Geology Research Papers/Topics

Role of Geoscientist in Diversification of Nigeria Economy

ABSTRACT Nigeria for over five decades now operates mono economy. Despite the diverse natural resources endowed to her by God. This started prior to the end of Biafra war in 1970, when Nigeria taps greatly from crude oil due to global rise in oil price. This over dependent on crude oil is to the disadvantage of other sectors such as; natural gas, solid mineral, water, environment, coal, tourism and agriculture that contributes enormously to the economy of any country like Nigeria. In 2017 N...

Application of the geological streamflow and Muskingum Cunge models in the Yala River Basin, Kenya

Abstract The nature of surface runoff and its effects in the watershed can be represented by the application of hydrologic and hydraulic models. In this study, the Geological Streamflow Model (GeoSFM) and the Muskingum Cunge (M-C) model were used to model the hydrologic processes of the Yala river network. The objective was to develop a flood early warning system to mitigate potential flood hazard risk exposed to the downstream inhabitants. Historical hydro]metric datasets of 1975] 2005 were...

Geology and economic mineralization of the neoproterozoic Mozambique belt rocks of the Mwitika-Makongo area, Kitui County, South Eastern Kenya

Abstract: The Mwitika-Makongo research area occurs within the Neoproterozoic Mozambique metamorphic belt in Kenya and is located in Kitui East sub-county of Kitui County. The area is bounded by longitudes 38° 18'E and 38° 26'E and latitudes 1° 22'S and 1° 32'S. This area is easily accessed from the Nairobi-Thika-Kitui-Zombe road or the Nairobi –Machakos-Kitui-Zombe road. From previous geological works, it had been established that several mineral resources of economic potential like ir...

Appraisal of crustal contamination in southern Bastar Mafic Dykes in Chattisgarh, India

Abstract: The present work is an attempt to assess the effect of crustal contamination through the Granitoids host rock, within the southern Bastar mafic dykes of Chhattisgarh, India, in the light of geochemical characteristics. Petrographically, these dykes are classified as Amphibolite, Dolerite/Meta-Dolerite and Diorite. Geochemically, all dyke samples have been classified as “high iron sub-alkaline Tholeiites”. On account of overlapping magnesium and iron concentration in Amphibolite...

Geology, mineralogy, geochemistry and alteration patterns of Banana zone copper-silver mineralisation , Ghanzi-Chobe belt, northwest-Botswana

Abstract: The Banana Zone Cu-Ag Prospect is within the SW-NE trending Ghanzi-Chobe Belt (GCB), which extends from the Namibia-Botswana border in the south to Shinamba Hills in the north near the Botswana-Zambia border. The Banana Zone is also part of the Ghanzi Project owned by Khoemacau Copper Mining and situated between the Ghanzi and Maun townships, in Botswana. The Banana Zone has inferred resource of over 225.4 million metric tonnes (Mt) grading 0.64% Cu and 8.1 g/t Ag. The GCB consists...

Marginal facies and compositional equivalents of Bushveld Parental sills from the Molopo farms complex layered intrusion, Botswana: petrogenetic and mineralization implications

Abstract: Parental magma composition to layered ultramafic to mafic intrusions are commonly studied using rocks occurring along their contact with the surrounding country rock. These include sills, dykes and/or rare chill margins. In comparison to the well-studied ~2.05 Ga Bushveld Complex layered intrusion, no study is available on the parental magma composition of the Molopo Farms Complex layered intrusion in southern Botswana. With a size, approximately 1/3rd of the Bushveld Complex, mafi...

Investigation of Lotsane earth fill dam for internal defects using time-lapse electrical resistivity imaging and frequency domain electromagnetic methods

Abstract: Internal erosion and development of seepage pathways is an ever present concern in earth fill dams, and are a major reason for many dam failures. Internal erosional progresses that are responsible for many dam failures are usually difficult to detect at their onset using the currently in-built monitoring systems that are installed during dam construction. Importantly, increased seepage in dams can only be observed after manifesting at the surface, at which time the integrity of the...

Constraints on the genesis of gold in the Tati Greenstone Belt of Northeastern Botswana: insights from integrative geochronology and Pb isotope compositions

Abstract: The NW trending Archean Tati Greenstone Belt is located in the southwestern part of the Zimbabwe Craton, in northeastern Botswana and consists of mafic to felsic volcanic rocks and metasediments. All rocks in the TGB have undergone greenschist facies metamorphism at 2630 ± 70 – 2570 ± 70 Ma and intrusion of granitoids that comprises of granodiorite, tonalites, quartz diorite and monzonite occurred at 2.65- 2.73 Ga. The TGB is host to numerous Au deposits including from NW to...

Petrographic and geochemical characterization of part of a permian coal deposit of the South-Eastern Kalahari sub-basin, Moiyabana area, eastern Botswana

Abstract: The Moiyabana Coalfield, located ~80 km west of Mahalapye village in the South Eastern Kalahari sub-basin, is one of the potential areas for coal mining in Botswana. This project discusses the petrographic and geochemical results of a detailed investigation carried out on a borehole core of the Moiyabana area, eastern Botswana. Geologically, the Moiyabana coal seams occur in sedimentary rocks of Permian Age and are hosted in the Karoo Supergroup sequence. All coal seams are found w...

Electrical resistivity investigation of part of Mmamabula coal field area for structures that influence the subsurface placement of the coal seams

Abstract: This study focuses on using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to map coal seam and associated structures found within the seams in parts of the Mmamabula Coal Field- central Botswana. The coals of this area belong to the Ecca Group’ s Mmamabula Fm and Mosomane Fm. Several major faults are reported to have affected the Karoo strata in the Mmamabula area. The northern limit of the coalfields is defined by the ENE-trending Zoetfontein Fault which has a downthrow to the no...

Characteristics of shear deformation along the eastern and southern terrane boundaries of the Motloutse complex, eastern Botswana

Abstract: The Motloutse Complex to the southwestern margin of Zimbabwe Craton is a medium-grade terrane in northeastern Botswana. Some studies consider it as part of the Limpopo Complex high-grade terrane between the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons, while others argue it as an allochthonous terrane separate to the Limpopo Complex. A number of shear zones are postulated to delineate the extents of Motloutse Complex. Except the northern margin (the Shashe shear zone), the rest of the terran...

Mineral weathering, pedogenesis and characterization of expansive soils from Serowe, Central Botswana

Abstract: Expansive soils tend to be fairly high in natural fertility and their unique morphology makes them quite interesting. Soils found in Serowe, Central Botswana, commonly exhibit variable degrees of periodic shrinking and swelling which often leave visible cracks and sometimes undulating micro-topography (gilgai) on the landscape. The use of expansive soils is often constrained due to severe management problems often associated with their physico-chemical properties. Therefore, basic ...

A study on the comminution characteristics of diorite

Abstract: The focus of this thesis was on the comparison in breakage behavior of heterogeneous diorite rock obtained at two separate quarry locations in Botswana. There are many problems associated with inefficient size reduction of quarry stones. Generally, when the material is left over sized, it will fail in its downstream operation because during separation/ screening the product will not pass to lower screens and it will require a secondary crushing activity resulting in a waste of ener...

Geochemical Baseline and Pre‑Mining Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metals at Iron Exploration Area, Northeastern Aswan, Egypt

With the emphasis that the study area is a highly mineralized area with high potential for future mining projects due to large iron ore reserves, a total of 21 soil surface samples were investigated in terms of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Co, and As) using ICP-OES to determine the metal concentrations, define the geochemical baseline during pre-mining conditions, decipher metal sources and their interrelationships using multivariate statistical analysis, and evaluate the contamina...

Thin Section Preparation and its Application to Different Rock Types

In thin section preparation, we normally prepare a rock sample of any type and polished it to reach a level of 0.03mm on a polished glass slide to get a thin slice. There are alot of processes that leads to producing a thin slice of a rock sample you will uncover those steps in this article and how they apply to the study of rocks because physical identification of rocks doesn't reveal the birefringence, cleavage, pleochroism, relief, interference color etc. Of a rock sample

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