Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

ZLY 106-Digestive system

Digestion and the alimentary tract Modifications of the alimentary tract in herbivores Functions of liver

ZLY 106: Urinary System

Mammalian Kidney and Functional Unit Kidneys Nephrons Ureters  Urinary Bladder  Urethra Formation Of Urine In Mammalian Kidney

ZLY 106: Skeletal System

Introduction Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton Articulations


Introduction Structure of the Respiratory System Respiration at Rest Mechanics of Respiration during Exercise Respiratory Volumes at Rest Lung Volume Changes during Exercise Gaseous Exchange Exercise Changes to Gaseous Exchange Ventilatory Response to Light, Moderate and Heavy Exercise Control of Breathing Factors Influencing the Neural Control of Breathing Effects of Altitude on the Respiratory System Primary Effects of Altitude on the Respiratory System Other Effects of Altitude on the R...

ZLY 106: Oogenesis

Oogenesis  Meiosis I Meiosis II  Hormonal Regulation in Male and Female Reproductive Systems Hormonal Control of the Testes Hormonal Control of the Female Reproductive System Gonadal Steroids and Their Control

ZLY 106: Integumentary system

INTEGUMENTS AND REGULATORY MECHANISM MAMMALIAN SKIN AND FUNCTIONS Functions of the Epidermis Blood Capillaries Hair follicles Sweat/Sudoriferous glands Sebaceous glands Sensory nerve endings The subcutaneous/fatty layer/adipose tissue The function of the dermis HOMEOSTASIS Organs involved in Homeostasis The control of blood sugar Control of temperature OSMOREGULATION Hormonal Regulation by the Kidneys Acid-Base Balance ADAPTIVE HYPOTHERMIA IN MAMMALS

ZLY 106: Hormonal regulations of the kidneys

Hormonal Regulation of the Kidneys Acid-Base Balance

ZLY 106: Homeostasis and Integumentary System

Introduction The Internal Envrionment Internal Environment Maintenance Importance of Homeostasis Origin of Tissue Fluid Homeostatic Mechanism Integumentary System The Skin Epidermis Epidermal Layers Dermis Accessory Skin Structures Nail Hair or Pilli Skin Hair and Glands Functions of Skin Temperature Regulation in Mammals Mammalian (Human) Situation Homeostatic Control of Body Temperature

ZLY 106: Excretory System

The Human Excretory System: The Kidneys Structure of the Kidney Role of the Kidney in Excretion Structure of the Nephron Labelling:  Urinary System Labelling:  Nephron Processes in the Kidney Function of Skin Structure of Skin Function of the Liver in Excretion Liver Disease

ZLY 106 : Circulatory system

The Circulatory System  Open and Closed Circulatory System Network of Vessels The Blood Plasma The Blood Cells Characteristics of Blood Vessels The Lymphatic System The Vertebrate Heart Fish Heart Amphibian and Reptile Circulation Mammalian and Bird Hearts The Cardiac Cycle Electrical Excitation and Contraction of the Heart Blood Flow and Blood Pressure


HISTOLOGY OF THE BLOOD VESSELS General characteristics of vessels Microscopic Anatomy of Cardiac Muscle

ZLY101 CBT CA Questions

1. Which of these characterize high temperature in water A. Thermolimnion  B. Epilimnion  C. Hypolimnion  D. Thermocline 2. Plants take in nitrogen in which form A Nitrate  B. Nitrites  C. Nitrogen  D. Ammonia 3. Which is not a soil component A. Inorganic  B. Mineral  C. Organic  D. Soil water 4. What fixes atmospheric nitrogen A. Azobacter  B. Nitrosomonas  C. Nitrobium  D. Nitrobacter 5. Ecology deals with the study of A. Living beings B. Living and non-living components C. Reci...


1. In grassland ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is ________ ⚫ Upright ◯ Leaning ◯ Downwards ◯ Inverted 2. Which of the following factors contributes to a regions climate ◯ Altitude ◯ Latitude ◯ Temperature ⚫ All of the above 3. When both partners are affected negatively by the nature of interaction is ____________ ◯ Commensalism ⚫ Competition ◯ Predation ◯ Ammensalism

Habitats ZLY 101-1(1)

Habitats Types of Habitats Forest Habitats Tropical Forest Distribution of Fauna in Tropical Forests Adaptation of fauna to Tropical Forest  Temperate Forests Coniferous forests Grassland (Prairies) Tundra

ZLY 101- Deserts & Aquatic Habitats

Deserts Aquatics Habitats Adaptations to Aquatic Habitats

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