Theology Study Materials


Introduction Hermeneutics is derived from a Greek word Hermeneien”. It is a word derived from Hermes, the Greek god known as the messenger of the gods. This Greek god is thus, saddled with the task of transmitting and interpreting the communications of the gods to their fortunate and/or unfortunate recipients. In classical literature, the verb hermeneus is used to mean to explain or to translate. It often appears in contexts which stresses the responsibility of human beings to interpret rig...


How beautiful is the account of Jesus’ Passion. Because the Passion of Jesus was so revered it is believed the Passion accounts in the Gospels were the first parts of the Gospels to be written. The early Christians were so eager to preserve the account of our salvation that they put the Passion of Jesus in writing quickly. We can understand their sentiments because we too venerate Jesus’ Passion. 

Muslim Festivals

Prologue   The world of Islam has always been treated with caution by Western society, with an indifference to a sense of fear or even inferiority in some cases in the depths of history. In recent decades, things have changed dramatically, for the better when it came to the West's knowledge of one of the world's most popular religions, which has about1.6 billion followers.  The religion of Islam played a unifying role in the exuberantly divided Arabian Peninsula in the    7th century BC a...