Some inventions are glamorous and very sophisticated – microchips embedded system technology –and more while some others are quieter, yet not less relevant in easing the work that man has to do with his own energy. Pumps do fall in the latter category (Mario, 2001). This project is intended to model a portable solar powered suction pump. Pumps are devices that transfer fluids (liquid or gas) from one point to another through some mechanical means. Pumps generally have being in use for cen...
Solar powered systems have been built for various applications ranging from public lighting to water supply units but robust efforts have not been made in the development of pumping systems that can effectively replace the manually operated pumps used in field applications. Designing a machine that can pump the fluid without the need of so much energy on the part of the operator as well as boycott the use of direct electricity will hence be a reasonable contribution to field of maintenance an...