ABSTRACT Communication is the process of transmitting, disseminating information, knowledge and understanding from one officer to another. In this paper, attempt will be made to discuss the various communication processes, barriers to communication, various forms of communication and ways of achieving effective communication in an organization. 1.0 INTRODUCTIONCommunications is fundamental to the existence and survival of humans as wellas to an organization. It is a process of creating and...
ABSTRACT Trafficking and use of illicit drugs (banned substances) have become prevalent, menacing and deadly plague unleashing social and health hazards on the human race, yet with increased economic patronage. The problem is more prevalent in the developing nations, while Nigeria is one of the most affected African countries. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has acknowledged this fact. Despite efforts by the Nigerian government through her Anti-drug abuse agencies, the...
Abstract This paper focuses on the Workmen/Employment Compensation. Workmen /Employee compensation refers to the benefits (cash, vacation, etc.) that a Workman/employee receives in exchange for the service they provide to their employer. Cash compensation consisting of wages or salariesis compensations paid to employees. The Workmen/Employee Compensation scheme was established under the Employee’s Compensation Act, 2010. It examines the scheme within the context of its obje...
INTRODUCTION Against the background of the excessive exploitation of workers, laws for the social protection of employees were developed in the second half of the 19'" century.Essentially, they are meant to ensure that people work in dignity and are not unduly exploited in the course of work. International control bodies were established to ensure compliance with the new laws....
ABSTRACT Drug abuse continues to be the major risk behaviour among youth and adolescents, with physical and mental health complications. Despite the known risks associated with the drugs, adolescents continue using these drugs. This paper reveals the prevalence of drug abuse among adolescent’s in Nigeria, problems associated with drugs abuse, reasons why adolescents are vulnerable to drugs abuse and the role of Television in the campaign of curbing the menace of drug abuse. Despi...