms) participate in metabolism, which is responsible for the coordination of all activities carried out by these organisms. Metabolism is in two phases: anabolism (synthetic) and catabolism (degradative) phases. Anabolism undergoes the following:Reductive reactions.Starts from k...
Abstract The functional anatomy of the respiratory system and mechanism of respiration. The respiratory system consists of nostrils, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli duct and alveoli. The structures included from nostrils to terminal bronchioles will have 16 divisions, while the remaining structures show 7 divisions, giving a total of 23 divisions for the respiratory tract. The divisions are formed by the repeated branching of each segment of the tract. Structures l...
Introduction The branch of pharmacology that relates drug concentration to biologic effect is known as pharmacodynamics. Major goals of this area of study are determining the proper dose to administer to elicit the desired effect while avoiding toxicity. Although pharmacokinetics can be used to determine dosing requirements necessary to maintain a particular drug concentration, it is the relationship between drug concentration and effect that ultimately decides appropriate dosing. The ul...
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